My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3273: Hyun, not worthy!

The unexpected situation caught the Lei Family's Three Saints by surprise!

The boss of the Lei family listened to his brother's words and directly shook the head of the Dark Lord, but under the exaggeration of the monstrous devilish energy, this corpse was actually the target of transfer, biting at another person again!

"You get out of the way--" Su Jin suddenly said to Huangdi.


Why let?

The young Emperor Huang didn't even think about it, so he turned around and left, leaving the battlefield. Princess Wuyou fell freely. She was held by the Ice Profound Palace Master. She didn't say a word, but looked up at the battlefield.


The corpse head belonging to the Dark Lord, with scarlet eyes in the rage, **** eyes still scorching under the devilish energy, it burst open, and a looming devil soul quietly appeared in the devilish energy. .

In an instant, the void seemed to rise up with blades——

"How could this happen!" The Lei family boss just filled his arms, but his arm still couldn't move, and his muscles and bones couldn't recover temporarily. He was surprised that this was the method of the Dark Lord!

But why should the Dark Lord deal with them!

"This is the devil soul of the Dark Lord! Ye Di has a method of controlling the soul!" Lei Family's second child was shocked. They were wrapped in devil energy, and the **** smell of the dark Lord around them made them difficult. adapt.

"Purgatory! Sword Mountain!" Lei family veteran said furiously: "He needs to destroy his demon soul first!"

Chi Chi Chi Chi, the Lei Family’s Three Sages have strong defensive power, but when stepping on the sky full of sword marks, you can still experience the kind of pain that goes deep into the bones. The dark sage’s name is naturally not covered, and the means are available. To make someone point out--

"He has already converted to my Buddha, so don't be surprised." Su Jin said to the three sages of the Lei Family, "put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot. You still have time."

Hearing Su Jin's stern tone, the Lei Family's Three Sages gritted their teeth. Everyone killed Su Jin thousands of times in their hearts, and even cursed them extremely viciously, but they had nothing to do with Ye Di!

When everyone heard it, it suddenly became--

"Yedi's Buddhist way is still strong, he can influence the dark sage and make him convert to my buddha!" ​​The commander said strangely.

"Convert? Humph--" Hua Jieyu glanced at Ye Di, muttering in her heart, thinking that now that I know your secrets and have a handle on each other, see what else you can do!

"That's not right." Yucha Demon Lady was abrupt.

The Yucha Demon Mother knew that more than one person was wondering, if the Dark Lord had converted, why would he behave so cruelly?

"Brother Ye, when I go to the graves of sentient beings, I'll go to kill the demons first." Huang Di looked at the situation and immediately refused to delay and said directly to Su Jin.

"Yes, more than half of the sealing platform has been damaged, and if this continues, the monument of life will appear! I can't wait for delay--" the Bing Xuan Palace master said worriedly.

"Yes, the three of them will leave it to the Dark Lord." Su Jin yawned, and then said: "Those who have taken refuge in me are not allowed to go, and they must stay by my side."

When the women heard this, they were mostly bitter.

The Yucha Demon Girl, the Lord Tingxue, and His Royal Highness Frost all glared at each other, staring at Ye Di, but didn't dare to say a word.

Then Mo Hongyu and the others began to enter the place where the magic appeared, and began to truly resist the enemy!

At the scene, just leave the four beauties——

Hua Jieyu is naturally among them.

"The whole gods and heavens, but you are the Yedi Tianjiao. If you join the border and open up the era of the demon gods, you can sit on an equal footing with the demon sages and rule the heavens together within ten thousand years. Why don't you want it?" Hua Jieyu asked.

"Moxian, are you worthy to sit on an equal footing with me?" Su Jin looked at Hua Jieyu with a strange gaze, and then was wrapped in Dao Yun. In a brilliant glow, the Godless God Seat suddenly condensed!

Golden light shines in the sky!

With a roar of dragons, there is no Celestial above your head! This world!

The golden sacred dragon is so majestic, even if a monk stops to watch it thousands of miles away, one of its scales is as large as a golden lake!

The three sages of the Lei Family's complexion tightened, and the three of them resisted with all their strength, but under the attack of the demon soul of the sage, they suffered serious injuries! The ultimate devil, don’t be too strong——

Now, above the golden sacred dragon, there seemed to be a place beyond the reach of the three of them. Soon, another figure came leaping forward!

The appearance and figure are the same as that of the night emperor!

Facing Su Jin's words, Hua Jieyu was silent and right. Now that the night emperor's body came, he even put a lot of pressure on the Lei Family's Three Sages. This posture should be peerless!

Su Jin's primordial spirit body silently formed a primordial spirit aura, directly fusing with the physical body. At that moment, he felt a kind of spiritual sublimation!

The soul of the human form is actually fused with the soul-

In the heavens, people have always said that there are three souls and six souls. If the soul body counts, then Su Jin has as many as four souls! With this fourth soul of the soul, he can get rid of the six realms, and get rid of reincarnation, and even God can't yoke him!

The road against the sky, as if a beacon was lit, as if one step closer!

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well

Long Wei, who was enough to scare paralyzing creatures, roared in the mouth of the golden holy dragon! This golden dragon, with one claw and the temple of three Buddhas, one claw, the mountain of demon, and the demon building, the scales of the galaxy, carrying "Eternal Life Palace"!

"Not good!" Lei's Three Saints shouted in unison.

"Big Brother! It's hard, this time it's hard!"

"Don't panic first! Our Three Sages, we blew part of the origin, first destroy the Sage Demon Soul, and then move away!" Lei family boss shouted wildly.

Blast the origin?

This is a taboo!

From the abolition of oneself, it is difficult to heal for a million years, and the other is to fall on the spot. This is a self-destruction, not a child's play! But the self-maintained road was hit hard, and it was regarded as self-cutting the road.

"Even if we die, we won't let this night emperor feel better!" Lei Family's youngest third also settled down. The three of them shared the source, and everyone began to ignite a raging fire!

The demon fire of the avenue instantly evaporated the surrounding demon energy, and the demon soul of the dark sage turned into a wisp of black smoke, manifesting in the distance, as if it were meat.


The spontaneous source of the Lei Family's Three Sages, the flames that ignited soaring into the sky, the scene is eternally unforgettable!

Fire dragon scales! Su Jin drove the golden sacred dragon and brazenly slapped an exquisite dragon's claw into the fire. The Lei Family's three sages did not hold on for long. With the golden dragon claws, three miserable cries echoed in the fire. Come on!

"Ye Di, you must die! My Lei Family, I will never let you go forever!"

"Today, my three Lei family brothers died, and tomorrow there will be a second and third Lei family sacred ancestor. In the future, my Lei family will do everything and use eternal time to chase you down. Ashes!"

"Era of Devil Gods, big brother! I seem to have seen the opening of Era of Devil Gods. It is the sight of my ancestors and demons everywhere! The **** devil sky will flourish forever!"



With two dragon claws in a row, the Lei Family's Three Sages burst open, and the origin of the self-destruction, under the influence of Su Jin's external force, directly caused the three to embark on a path of no return!

The three holy corpses were heavily planted on the graves of all beings!

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