My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3271: The sun and the moon are old and must be changed to a new sky

"Hey, you are smart." The handsome man used his hands to straighten his Little Red Riding Hood, "Get me out of the graves of all beings, otherwise I will see you once and beat you once."

Niu Zaifei feels hard--

There are not many of these people, but why is everyone so difficult to deal with!

"Don't leave!" Ji Tian said arrogantly, "I want to give my grandfather an explanation, how can I say let go and let him go? Punish him to stand and let him stand aside!"

"Brothers, brothers, my fault." The handsome man smiled triumphantly. "The cow is flying! Go away! Dare to walk, I will interrupt your dog legs!"

The Three Saints of the Lei Family felt that things were not going well now. They came here first to stop Ye Di and them, but they didn't expect Niu Zaifei to lose one after another. The Dark Lord still didn't know the situation.

At the scene, Emperor Huang had already gained the upper hand with just one person, and wounded their eldest brother!

"Unexpectedly... I won--" Hua Jieyu murmured, looking at the thick black world, with a strong inconceivable expression in his eyes, and a bit of depression.

"Who won? Brother and sister, you used the word ‘Even’, don’t you believe this boss?" Hearing Hua Jieyu’s words, the boss immediately became a little dissatisfied, why would he be willing?

Hua Jieyu looked at the handsome man with a strange look, this straw demon is so nasty, calling her... calling her younger siblings! Humph, is he worthy of Ye Di——

"Can you see the battle between Ye Di and the Dark Sage?" Mo Hongyu had different opinions. She noticed that Hua Jieyu had just looked at the dark world and asked quickly.

"I don't know, don't ask me." Hua Jieyu turned his head.


No one in the battlefield knows, the gods and heavens are almost all boiling! !

"Originally thought that there would be a big gap between our gods and the frontier, but now it seems that those big demons are nothing great, and the commander can clean up the cows and fly!" There are monks in the big moon imperial city. Said.

"The king's baby princess, also performed well, used the Heavenly Bone Divine Martial Arts to stabilize a great demon of the Lei family, we still have the upper hand—"

"It's a pity! That endless demon has all poured into the graves of sentient beings, and the final result is very likely to win by the frontier. They will definitely succeed in opening the era of the devil today!"

"Don't you pay attention to Yedi? That dark saint is not an easy mess. He has been famous in the border for tens of thousands of years. Yedi is trapped in the dark world. I don't know what to do--"

"It's a bit bad. Did you see the Buddha King's body in the Tongtian Hall just now? Ye Di walked directly out of the Tongtian Hall. Obviously, he was not very optimistic about the battle with the Dark Lord."

"Emperor Huang, Emperor Huang is the one who can save the gods, but there is another problem, and that is the sky bones. If the sky bones are not obtained at the end, would they not open up the era of the devil gods?"

"Definitely! Whether Tiangu gets it or not, Demon God Era will be opened—"

Countless people are looking forward to it, and the noise is endless. On the gods and the earth, the curtains of the tombs of all beings are affecting the nerves of every country. After all, it is about survival!

Compared with the fighting situation of everyone, the strange appearance of the "Grave of All Beings" at this moment is naturally more terrifying——

The entire tomb of sentient beings is covered with blood clouds. This tomb of sentient beings originally evolved from the star field. Now the endless blood color has aroused the concern of countless people.


There are several ‘seal tables’ that cannot withstand the attack of devil energy. After being dimmed, they exploded and splashed gravel!

The Ice Profound Palace Master, who did not participate in the battle, saw this situation, even if he was worried, if all the'seal stage' on the tombs of sentient beings exploded, the monuments of life would be forced to appear. At that moment, the bones of the sky appeared. when.

"You follow him, maybe it's a good start--" Hua Jieyu looked at Xiexin Phoenix from one side, and then looked at Yucha Demon Girl and Tingxue.

Evil Phoenix Jieyu glanced at each other, only to feel a chill in her back, but she couldn't tell why this feeling appeared!

"Emperor Ye will definitely prevent the opening of Demon God Era." Xiexin Phoenix said.

"No, he actually knows very well in his heart that he has no power to stop it, and he is not a **** of heaven, there is no reason to help this——" Hua Jieyu said coldly.

"However, with the fall of the gods and heaven, coupled with the fact that there are no sages in the world, the ambitions of the border will surely expand to the heavens. At that time, there will be wars, and Ye Di will definitely not let this happen."

"The heavens should have been messed up!" Hua Jieyu sneered: "The heavens are like a pool of stagnant water. Only chaos can bring the chaos out and create a new era and a new era."

Evil Heart Phoenix was speechless for a while, and she found that when the other party said such things, she didn't even have the courage to look at each other!


"There will be countless tombs of sentient beings in the battle of the heavens, when the creatures will be overwhelmed, the magic way will be rampant, and God will not allow this to happen!" Mo Hongyu retorted.

"Haha, God?" Hua Jieyu snorted: "God hasn't allowed Liudao Xiu to appear, but how many has Ye Di repaired? God hasn't allowed sages to be born, but what about me? Hasn't a new sage appeared yet! The month is old and must be changed to a new sky. This is the general trend—"

In the fierce battle, the void suddenly stagnated, and everyone felt that the speed of time had slowed down, and even the blink of an eye seemed to have passed a long time!

Everyone is horrified, what is this!

Niu Zaifei's heart sank, and he saw a white storm swept over from a distance, and a big pale hand appeared in the storm! A moment, just a moment! Niu Zaifei was severely caught by the neck and was taken away directly!

"Grandpa!" Ji Tianao slapped his legs fiercely, "Grandpa don't kill him!"


The white storm suddenly disappeared, everyone returned to normal, their eyes staring blankly at Ji Tianao——

The **** ancestor Tianji has taken action. It is rumored that this ancestor has seen the real God and received a reward from God! If who is the strongest in the gods, it is the **** ancestor of the gods! He also truly possesses the super invincible power against sages!

"Get here." God Ancestor Tianji said, his voice echoed between heaven and earth, Ji Tianao twitched his cheeks and walked directly into nothingness, but until he met his grandfather, he also found that he had not left the grave of all beings!

In the past of this episode, the Lei Family's Three Sages changed their colors one after another and discovered an extremely terrible thing!

The dark world in the distance is dissipating! The Three Saints of the Lei Family couldn't believe it now! They did not perceive any breath of the Dark Lord! !

In that emptiness, one person finally manifested--

The audience, silent! It was quiet, everyone could hear their own breathing, but the scene was suffocating for a while.

Ye Di walked out of the dissipated darkness! Holding a bunch of hair in his hand, under that hair is a corpse skull! The head of the Dark Lord!

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