My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3270: The death knell sounds for the saint!

Dark world.

As the absolute master of the dark world, the Dark Lord is not observing Su Jin’s every move. He can’t see the details of Su Jin, and he doesn’t know how many methods he has, but when he sees Su Jin watching the changes, he starts Can't help it.

In the ink color, strands of black and red pattern Luo quietly spread in all directions, Su Jin saw the sharp blade quietly emerging from the black and red pattern Luo, and it felt like spring bamboo shoots after the rain, and all began to emerge——

"Purgatory?" Su Jin had a thought in his mind.

"Ye Di! This is the purgatory pass in my dark world, known as the Black Mountain Sword Sea! Now, this saint appeals to your sins and sends you to the bone-picking platform under the Black Mountain Tianque. You will be powerless!" Darkness Shengjun Yin smiled.

Su Jin said indifferently, "Do you think I can't get you out of the world? Your purgatory is very pediatric to me, and now this king just uses your dark world to cover the eyes of outsiders. Let you see what purgatory is!"


Su Jinyao pointed out that in the entire dark world, a violent wind blew in an instant!

In the whirlpool zone where the wind tornado is forming, there is actually an extremely terrifying Xingtai!

"This, this is..." The Dark Lord suddenly became nervous, "Guillotine! You have the ghost king body! You are the ghost king!"


The Dark Lord heard about the night emperor's deeds and knew that he had several fellow practitioners, but he never expected that he was still the ghost king, and such a terrifying ghost king!


The **** ‘guillotine’ threw out a chain of blood-red barb chains as thick as a mountain, as if a mountain range was connected in the entire dark world!

"Sage Lord of Darkness!" Su Jin manifested his ghost kingly halo on the'guillotine', and then the'guillotine' suddenly burst into blood, and that blood was reflected in every corner of the dark world and quickly caught a trace. Silky dark black air!


Although Su Jin knew the difference, the ‘Concentration Technique’ still held the black energy for half a second, and then the barb chain on the ‘guillotine’ swung directly, directly entangled the black energy!


The Dark Lord screamed, the dense chain of barbs directly made him show his figure, the barb could break his demon body, and in an instant, a barb pierced his lute bone!

I have to admit that the Dark Lord thinks he has a chance of winning, and now he is stabbed by a barb, and the boiling blood begins to flow along the chain on the ‘guillotine’!

"Guillotine! Why can the guillotine weaken me!" The Dark Sage screamed, he was extremely frightened, feeling that his power was flowing quickly along the devil's blood, and looking at the ‘guillotine’, it became more and more dazzling!


The Dark Lord's face was pale, and he vaguely saw that a space world was opened up. It was a terrifying vision of nine heavens and ten places, and in one of the purgatory, there was an ancient bell hanging under an old tree, that was a ‘death knell’!

This death knell is for him!

"You shouldn't have been careless. This king has fought against the six great demons on your side. Think about how miserable they were, and your dark night purgatory road was used in front of this king. Didn't you realize that your current purgatory no longer grows your power?" Su Jin laughed coldly.

"Ah! It's true that you have fought six great demons! But you have never killed one. You are a coincidence, a coincidence!" The Dark Lord now has five places on the demon body that are penetrated by barbs, and he is even weaker. ! The more you struggle, the more you feel fainted!

"One, if I burst out with all my strength, I can still easily cut it off----" Su Jin said indifferently.

"Sage Lord, save me--" The Dark Lord saw that the chain was pulling him to the'guillotine', and his mind suddenly collapsed. He was not successful and didn't want to be the first to fall!


The dark world shielded everything. Outside, I just saw a thick black world opened up. I don't know how the battle is going!


The battle is equally fierce!

Princess Wuyou can't help trembling with her delicate body now. She dragged one of the three sages of the Lei family, and the indefinite flying ring released a colorful illusion, and directly dragged the Lei Xuanzi into it, but as the other party kept in the illusion She has repeatedly slashed and attacked her Heavenly Bone Shenwu, she has felt bad for several times!

On the other side, the cow's blue veins burst out on Fei's face. He really didn't expect that he wouldn't be able to defeat Emperor Huang. How could he be unable to surrender even a straw monster!

What is the origin of this handsome man——

Marshal Scarecrow is now not forgiving. A **** egg-shaped spell enchantment has condensed around his body, and spells are constantly floating on the surface of the enchantment.

Moreover, the marshal took out a piece of demon sage's flesh and blood for refining from time to time, and obtained the sage power in it, and wanted to sacrifice and kill the cow while flying!

"Niu Zaifei, you are really stupid, dare to provoke the great handsome Taoist master, do you know that the Taoist master was used to prepare to deal with the supreme divine treasure of the Emperor without beginning?" The handsome handsome, it uses refining His virtuous power, blessing the evil curse, waved his hand again and again, and slapped Niu Zaifei vigorously with the evil curse.

"I'm going to burn you!" Niu Zaifei suddenly protruded his eyes and his body soared. After all, he planned to do his best. After soaring like a mountain, two ears grew above his ears. Crystal red horns!

"Self-damaging the origin?" The commander didn't even think about it, he quickly removed the barrier and started to run away.

"Die to me!" Niu Zaifei caught up with him, his devilish palm swept heavily, and directly swept the little Red Riding Hood off the top of the handsome head——

"You are too much!" The commander caught the red cap, but Niu Zaifei held it in his hand.

"How! The end of provoking me Niu Zaifei is to be crushed to death by me! Blame yourself for being stupid and provoking people you shouldn't provoke!" Niu Zaifei is very happy, and he is now in charge. The life of this straw demon can easily turn into a handful of ashes as long as he has a thought!

"In all the world, you are the first person who dares to hold my body like this--" The commander did not panic, but looked at Niu Fei with sarcasm.


Is there still a means?

Niu Zaifei suddenly felt bad, and felt a burst of burning and tingling on his palm, and his palm began to lose blood!

After panicking, Niu Zaifei let go of the commander. When he saw his palm, he saw patches of blood-colored sacrificial writings shining, sinking and floating inside and outside the palm of his hand——

Niu Zaifei saw with his own eyes that his palm was shrinking, followed by his forearm, he roared, and he could only make one choice. A knife in his left hand went down and his arm was broken to survive!

"Ah -" Niu Zai Fei Yangtian roared, his resentment was already extreme!

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