My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3268: Dark Lord

Grandpa Fight, no one here is as good as Ji Tianao——

However, Niu Zaifei didn't care about Ji Tianao at all. His face rarely showed a solemn color. His current opponent is Huang Di, and the slight pressure from the opponent's body caused him a lot of pressure.

"I don't care who you are. I want to beat me today. It's a foolish dream!" Niu Zaifei crossed his right arm, and there were three faint red cows all around him. Then he raised his arms and said, down. The blue blood cow seemed to feel the fighting spirit and couldn't help roaring!

The young Huangdi seemed to have entered a special state. His eyes looked like memories, and every trace of the life force in his palm was like a living thing, flowing between his fingers.


The young Huangdi's body was shrouded in colored brilliance. He gently lifted his palm, and above his head, an extremely terrifying phantom appeared!

not good!

When Niu Zaifei saw that phantom, his complexion changed sharply, and his whole body's strength was immediately raised to the extreme. That phantom could make everything silent and awe-inspiring!

At this moment, even Ji Tianao, who was constantly jumping, calmed down, opened his mouth, his face full of disbelief——

The phantom that manifested on the top of Huangdi's head turned out to be a grave of sentient beings!

"Flying, come back!" There were several voices from the mighty Border Demon Race in the distance.

Niu Zaifei is now groaning constantly, and he rushes in with a break, watching everything! But at this moment, the second master of these testers has rarely suffered an unimaginable predicament. This Huangdi is his rival!

Should he retire?


But Niu Zaifei couldn't retreat at all, nor did he dare!

Demon Bian Huang must be watching him now. If the Demon God Era had not been opened from here, his failure would definitely affect the entire Demon God army!

"Fight!" Niu Zaifei gritted his teeth in the predicament, and his whole body was surging with magical blood. He actually exploded with a strength far beyond normal. He could only display the power of three original blood cows, but now he bursts out **** cows again. Ying, then, there were twelve **** cow shadows, hissing again!

The imaginary tomb of all beings is on top of the young Huangdi’s head, but it is only a hundred meters in radius, but the coercion given to people is like a star field, and it may collapse at any time——

Fifteen cow shadows with condensed origin, under the extreme blessing of Niu Zaifei, rush towards the young Huangdi!

These cow shadows shattered the void and rolled up a void storm, as if unstoppable, they would trample the young Huangdi to death under the iron hoof!

Huangdi lightly pointed, and the phantom of sentient beings' graves seemed to be like a cloud, shaking the space, rushing towards Niu Zaifei--




Fifteen blood-colored cow shadows, as if they were destroyed and decayed, were shattered by the floating "Grave of All Living Beings" phantom. The blue blood cow hissed in a low voice, with a sad color in his eyes. In order to protect the Lord, he rushed towards it. The phantom of the graves of all beings!


Looking at the blue blood cow with amazing defensive power, it was like a sacred mountain that had flooded the sky. In the end, it didn't even touch the edge of the graves of sentient beings. It was torn apart and torn into a **** mist!

When Niu Zaifei's fifteen original origins, Niu Ying, were shattered, he had suffered serious injuries. Now that his mount was destroyed, an unprecedented fear gushed in his heart!

How could this Huangdi be so strong!

What about the first night emperor who claims to be second!

Buzzing, Niu Zaifei was stunned by the aura of the sentient beings' grave, and back again and again. Behind him, four figures suddenly appeared, two of them directly supported him!

"You are so small, why are you so angry? Don't say that you two hundred people, even if they are gods and gods, are destined to be developed today." Among the four, one was wearing a black and blue robe. When the middle-aged man looked at Su Jin and others, there was an unconcealable evil in his eyes.

Evil-hearted Phoenix shook his heart--

"Pay attention to this person." Evil Heart Phoenix reminded Su Jin.

"Who is he?" Su Jin Chuanyin asked.

"The Dark Lord is walking the Dark Night Avenue. The place where this person appears must be a lonely and desperate situation of bones. He is far more bloodthirsty than other demons." Evil Heart Phoenix said.

"Shentian, do we really think we can stop the demon of the border?" The master of the Ice Profound Palace said with an ugly expression: "Why hasn't anyone come yet? Princess Wuyou, what about the beasts of your Great Moon Kingdom? And Mr. Yun They didn't mean to show up anyhow—"

"I don't know, let alone my Great Moon Kingdom, even the power of the Eastern Tang Divine Kingdom is not half of the shadow." Princess Wuyou frowned.

"This is the question of the test." Su Jin Chuanyin said: "Someone is in the layout, so there is a temporary change of the test level before, so that all the testers who have no beginning pass at the time can get the beginningless inheritance. Of course, the original inheritance I obtained is different. Calculate."

"Then what?" Princess Wuyou asked in doubt.

"The existence of the gods in the sky, to prevent the opening of the era of the demon gods, naturally requires the two hundred testers this time to gain the inheritance of the celestial bones, and take away the celestial bones here, so everyone has a chance." Su Jin continued. : "As long as you get the approval of Tiangu, it is equivalent to defeating the conspiracy of these Border Demon Race——"

Ji Tian'ao heard his eyes light up, "So, this time Tiangu will definitely choose the master!"

"Yes." Su Jin nodded.

"Brother Ye, you dominate the first few levels of the horse fleas. I didn't expect that brother, I will eat chicken in the end? I have the blood of the Tianji Protoss, and my grandfather is the Tianji God ancestor. He is so handsome, even if he is judged by his appearance. , Tiangu should also choose me as the master!" Ji Tianao laughed.

Su Jin smiled and said: "Then you have to behave well, if it is not out of my expectation, within a half-pillar of incense, the monument of creatures will appear--"

"So sure?" Ji Tianao was shocked.

"Do you think those demons are all used to deal with our people? Last time, the blood demons were not of sufficient rank to allow the birth of the monument, and even the sealing platform was not shaken much." Su Jin said quietly.

Mo Hongyu had some doubts about Su Jin's words, but when she saw that the endless number of demon heads were all poured into the graves of sentient beings separately, she believed a little!

"The Yedi guess is reasonable." Princess Wuyou said.

"Brother Ji, play with me--" Su Jin smiled: "Don't work hard, Tiangu is not your part."

"Ah? I, I have to wait for my grandfather to come." Ji Tianao gave a sharp voice, and responded instinctively.

Su Jin shook his head and strode out.

"Today, I killed the Dark Lord and won the first place." Su Jin's eyebrows moved slightly, and a line of gray pupils suddenly opened!

"The cow is flying, watch Master Dao come to you." The Scarecrow commander appeared awe-inspiring not far away and called out.

Hearing Su Jin's cries of war, the Dark Lord shook his heart! He was in the border desert before, so he naturally heard the legend of Ye Di in the border desert! This person can even be defeated by Sword Master Wan Hai, his strength should not be underestimated!

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