My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3277: Ancient mark

Under everyone's eyes--

Su Jin's actions made people feel desperate!

The surrounding sky seemed to have turned into a deadly ashes, and the void was collapsing, collapsing, this piece of tomb of sentient beings seemed to have fallen into the forest for a while!

"I am the master of the plane, my territory, I call the shots!" Su Jin drank, still closing his eyes, raising the Ootian Divine Martial, the blue ink flowing around, as if no money came!

No one expected this scene to happen!

The void where Su Jin stood was all occupied by blue ink streamers, and the blue ink streamers gathered together seemed to form a boundless sea!


Not long ago, the initial metamorphosis of the stone axe was not as simple and unpretentious as before, but today, the entire stone axe is being wrapped in a very rich green brilliance, and the stone chips on the surface are peeling off!

"The power of life!" Huangdi was surprised, because he himself was being blessed by the life stele, but he didn't expect that the night emperor was the same now, and under the strong life power, the night emperor's Aotian Shenwu seemed to be A very critical transformation is in progress!

"His Aotian divine intent is lonely." The marshal exclaimed, "Siluo's plane is lonely, with little vitality. Now this stone axe should be in a different form. It should be called the axe of life."

"The four skeleton giants suddenly stopped and didn't dare to approach—" Mo Hongyu said in surprise.

"That's a kind of bone demon, but it has reached the level of ‘desolate’. Facing the power of living beings, it’s natural to retreat." The handsome said.

It turned out to be so!

The girls suddenly realized.

At this moment, the stone axe in Su Jin's hand faintly reveals a secret color, with beautiful patterns, and the handle of the axe shows the shape of a dragon's head, and it has become perfect!

"This axe is enough to sweep the four big skeleton giants with the help of the monument!" Su Jin has an illusion, feeling that the axe in his hand seems to condense the prayers of countless creatures!

Then, Su Jin swung his axe and turned around in a straightforward fashion. The axe of life swept an arc of light 360 degrees!


The four giant skeletons stood stiffly in the void! The bones on their bodies, the same parts of each skeleton giant, are directly misplaced!

Click! The four skeleton giants were all cut into two pieces!

How could this be!

On the godless seat, Hua Jieyu's heart was completely filled with shock——

"What's the situation of Yedi? It's as if you have just completely changed the individual." Yucha Mo Niang said in an incredible tone.

"It's this monument of life." His Royal Highness Frost suddenly said.

"The life stele blessed the night emperor with the power of life, but it shouldn't be so exaggerated. The four skeleton bone demons are extremely precious in the border desert, so they were cut?" said the Yucha Demon.

"Today's Era of Demon God is opened, and the life stele blessed Ye Di is not only the power of life." Hua Jieyu said coldly: "Those totem visions are all being realized by Ye Di, this person is getting more and more terrifying——"

For the first time, Hua Jieyu regretted it.

Shouldn't go out to sea, follow Ye Di to this heaven!

"Fortunately, the bones of the sky must be on our side." Seeing Hua Jieyu like this, the Yucha Demon Lady didn't dare to offend her. This woman seemed to be born with a supreme temperament, and she followed Yedi's past. , Yucha Mo Niang also knows everything.

"What a night emperor, fortunately, Bianhuang gave birth to a sage, otherwise the ownership of the sky bone is really hard to say." His Royal Highness Frost said again.

That's right!

Tiangu is the top priority!

Now, the thousands of trolls guarding the coffin of thousands of evil sages are all eager to try, only waiting for an order from the old woman!

The face of the old woman became extremely ugly after the four skeleton giants were beheaded. How could she think that the four wild-class bone demons would be beheaded to death by a little Ye Di?

"Gu Hen, come out--" The old woman suddenly turned around and screamed fiercely toward the edge of the deserted void!

"I'm tired."

The figure was not seen, but the voice was slightly vicissitudes of life, as if exhausted.

Hearing the words of the old woman, the Hua Jieyu on the'no **** seat' was a little surprised.

"The ancient mark of the Supreme Devil's Palace inherited the law in the ancient wilderness and the end of the law, and even he came to the grave of all living beings!" Hua Jieyu's face was smug, but he looked at Su Jin again, "He will be second after all. The power to be killed."

"Gu Hen? According to legend, this person has not asked about the world. It is rumored that he has entered the realm of half-sage. Where can he take action against a Ye Emperor?"

