My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3263: Hall of Ashes vs. Hall of Eternal Life


Di Qiubai seemed to have seen the death of Ye Di, and his mind seemed to restore his unwilling gaze several times. This Ye Di, he will personally behead it, extremely happy.

Hua Jieyu is anxious and has no time!

Immediately, the little moon in the moon, sky and sea, gently closed her beautiful eyes and made an extremely graceful posture. Her hands seemed to be holding a ray of fairy spring, and she held it toward the sky. The entire beautiful posture was surrounded by There are three wonderful Taoist rhymes in pink, blue and blue.

Mo Hongyu and the Lord of Jingyue were shocked. They just felt a flower in front of them, and their vision seemed to be lost. Their eyes were completely dark, and three-color scriptures were densely overflowing around the vision——

"You...who are you!" Di Qiubai felt bad, looked at Hua Jieyu, and yelled in surprise.

It's no wonder that he was so surprised, because in Di Qiubai's eyes, these three women seemed to describe fictitious qualities, and they seemed extremely remote. The three seemed to be far away from the realm of the bones!

Because he knew that Su Jin possessed the Wordless Heaven Secret, Di Qiubai knew very well that with Su Jin’s current power, his comprehension of the Wordless Heaven Secret was far from reaching the peak. He thought he was still in control, but he didn’t. I expected Hua Jieyu's methods to be so terrible.

"Oh -" Su Jin broke free from the state of'Zhentian Golden Pile'.

what's the situation?

Di Qiubai stared, this night the emperor, who voluntarily gave up the blessing of "Zhentian Golden Pile", came out of that state?

"What are you drawing? Do you want to die so soon?!" Di Qiubai asked.

"Ahem, in fact, I'm just waiting for you to make the strongest blow. I'm like a golden pile, just blindfolded--" Su Jin glanced at Hua Jieyu as he spoke to Di Qiubai.

Hua Jieyu's heart sank cruelly, she is very unhappy now, very unhappy.

I don't know it is Di Qiubai, even she has a feeling, that feeling is that he has caught the Yedi's routine!

Su Jin himself felt quite cheap.

You know, Hua Jieyu walked out of the border with him. He was extremely reluctant before. This woman has a terrifying identity, a great reliance and a hole card. He could only do this just now to test out some fiction.

"Ye Di! I tell you, you are too big, my ashes hall, enough to destroy everything here, do you think this will be able to routine me? Dreaming! I will kill you now—" Di Qiu Bai said with a grim face , His eyes were full of fierce expression, and he was not afraid of Su Jin's methods.

"From the beginning to the end, this king didn't take you seriously, just want to see how ugly you are. I didn't pay attention to you in the world of bones and the palace of ashes."

Su Jin went on to say: "It's undeniable that there is something in your Ashen Hall, which is not in the eyes of this king. I will tell you now, although your Ashen Hall is strong, it will never be as strong as mine—"

"Yours?" Di Qiubai was surprised.

Su Jin stretched his arms, and Niu Biao coaxed and said, "Yes! Now this king will let you see and see, your Palace of Ashes is actually a younger brother!"


The world of bones has thundered!

Su Jin raised the palm of his hand as if he was holding the void, his palm seemed to hold the sky, bringing the wind and clouds together!

Di Qiubai was shocked. The "Hall of Ashes" he was holding up shook, and the black wind around him was suppressed. For a while, it was as heavy as a heavenly fault!

The three daughters of Mo Hongyu are in a mysterious mood, unlike just now, they can already see things——

Seeing this scene at the moment, Mo Hongyu was amazed and understood everything! Only then did she know that everything was originally under the control of Ye Di!

"Nine heavens and ten grounds, the Hall of Eternal Life." Mo Hongyu turned her head and looked at the Lord of Jingyue and Hua Jie and said: "This Hall of Eternal Life is enough to suppress any hall here, let alone the Hall of Ashes, even if it is him. The exhibition of the final'Evil Demon Hall' will have to be conquered by His Highness Changsheng."

High in the sky, among the gathering wind and clouds, a golden sacred dragon covering half of the sky, suddenly exhibited its domineering posture, flying through the clouds!

Di Qiubai was stunned. He heard the roar of the golden dragon, and when he looked up, he saw a golden dragon about to descend from the nine heavens. The golden dragon, the dragon's body na Xinghe, is slowly descending on a phantom temple!

"Get up--" Su Jin lifted his palm falsely, and the virtual ‘Eternal Life Hall’ on the back of the Golden Sacred Dragon slowly left the dragon’s back and was directly photographed by him!

"I... don't believe it!" Di Qiubai gritted his teeth and poured all the devil's power into the'Hall of Ashes', let alone, in doing so, it really worked!

The black wind screamed, and the entire hall of ashes began to shine with a brilliant black light. The black light was extremely rich, as if it was mixed with a faint blood.

Hua Jieyu bit her lip with her shell teeth and stared at Su Jin fiercely. Although she was half covering her face, the cold from all over her body still made the two girls shiver.

"Ye Di shouldn't be intentional." Mo Hongyu whispered, although she didn't even believe what she said.

"Even you can tell, and you said he didn't mean it?" Hua Jieyu turned her head, not knowing why, but was very angry, and she rarely felt that way.

The Lord of Jingyue looked at Su Jin with some sympathy. Although she was also emotional about Su Jin's city mansion, it was obvious that the previous things angered Little Moon, and the consequences were not known how serious.

"It's okay, he will definitely give you an explanation afterwards," said the Lord of Jingyue.

"Where is there any afterthought, I hope that Demon will kill him with the'Hall of Ashes', wishing him to die--" Hua Jieyu didn't even want to look at Su Jin again.

Why is Hua Jieyu not angry? Just now, in order to seek a living, she resorted to means to directly bless Yedi's two beauties, but what happened? I was caught up by the **** Yedi routine, and with the other's cleverness, I can definitely find some clues from this method. This person is very bad, so bad in my heart!

Of course, this is a few women's views and thoughts.

Look at that Di Qiubai, after all the demon power blessings, this ‘Hall of Ashes’ seems to have been out of the state of suppression, which also revived his great confidence!

"Ye Di! Both you and me, all bless your own means! We fight for life and death!" Di Qiubai returned with confidence, pointing to Su Jin and shouted.

"My blow will cause you to destroy the palace and die--" Where did Su Jin be polite to him and said coldly.

"Whoever lives or dies, don't be proud too early!" Di Qiubai lifted the'Hall of Ashes' and jumped high into the sky.

Su Jin also turned into a divine rainbow, with a single palm, shining with nine divine clouds on his body, blessing the "Eternal Life Palace", directly driving the "Eternal Life Palace" and rushing towards Di Qiubai!

One is the evil demon Dizi who masters the world of bones and controls the "Hall of Ashes"!

On the other side is the night emperor who controls the Hall of Longevity and the nine practitioners!

The two halls were deafening, cut through the void, and ran into each other directly!

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