My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3272: The means of the emperor

Dark Lord, slaughtered!

This is a duel that Yedi is not optimistic about. After all, the Dark Lord has a veteran seniority and has been in the middle of the desert for so many years. The strange place of the corpse today is indeed beyond everyone's imagination!

The three sages of Lei Family glanced at Su Jin's place, and suddenly roared again and again, the brilliance of the three broke out, and even shook Princess Wuyou and Huangdi back a distance!

"Holy Monarch!" Everyone in the Lei Family's Three Sages blushed, a little hard to accept this fact. His Lei Family has a deep connection with the Dark Sage. They have always been in the same spirit and help each other. Now the bad news is spreading. Then, the holy monarch was beheaded, and the three brothers even wanted to abandon Emperor Huang and them, and rushed directly to kill the damned Ye Emperor!

The starry night is still bright!

It was just that this night was a bit cold, Su Jin took a cold look at the Three Sages of the Lei Family, then threw the head of the Dark Sage to the Three Sages of the Lei Family.

"The ultimate big devil, but that's just so--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Ye Di! Since you are not a man in the heavens, why do you want to stop me from going to wasteland twice and three times!" When the boss of the Lei family caught the head of the Dark Lord, he only felt that his body was shaking, trembling crazily.

Shengjun he--

Don't look down!

The neat wound was obviously cut with a sharp weapon. The Lei Family’s three sages initially judged that the wound was not cut with a sword by the emperor. The existence of the dark sage, the demon is strong, unless it is more than twice his strength. Use a sword to create this effect!

How did this Ye Di behead the Dark Lord!

Not only did the Lei Family Three Sages have this idea in their minds, but even Mo Hongyu was at a loss. It stands to reason that the duel between Su Jin and the Dark Sage was 19% at most, and the odds of winning are too high. No matter how high, after all, the Dark Lord is the ultimate big demon, the pinnacle powerhouse among the devil adults!

In the Great Moon Imperial City, the king burst into tears with joy, and the entire Kingdom of God seemed to be celebrating the New Year!

"How can it be as strong as a dark saint? Yedi stepped into his dark world alone, unscathed, and brought out the head of the saint!" Many royal families cheered.

"His Majesty the King has ordered that a hundred beasts that protect the country will begin to march into the graves of sentient beings. This battle, our Great Moon Kingdom must take over!"

"The three sages of the Lei Family are all frightened. As long as the Dark Sage does not die and drags the Ye Di, their side has a lot of chances of winning, but now... it is very realistic! The Ye Di demonstrated super means, Slaying the Sage, now... …The Lei Family’s Three Sages are definitely not the enemy of Ye Di and Huang Di’s joint efforts!"

"Emperor Ye is really incredible. As expected, he is my god, the Buddha, and the king. Although he is not my god, he is a Buddha. My Buddha is compassionate and has a heart for the world!"

"Bian Huang was frustrated again when he went out of his teacher. Today, God and Heaven are guarded by Ye Emperor, Huang Emperor, and God Ancestor of Tianji, which is worthy of being a wise man!"


Exhilarating, now the whole **** and heaven seems to have a heart of conviction. Obviously, Ye Di used monstrous means to behead the Dark Lord to death, giving people great hope in their hearts——

The three sages of the Lei family are becoming more and more vigilant now. The boss of the Lei family took a closer look and found that the dark sage has disappeared even the devil soul. He has continued to calculate, but has all kinds of doubts to be solved.

"Big Brother! Ye Di has been freed, we have no advantage!" Lei's second child said eagerly.

"Well, now our frontier army has entered the tomb of all living beings. The opening of the Demon God Era has been halfway through, and they have been difficult to resist. Now let us retreat and wait for Tiangu to be born!" Lei family boss has already suffered from fighting against Huangdi No slight injury, now seeing no hope of winning, can only choose to retreat.

"Are you sure to leave?" Huangdi asked coldly.

"Our Lei Family Sansheng wants to leave, who can stop it!"

The words of the Lei Family's Three Sages just fell, and even if they felt a chill on their back, Ye Di was gone in their vision!


Ye Di appeared behind the Lei Family's Three Sages, blocking their way back to the desert!

All the women of Mo Hongyu had scalp numbness. Everyone in Xi'an Airlines, I am afraid that only Hua Jieyu knew what was going on, because everything that happened just now in the dark world was seen by this woman!

Could it be that Yedi didn't use his full strength when fighting against the Dark Lord?

I don’t know that Mo Hongyu and the others have this kind of thought. At this moment, Su Jin’s opponent, the Lei Family’s Three Sages, also has a solemn expression.

"Big Brother! Fight with them!"

"Yes, my Lei family has never been so humiliated before, he actually stopped me waiting for the future, must teach this ignorant night emperor--"

"The Dark Lord has confronted him, he must be short of strength at this moment, it is a good opportunity to cut him!"


The three sages of the Lei family all looked at each other. After a brief exchange, Princess Wuyou's Heavenly Bone Shenwu was shaken off, and the three brothers stood back to back into a triangle formation, guarding Su Jin and Huangdi——

Su Jin raised his arm, a circle of sword marks was like a sword lotus blooming, and his sharp edge could not be looked at directly. He was like an immortal, covered in immortal spirits, cut through time and space with a sword, and took the Lei family boss's neck!

"Qiang Qiang!"

The second Lei family’s devil armor appeared directly, with his fists intertwined directly in front of him, bursting out a brilliant magic light. The three of them came out of the same source, practiced the same method, and when they stood together, they each blessed each other. It can be regarded as their biggest support-

"Awesome!" The commander's eyes lighted up.

"After cutting the Three Sages, I rushed into the graves of all living beings with all my strength, beheading the demons, and preventing the life monument from appearing." Su Jin shouted coldly.

This test of the bones of the sky is no longer a simple fight for the bones. Instead of this, he would rather the bones not be born that day——

Princess Wuyou has a bleeding on her lips. She feels that she is still too weak. She can't support it just now. She is very discouraged and blames herself. What if she is covered with the best bones? It is simply difficult to compete against any of the three sages of the Lei Family!


The sword lotus was blossomed by Su Jin. Those sword flowers that looked like ice seemed to shine around the Lei Family's Three Sages in an instant. His Lei Family's Three Sages were furious and his whole body was used for defense!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The weird and tricky sword marks slashed out a dazzling fire. The Lei family’s boss was injured. Now Su Jin is staring at him, and he immediately loses strength. From the left face to the eyebrows, down to the chin, a terrible line appeared directly. Wounds!

This sword almost blinded him!

The Lei Family's Three Saints roared in resentment--

However, in the next scene, the monks in the gods and the endless borders were all shocked!

The boss of the Lei family was holding the head of the dark sage. He did not expect that the head suddenly opened his mouth and bit his forearm directly. The sacred corpse of the sage was enveloped by a cloud of devilish energy, crazy. Swallowing the devil blood of the Lei family boss, his flesh and blood are rapidly drying up!

"Holy King!"

"Big Brother! Throw it away!"

The two younger brothers were pale, and they immediately saw that something was wrong. They never expected that the head belonging to the Dark Lord would suddenly be in trouble! And what a means is this!

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