My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3276: Golden Dragon Pan Tablet

As Mo Hongyu said, it is indeed like this——

In terms of right and wrong, the emperor of the night obtained the origin of no beginning, and the emperor of Huang obtained the "Sutra of No beginning", and here the life monument blessed his life force, even through the life of the life monument, the advantage of the emperor was still greater.

"There are only two possibilities. One is that the Ye Emperor will get the Sky Bone, and the other is that the Sky Bone is snatched away by the Bian Huang Moxian. I can't get the Sky Bone's approval." Huang Di shook his head, seemingly hidden.

Not long ago, he actually said this.

Emperor Huang once walked out of another tomb of sentient beings. The sky bones there were still in that tomb of sentient beings. They didn't take them away. They couldn't even obtain the tomb of sentient beings that nurtured him. How could it be possible here?

"It's better to meet with Ye Di first --" Mo Hongyu didn't understand what the young Emperor Huang said, and it was not safe to stay here.

"If you listen to my advice, leave the graves of all beings right now." The young Huangdi solemnly scanned the faces of Mo Hongyu and others one by one, even the handsome man.

"Why?" The Bing Profound Palace Master was shocked and asked quickly.

"I saw the demise of Shentian." Huangdi didn't want to explain at all in his heart, because there is still Princess Wuyou, and that Great Moon Kingdom is her home.


God, really will perish?

Mo Hongyu was shocked, but fell into a long silence.

The faint green smoke is still pouring out——

These are the breath of life from the monument of life! In less than a moment, the stele will appear, and the sky bone will appear!

"We will coexist and die with Ye Di!" The Bing Profound Palace Master said firmly.

"There are people in the gods who can fight!" Rainbow Dragon King also said.

Seeing that they were so stubborn, Emperor Huang shook his head and stopped persuading them.

Where is there a man who can fight?

There was Shan Lie before, how strong is Shan Lie? That's someone who can rival the Yun Lao of the Great Moon God Country, but the result? Being killed directly by others, you don't even have the ability to resist!


Thousands of evil and sage coffins on the frontier shook fiercely. Thousands of coffin slabs couldn’t be held down, but in a place thousands of miles away, the greenery was so dense, even if there was a vaguely green crystal. Faintly appearing-

Su Jin's face changed.

The monument of life is born!

The crazy laughing old woman kept giving out cautious gazes. This life monument was unearthed quickly, but after ten breaths, most of the monument body had already broken through the ground!

Suffocation, the whole God and Heaven is a suffocation scene——

"The monument of life and soul is in this world, the bones of the sky may be in the monument, maybe just under the monument, I, the tester of the gods and heavens, must take the sky bones before the border shortage!" Someone felt the difficulty, and watched that scene. It's impossible to do it.

Shan Lie just had a lesson from the past, who would dare to make a move?

"Thousands of **** soldiers were forced to stop outside the tombs of sentient beings. As the charge general, Shan Lie went ahead and fell. Today is really the end of the gods!"

"I dare not say anything else, Ye Di will definitely take action! I am Da Yueyun Lao, I will fight to the death against the sages!"

"What kind of resistance! The God Ancestor Tianji was unwilling to take action just now, just watching, letting the devil on the border open up the era of the Demon God! Where is the future of our Shentian?"

"Run away! Run away!" A monk said with a pale face: "But where can we escape? The gods are so big, except for some prominent courts that have the ability to break the barriers of the gods, and can leave, most of them will be slaughtered. ."

"Look! Ye Di... he's shot!"


In the tense situation, Ye Di brazenly rushed towards the monument of life in the posture of the overlord golden dragon!

Inside the grave of all beings, a golden dragon!

From a distance, the scales of the golden dragon looked like a golden lake, with hundreds of galaxies intertwined on the body, directly using the body of the golden dragon to encircle the monument of the creature, coiling dozens of times!

For a moment, the expression of the dragon head was all arrogant!

Hua Jieyu bit her teeth, and there is no Yedi figure on the'No God Seat'. He melts into the golden dragon and wants to guard the monument and take the lead in grabbing the bones!

Yucha Demon Girl, Tingxue Louzhu, and His Royal Highness Frost also felt the aura of destruction. The life stele is not a good place. Even if they are standing on the dragon head, they are still in danger of being killed by the edge at any time.

When all the monuments of life and souls were unearthed, all the people could see the whole face of the monument!

Green is the color of life, and names, events, and even totems are faintly visible on the monument!

The apparent record on the stele: In the Second Age, Wanhuangxing, a white-headed immortal was born, cultivated for three days and reached the pinnacle.

There is also a record: There is a Scorpio constellation, a hundred stars linking pearls, forming an ancient and peerless road of stars, on the way a creation **** walked out of the way, and gave the law to this originally vibrant star field.

Scene by scene, one by one, once prominent names, invincible strong, are all manifested on the monument of creatures, but in the world, there is no invincibility! Any creature, from birth to peak, to decline and disappearance, is like a dream.

