My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3275: The screaming horse!

At a glance, the deserted sky to the west has a big bleeding crack! The scene in it makes people shudder. Thousands of trolls carry coffins and go to the graves of all beings!

"So many evil sage coffins--" At this moment, there were only a hundred testers left, most of them were a little dazed and stopped attacking.

"Those are the evil sages who have disappeared! For this kind of power, Bian Huang will only choose the coffin instead of burial. Now the evil sage's coffin is carried, I am afraid it is just a prelude!"

"It is very difficult for us to stop it, no matter how many people come from the kingdom of God, no matter how many strong people, it will be difficult to bear. The flames of war will start from our gods and spread to the heavens, unstoppable!"

"Don't be discouraged, there are old clouds in the big moon, and the immortals in the Eastern Tang Dynasty. We are not weak! And we are all prosperous and all damaged. It is related to our homeland and we must fight hard!"

"Bad, broken! Look at the center of the thousands of evil sages' coffins, there is actually a palace tomb!"

Many people have seen this scene!

That palace tomb, in terms of size and volume, is not known how many grades higher than those evil sage coffins. Just a tomb palace, it seems to be full of prosperity in the world, and each of the pillars is made of the wood of the era. 'Build, every tile on the top is refined by'Ten Colored Blood Soil'!

At the top of the palace, there is a starry tomb bead, which is no less precious than ten superb bones——

Su Jin narrowed his eyes slightly, and with his open pupils, he quietly saw a scene that was hard to see by ordinary people.

This endless desert is really arrogant! Su Jin already knows the usefulness of these evil sage coffins and palace tombs——

Su Jin saw the corpses of rare wild beasts such as'ten cows' and'five-colored sheep' in the back of these magic coffins, and there were still a large number of them! Of course, this is an offering!

Offerings prepared for the opening of the Demon God Era.

"Unrespectful, disrespectful, only respectful ancestors——" Hua Jieyu said slowly: "We are on the same road with you, and your road against the sky is very difficult. Only when you walk into the border is you. Opportunity."

"But I have you." Su Jin caught Hua Jieyu's little hand, and kissed her fiercely on the back of her hand, seeing her eyes condensed slightly, with a dreamlike warm and angry posture. At that moment, Su Jin It's like getting the whole world!

Hua Jieyu's heart is weak, she knows that Su Jin will not fall into the frontier, and persuasion is nothing!

"Master--" Yucha Demon Girl said with a smile: "Look at those elites brought by the kingdom of God, you stopped moving."

Sure enough, a crowd of people, standing still in the starry sky east of the grave of sentient beings! This is obviously also frightened by the terrible battles in the border desert!

"When the tomb of the sentient beings was enveloped by the demon cloud, the Demon God Era had already been opened, so you can't wait for a while, look at those sealing platforms." Tingxue also said to Su Jin.

At this time, in the center of the tomb of all beings!

Thousands of evil sage coffins are neatly arranged into a circle! The palace tomb in the middle is in it! More than that, there was an old woman with messy hair, dragging a great tripod from the void, taking the "burning incense" and placing the tripod in the right position!

Click! !

The red magic cloud in the sky, as if being stirred by fate, slowly swims together, and the blood-colored thunder is constantly bombarding the graves of sentient beings!

"You are blowing your grandfather's cowhide every day, why don't you see your grandfather taking action?" Su Jin glanced at Ji Tianao and asked.

"Shhh! Be quiet! Brother Ye, you want to kill me—" Ji Tianao smiled bitterly, "I haven't lied to anyone. My grandfather can really kill Xian. I asked him just now to let him take action. But my grandfather said something."

"What?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"This is due to the way of heaven, and the chaos of the world is not necessarily a bad thing." Ji Tianao learned the tone of his grandfather's face, but at the end he was quite helpless.

In the field of vision, the old woman with a disheveled light kissed the'burning incense'. Once the incense was lit, the coffin of thousands of evil sages suddenly trembled!

The red magic cloud vortex that gathered in the sky unexpectedly condensed a series of **** devilish coffins, like dumplings, and crashed on the graves of sentient beings!


The whole tomb of sentient beings is shaking fiercely!

Su Jin clearly saw that the film of "Seal Terrace" disappeared in an instant. This situation was not what he wanted to see, and it even made him fall into silence!

"I am the general of Yuling Wudu! Shan Lie! Here comes the demons!"

Rumble and majestic sound came from everyone's ears. When looking for the sound, they only saw a majestic black horse, crushing the void, sitting on the horse's back with a middle-aged power, holding a saber to kill the ancestors. !

The fierce horse screamed, this person seemed to turn into a scene of sky, and rushed towards him in a flash!

Su Jin was a little surprised, the power of this man gave him the feeling that he was not inferior to the old man of God!

"Excuse the ancestor spirit, **** it--" The old woman slowly raised her head, her arms stretched out, and the void was sealed!

Shan Lie only saw a white whirlwind blowing on all sides, even if four skeleton giants surrounded him!

"Kill!" Shan Lie's war sword danced, and the more he fought, the more he became frightened. With his power, even the ultimate demon could win, but the war sword he was dancing at this moment was sturdy and smashed on the four skeleton giants. It's hard to leave even traces!

Bang Bang Cang!

The terrible crash sounded constantly! Shan Lie's face was flushed, sweat even soaked his clothes, but he found that his range of activities was slowly getting smaller!


Shan Lie exploded with a golden magical profound strength, it is these powers that can penetrate the sky, and they can't even shake the four skeleton giants!

Soon, Shan Lie's left and right arms were caught by two skeleton giants——

"Catch Shen Tian Da Neng thought, so as to warn ancestors!" The old woman stared at that Shan Lie, surveying.

At this time, many people discovered that the eyes of the old woman were shining with a secret color, that color was extremely strange, and there was a feeling of inexplicability!


Shan Lie was dragged to the back of the great cauldron. Everyone vaguely saw the splattered blood, but no one came to stop it!

The black horse screamed and hissed immediately!

Hearing the scream of the fierce horse, the old woman couldn't help laughing wildly. She saw that the sky was still falling into the Void Demon Coffin, and the earth was shaking more and more intensely!


All the sealing tables collapsed almost at the same time!

This scene makes it difficult for everyone in the gods to accept! Most of them are pale!

The deadly place of the tomb of all beings finally rose up on the ground to vacate a thin layer of green smoke——

"The monument of life is about to be born!" Ji Tianao became nervous.

"Yes, as long as the monument is born, the Wang Pintian bones here will naturally appear. You gods, what are you fighting for?" Hua Jieyu is looking forward to Su Jin's expression, but his face is calm and indifferent now.

"The life monument is out, the sky is visible, time is really running out." On the other side, the marshal also said under pressure.

Mo Hongyu said to Emperor Huang: “Among the testers, Emperor Ye and you are the most able to recognize the celestial bones. In addition, there is Huangdi over there, which may be forcibly snatched!”

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