My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3262: Faint and fall?

The whole world of white bones, with the birth of the "Hall of Ashes", became extraordinarily weird, and this world was glowing with a pale gray light——

Su Jin knew that Di Qiubai was waiting at this time, and he didn't hold it up, his eyes condensed directly into the "grey blue" colorless Tian Mi, and then he pointed away, and the effect of the wordless Tian Mi also appeared in Hua Jieyu. Three women!

After doing this, Su Jin stepped towards the Three Daughters of Huajieyu and dissipated the Kalachakra body. A circle of fairy rings hovered around him, shaking his shoulders slightly, and a fairy tree that broke through the dome appeared behind him!

"The wordless secret can't stop the Ashes Palace." Hua Jieyu hesitated, looking at Su Jin and said.

"Why can't it be stopped?" Mo Hongyu asked puzzledly.

"Bone Bone World, Bone Road, in this world, it is better to say that he is in his Dao Realm. Although the wordless Tian Secret is mysterious, but he has not achieved great success. He cannot use this Supreme Heaven Secret to escape from the Dao. Outside." Hua Jieyu said.

The Lord of Jingyue was obviously very surprised by Hua Jieyu's opinion. This little moon in Moon Tianhai seemed to be much younger than them. Why did he know so much?

"I still have the means." Su Jin had already counted it. He displayed the "Enlightenment Tree", and immediately pointed to the sky, and a circle of Tao Yun condensed on the Enlightenment Tree. Then, his whole body glowed with a bright yellow light. Is beginning to reach the point of invincible defense!

"This technique--" Hua Jieyu's eyes shook.

"There used to be a kind of strange beast in the heavens, named Violent Ape, Violent Ape is talented in magic, Ape Strike!" said the Lord of Jingyue.

"Well, the Ape Strike technique is divided into two parts: one attack and one defense. This technique used to dominate the world, but he didn't expect that even this tree of enlightenment could turn into gold." Hua Jieyu nodded.

There was a strong anxiety in Mo Hongyu's eyes. Although Su Jin had achieved invincible defense, what would they do? She has also heard of this ape attack. The defense method is called ‘Zhentian Golden Pile’, but this tree of enlightenment that turned into a golden tree can really protect them?

In the world of white bones, as the great demon who controls this world, Di Qiubai will be the first to be the first to be destroyed when opening the "Hall of Ashes" later!

Although Di Qiubai was slapped in the face by Su Jin, he was indeed proud now. He didn't care when he saw that Su Jin opened the "Golden Pile of Heaven"!

There is definitely a time limit in this town of gold piles! But once his "Hall of Ashes" is opened, if he wants to, it can exist here forever!

Therefore, the world of bones is his biggest ultimate move——

"Hurry up and enjoy the little time you have left. You are destined to be a loser under my ashes hall." Di Qiubai said.

Ye Di, this strong man born in the heavens, has created miracles again and again, is it really going to fall here?

Many cultivators of God and Heaven were silent after seeing this scene.

Di Qiubai is very strong, even outrageous. A few days ago, he was far from the opponent of Ye Di, but by devouring the corpse of Demon Xian, he can now push Ye Di to this point.

"This demon is a great disaster to my gods and heavens--" a monk finally sighed in Dayue Imperial City.

"The Ye Emperor exhibited the heavens and a tree, and even used the ancient violent ape magic arts, but in the world of white bones, it didn't seem to have any effect, it was so pale and weak."

"Difficult! Fortunately, this great demon Di Qiubai can only exhibit three halls. These three halls are already his limit. If he asks the wise, he can exhibit the "Evil Demon Hall". The vision can annihilate my **** and heaven in an instant, but for him, the hall of evil spirits is still far away."

"Emperor Ye is about to lose. Once he became famous, his light didn't last long, so he will fall sadly today."

"Unfortunately, he could have become a generation of legends. Now those who test the bones of the sky have reached the seventh level. It will not be long before the eighth level is the final'Grave of All Living Beings.' If he had not experienced this calamity today, Will be the most powerful competitor for that piece of superb bone!"

"Sad, sigh!"


Countless people regretted it, but more monks were afraid of Di Qiubai. This kind of demons can easily slaughter several cities, and it is very likely to become the chief culprit of the catastrophe in the future!

However, no one knows. Although Su Jin used the'Zhentian Golden Pile' to achieve a temporarily invincible defense state, his mind is still able to function. When he was using the "Zhentian Golden Pile", he pointed at a distance. There are still the strongest means!

From afar--

The hall of ashes, completely formed and stared in the black wind! A hall, like a circular black hole in the world of bones, was suddenly shaken by Di Qiubai!


The sorrowful wind sounded like a prelude to death. The first palace of bones in the world of bones, when the door of the'Hall of Ashes' was opened, suddenly died out, turning into a piece of grayish gray!

Immediately afterwards, the bones of the world, silently turned into fine powder, madly set off a wave of brilliance from one foot to another! As the White Bone Hall died, the second Tongyou Hall also burst out with a beam of light, as if it was devouring everything!

"How fierce you were when you slapped me just now!" Di Qiubai, as if mad, stepped away from Bone City, stepped directly on top of the'Hall of Ashes', and shouted at Su Jin.

Mo Hongyu, Hua Jieyu, and the Lord of Jingyue were all solemn.

"I have the law of immortality, but the risk is great. If the power of destruction approaches this tree of enlightenment, you have to listen to me--" Hua Jieyu was full of entanglements.

Exposing his identity and strength is what Hua Jieyu is most reluctant to do. If those two servants were present, she would have said that she would naturally be alive and dead at the moment of life and death.

The Lord of Jingyue and Mo Hongyu looked at each other, their eyes full of doubt.

What life-saving methods can Hua Jieyu have? This girl just has a small moon halo in the moon, sky and sea, is there any secret?

"Okay—" Mo Hongyu had no choice but to believe at this time.

"This guy is really greedy for life and fear of death." Hua Jieyu was very depressed, feeling that if Su Jin did not die with "Zhentian Golden Pile", then they would have suffered, even if her own method worked, the price was very high.

Di Qiubai's face was savage, and his body shook violently, and he appeared directly under the "Hall of Ashes". He raised his arm with one arm, and the blue veins on his face were exposed!

At this point, Di Qiubai lifted the Hall of Ashes and stepped directly from the center of the Bone World!

Everything along the way, bones turned into powder, yellow sand turned into smoke, unstoppable——

"All have to die!" Di Qiubai red eyes and stepped on violently!

The entire hall of ashes, as if everything was extinguished, the void was being torn apart silently, the fragments of brilliance flowed endlessly, and he seemed to be able to control any life and death in this world!

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