"Not necessarily, Demon God Era is related to everyone's interests on the margins, God and the fertile soil, who doesn't want to share a piece of the pie? Gu Hen may come here for this reason." Ting Xue said.

"Oh, the master that I just recognized is going to be destroyed so soon, it's very boring--" The Yucha Demon Girl heard it and calmed down, with a playful tone in her tone, even a pity.

The Yucha Demon Mother knows that Su Jin has the tree of enlightenment. She previously imagined that one day, she could go to the top with Yedi and walk on the road of truly invincibility under the tree of enlightenment. Who knows the opponent that Yedi faces now, will It's Guhen!

Seeing that Gu Hen was not fighting, the old woman was a little frustrated and cursed like crazy--

However, after the next few breaths, Gu Hen walked over slowly in a green shirt.

The breath alone makes people feel an inexplicable coercion!

This... is Guhen! The legendary invincible power!

It's frying pan, how can I fight this!

I don't know if it is the Eastern Tang Divine Kingdom, the Great Moon Divine Kingdom, the entire Shentian was shocked by that momentum!

"Guhen, from "Supreme Devil Palace"! Now that the Bianhuang Demon Xian hasn't come out, this person is playing, obviously he doesn't want to give Shentian any chance!" Someone said in Dayue Imperial City.

"Divine Ancestor Tianji is really unwilling to take action! I am afraid that God Ancestor Tianji is the only one who can deal with Gu Hen now. Doesn't he want to leave a way for Shentian?"

"It's a pity that the night emperor, this kind of existence is not comparable to that of the wild-level skeleton bone demon, nor is it comparable to those extreme big demons. This ancient scar is in the tomb of all living beings, and will be a truly invincible powerhouse. war!"

"If there is no turning point, no hope can be seen, even if it is as dazzling as the night emperor, the distance from the magic road and the ancient mark is the difference between dust and starry sky!"

"Emperor Huang! As long as Emperor Huang obtains the Sky Bone, plus the blessing of the monument to him, he can borrow the real tomb of all beings to achieve an invincible posture and kill the invincible enemy——"

Many people put their hopes on Emperor Huang, this Tianjiao, not long ago even condensed the vision of the ‘Grave of All Living Beings’, as long as he was willing, there might be hope.

But after all, where is it so easy?

Su Jin's face was calm, and he looked squarely at the visitors.

That Gu Hen seemed ordinary, and his face was even more tired, as if he had been living in his own world, but a powerhouse of this level came.

"Supreme Devil Palace, Gu Hen." Gu Hen yawned, glanced at Su Jin, and reported the origin of his name.

"Eternal Life Palace, Ye Di!" Su Jin said quietly.

"Oh? Longevity Palace..." Gu Hen rarely roused his spirits. Only then did he see the living monument in the distance, the golden dragon tablet, and a mysterious hall on the dragon's body!

Gu Hen's eyes went back and forth between Su Jin and the Hall of Longevity, muttering from time to time, and no one heard what he was saying--

"Gu Hen, the sage asked you to kill this!" the old woman shouted.

"It seems that the sage is different from what I said." Gu Hen glanced at the old woman, "Ye Di is the great talent of the heavens, and will not trap the dragon here. Sooner or later, it will soar to the heavens, but it is the sage. See you—"


The Yucha Demon Girl was inexplicably horrified. Listening to the meaning of the ancient mark, the sage master had a lot of intentions to win over the emperor. Now if she changes to Su Jin, she will definitely give up the gods.

"I am the principal who opened up the Era of Demon God! The command given is like an order from a sage master, let you kill!" the old woman angrily said.

Gu Hen heard this, took a wine gourd from his waist, stopped talking, and walked towards Su Jin——

"Boy, don't say I won't give you a chance to use all your power." Gu Hen took a sip and said.

Su Jin frowned, and after hesitating for a while, he directly used Aotian Divine Martial to slash towards Gu Hen!


Guhen was smashed!

"See? I lost." Gu Hen carried the wine gourd, turned around and left!

"Dare you! You deliberately--" The old woman immediately snarled, screaming at Gu Hen with a bit of exhaustion.

Gu Hen turned his head to the side and gave the old woman a fierce look, a trace of murderous intent flashed deep in his eyes, and slowly said, "I supreme devil...I can't provoke the Palace of Longevity!"

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