My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3267: It's nice to have a grandpa

"Little Bianbian, dare to despise my grandfather, when has this young master been wronged?" Ji Tianao walked into the void with his sword back on his second back, "Dare to offend my god, be careful my grandfather comes to clean up you—— "

Su Jin looked strange.

Ji Tianao, this kid is really funny, he doesn't leave his grandfather, but that Tianji **** ancestor is really not afraid of virtuous?

"It's a idiot dream." Hua Jieyu murmured, and Meimu glanced at Su Jin. She had a lot of puzzles about this guy. She felt that he was a bit machismo, even heroism, and I might not even know how to die. .


Princess Worry-free stepped into the void, a pair of "indefinite flying rings", golden light, sprinkled with mysterious charm and brilliance, her heavenly bones and divine intent, after receiving the blessing of the heavenly bones, can make her display instantly More than a dozen variations of "amorphous flying ring".

Again, this has greatly increased her confidence!

"Where's the emperor! Come out and die!" Niu Zaifei took the lead, leaving the gods and demons team far behind, and directly rushed toward the blue blood cow.

"You'd better take my knife!" Ji Tianao drew his sword, as fast as an electric switch, his Ba Yue opened the **** sword seldom drank blood, and today he will take the bull to test the knife and drink the blood of the devil.

"Fuck -" Niu Zaifei saw Ji Tianao this kid, knowing that he is not the emperor of the night, and patted the blue blood cow directly. This huge body of the cow, like a fiery horse, raised its hooves. , Before the thunder, first collapsed and flew Ji Tianao's knife, another bull's hoof kicked him over, turning over a hundred somersault in the void!


Ji Tian arrogantly wanted to vomit blood, and he was deeply ashamed, but he was very weak in his heart, why is this cow flying so strong! Almost kicked him to death with a hoof!

"You should thank you for having a famous grandfather--" The handsome man walked to the place where Ji Tianao settled, helped him up and commented.

indeed so--

With the realm and strength of the cattle flying, Ji Tianao is far from his opponent, and he will naturally not be regarded by him. On the contrary, the name of the **** ancestor Ji that day is really big, otherwise this kick will make Ji Tianaoying Died young.

"Smelly shameless, use bulls and beasts to bully people! You wait for me, wait for me to shake my grandfather." Ji Tianao was burned with anger, turning his hands, there was a communication sacred stone on the palm of his hand. The imprint of the soul of his Tianji Protoss.

At this moment, the soul imprint on the communication sacred stone gleamed, and Ji Tianao yelled at the sacred stone: "Grandpa, come! There is something to eat!"

Su Jin and others heard Ji Tianao's words, and suddenly there were a few more black lines on their faces——

Niu Zaifei frowned, despised the audience, and said indifferently: "Why, is there so many wastes in Shentian now? Today, we have Bianhuangxian main town, let alone one Tianji God Ancestor, even ten, one A hundred, all can only stare at it!"

Moxian, the town?

This is to open up the Demon God Era regardless of the cost——

"The devil in the border, there are no less than six people who have defeated me, what are you?" Su Jin calmly looked at Niu Zai Fei.

"It seems that you are the emperor of the night. There are more than two hundred of you here. In my Niu Zaifei's eyes, they are all mobs. Only you can catch your eye. You are barely worthy of being my opponent." Niu Zaifei smiled coldly and looked at him. Su Jin said.

"Niu is flying, don't blow the cowhide too much, I don't think you are worthy of being the opponent of the emperor." The commander flirted with his very happy, very compact clothes, and planned to curse him.

"A bunch of rotten grass turned into a demon, believe it or not, I light a fire and burn you?" Niu Zaifei looked at the handsome.

The handsome man really feels that this bull is flying!

"When this handsome was born, even Wu Shi didn't dare to look down upon him. You little calf, you don't even have the qualifications to eat my pile of rotten grass. Believe it or not that this handsome has the means to make you worse off?"

The handsome can't bear it, he wants to make a move!

"I'll come--" the young Huangdi came and said through the voice transmission: "Brother Ye postponed, in case of accidents, the handsome brother can be a magic weapon, and this person will be handed to me."

Su Jin hesitated slightly, then nodded in agreement.

The young Emperor Huang walked straight out of the team, standing at a place less than 100 meters away from Niu Zai, and said: "You take action, to remind you, if you don't give your full strength, you will not have a second chance."

"Who are you?" Niu Zaifei felt that this young man was a bit arrogant, and even tended to overshadow him.

"It's nothing more than the mob." Huangdi shook his head and said.

"I don't have time to play with you. I am here for Zhan Ye Di." Niu Zaifei frowned.

"Emperor Ye is the number one expert among us. He is not talented and ranks second. If you can't even pass this level of mine, where do you fit into his eyes?" Huang Emperor said calmly.

The second master?

Niu Zaifei's eyes lit up, thinking that it should not be bad--

"Okay! Anyway, I won't take any effort to kill you!" Niu Zaifei stepped on the top of the blue blood cow's head, and a cloud of blood came out of him directly.

One circle, two circles, the blood-colored sky wheels were constantly condensing from the cow on Fei. Those sky wheels seemed to be source orifices, rippled, and then there was a muffled sound spreading around.


Niu Zaifei looked at Huangdi with a strange look. He originally thought this young boy would be afraid of himself. After all, the power he showed now was enough to crush the audience.

Is it to force composure?

Huangdi nodded at Niu Zaifei, raised his arm, and a colorful light appeared on his palm!

Su Jin's heart trembled. It turned out that it was not only him and Princess Wuyou, but Huangdi also received the blessing of Tian Bone here! However, it was not the divine will that blessed Emperor Huang that day, but... the power of life!

"You, you..." Niu Zaifei looked at Huang Di in an incredible way.

Princess Wuyou asked Su Jin in tension: "Why can Emperor Huang use the power of life?"

The others also looked at Su Jin, not knowing why.

"It's very simple. Emperor Huang was born from another tomb of sentient beings. I am afraid that the secret in him is no less than mine." Su Jin said indifferently: "He is blessed by this tomb of sentient beings."

"Blessed by the graves of all beings?" Princess Wuyou felt her mind rumbling, and she couldn't believe it.

"It should be said that it was blessed by the mortal monument here--" Su Jin said with certainty.

That's not the same!

Sealing station, monument of life!

The life monument now does not know where it is, and it actually blessed the power of life for Emperor Huang! But thinking about it, it can be understood that a young man crawled out of a grave of all beings, and there are rumors that he was born in the monument of the grave of all beings!

Ji Tianao was in the back, feeling extremely embarrassed. After wiping the blood from his lips, he came back, and immediately gave others confidence. He packed the ticket and said: "Their demon is a fart, my grandfather will be here soon. , You call Niu Fei, right? You won’t be able to fly later, I will discount your dog legs--"

Everyone looked at each other, Su Jin smiled bitterly: "It's nice to have a grandpa like this..."

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