Su Jin has the most experience at this time-

The monument of life seems to be recalling the birth history, peak history, and day of death of the entire star field. Yes, no matter how strong you are in the world, even if it is an era, you will eventually be forgotten in the end! All beings are annihilated, and even time does not exist in it.

"Broken tablet, grab the bone!" The old woman pointed at Su Jin, and the hollow eye sockets of the four skeleton giants jumped directly out of the raging blood flames and walked towards Su Jin.

"Okuten Shenwu!"

Su Jin snorted, and his soul body suddenly appeared in the huge Panlong's mouth!

Up to now, Su Jin can only be distracted and realize that he doesn't know the conditions for obtaining the Heavenly Bone! Those four skeleton giants put a lot of pressure on him, very much!

Su Jin stepped out of the golden sacred dragon's mouth. A **** cloud above the sky was suddenly shattered, and the Senluo plane was opened up by him!

The void in all directions was collapsing, and at that moment, it seemed as if the entire plane of Senluo was about to descend!

After Su Jin stepped out of the dragon's mouth, his posture was the world's highest, he did not retreat, and ran towards the four skeleton giants! And when approaching one of the skeleton giants, he suddenly provoked, a stone axe turned into a blue ink streamer, and he was directly taken in his hand!


Cut it all day and night!


The skull giant's head was chopped by Su Jin with the ‘Aotian Shenwu’. Unlike Shan Lie before, this axe actually cut the skeleton giant back several steps!

"What's the matter?" Mo Hongyu was surprised.

"Yeah, the skeleton giant that even Shan Lie can't repel, the Ye Emperor shocked one!" The Rainbow Dragon King was also very surprised, a little excited in his heart.

"Golden Dragon Pan Tablet, is it possible that the Ye Emperor also received the blessing of the Tomb of All Living Beings?" Huang Emperor also couldn't figure it out, and he could only rely on his own feelings, wondering.

"You are still young and young, and you can't understand such an obvious situation." The commander said indifferently with an old senior's expression: "The Ye Di unknowingly did something that many sages dream of."

"Is he feeling Tiangu? Trying to make Tiangu recognize the master?" Mo Hongyu looked at Marshal Scarecrow.

"Neither!" The commander shook his head and said, "I ask you, how do you feel about the monument of life being separated from such a long distance?"

"No feeling, that monument is like a mountain, how can it feel--" Xiexin Phoenix also said.

The commander suddenly looked solemn, and said solemnly: "The grave of all beings, the record is the rise and fall of a star field. Look at the top of your head, that is the plane of Senluo."

"What do you want to say, hurry up, don't cover up, there is no time to listen!" Evil-hearted Phoenix looked at the handsome man with cold eyes.

"That stone axe represents Aotian, don’t you understand the Tao of Guantian? There are many invincible scenes manifested on the monument of life, most of which are related to the origin of the Tao of heaven. The night emperor Panlong is on the monument. With his understanding, he will definitely benefit from Shallow!" After the commander finished speaking, he shut up very simply, he knew the woman who could not provoke Ye Di.

is it--

Is Ye Di doing something amazing?

Evil Heart Phoenix's eyes were at a loss for a while.

Although many people have a glimmer of hope in their hearts, the bad situation still makes people desperate!

Su Jin slashed the four big skeleton giants with an axe, and really felt the hardship. These four skeletons, I don't know what level of bone they are. He slashed no less than ten attacks with Aotian Shenwu, except for cutting away a gray mark. The law!

"My Aotian Divine Martial Art, compared to the totem on the monument, seems to be extremely simple. It seems that I don't have enough understanding of the Aotian Divine Will." Su Jin frowned.

Shi Cai, the four skeleton giants captured and killed Na Dan Lie. Su Jin naturally knew that the four skeletons could not be surrounded by him, but now he has difficulty knowing that he can only use the Aotian Shenwu to smash, although he is using the Aotian Shenwu. The **** of heaven does not need to consume too much power, but the power is still not enough.

Su Jin flashed past the capture of the skeleton giant, while taking a closer look in his heart, flashing through thousands of images on the monument of creatures in his mind——

That day, the scorpion constellation, the shocking scene of the ten stars in a row, always lingered in Su Jin's mind for a long time!

"I ask the wise men three times, observe the way of heaven, and appreciate the stars, but I don't even know the plane of Senluo. The lord of my dignified plane integrates the gods of the Aotian, and can not use it." Su Jin abandoned his troubles. , And strive to keep the inner heart for a while.

Soon, Su Jin's eyes were firm, and the Aotian Shenwu in his hand had already begun to emit a burst of faint light!

Ming Wu appeared in Su Jin's heart!

"I am in charge of Sen Luo Tian, ​​and I have divine will, I can open up a path of life!" Su Jin grasped the stone axe, closed his eyes lightly, and made an extremely dangerous move!

The four skeleton giants were randomly staggered in other places, just like sacking Shan Lie, manifesting from the four directions, forming an invincible field between them!

Slowly besieged and killed Su Jin-

No one wants to see this scene! Because as strong as Shan Lie, they are all trapped in the field of those four skeleton giants, without resistance!

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