My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3278: Enlightenment tree on the monument

Can't afford it, the Palace of Longevity.

Many people feel afraid if you think carefully! Gu Hen's remarks must be focused. The meaning is already very clear. It is not that Ye Di can't be offended, but Eternal Palace can't be offended!

How terrible is the "Eternal Life Palace" on the back of the golden holy dragon? It can actually make a half-sage strong fearful--

The cold wind blew on the graves of sentient beings. The sorrow from the vicissitudes of life seemed to be more concentrated. In addition, the dark horse of Shan Lie refused to leave, and sometimes neighed and wailed, which made people feel sad.

Nowadays, there are sages on the border, but no gods.

It is an unchanging truth that you will be beaten if you fall behind!

Gu Hen refused to fight, released the water, but brought out an extremely terrifying fact. The Hall of Longevity is the real Hall of Longevity. This hall has appeared only a few times in the past, but it has the ability to hold down a half-sage. !

"If you don't fight, some people will come forward because of Bian Huang!" The old woman no longer keeps the ancient mark, obviously disappointed to the Supreme Demon Palace to the extreme.

"Whatever!" Gu Hen left, he didn't stay far away from the tombs of all beings, just sitting on one side, watching the golden dragon and the looming palace!

The old woman was trembling with Gu Hen's anger, and immediately shouted: "Void God Desert, Fang Family Fight God, get out!"

In the direction of the border, a **** storm began to blow with the old woman!

"Fang Bufan, Fang Nong late--"

Fang Family Fighting God is actually two Dragon and Phoenix brothers and sisters! And the face is extremely young, it seems that he is only in his early twenties, but those who are familiar with "Void God Desert" in Bianhuang know these two demon gods!

The two brothers and sisters, who practiced the golden child technique and built the jade female heavenly technique for thousands of years, have already entered the ranks of the ultimate demons, and the two brothers and sisters were born in the same year, the same month and the same day.

Su Jin is under great pressure!

Just now he actually judged that Gu Hen meant to release water, after all, there was no murder to him, and these two Fang family fighting gods are different. Today's demon sages are always watching the battle. These two fighting gods naturally have to perform. Cut him to promote the name of the desert!

"You are the Ye Emperor, very young--" Fang Nongwan looked at Su Jin carefully. Now Ye Emperor is flourishing in the borderlands, but now seeing the real person, he has a different feeling.

Fang Nongwan’s elder brother, Fang Bufan also faintly smiled: “It’s really young. If the bone is pressed under the monument of life today, I hope you can get the bone, so as to put some pressure on my two brothers and sisters.”

"According to what you said, it seems that this king is not in your eyes to you." Su Jin said calmly.

"You are a good person, but you don't have to be like that." Fang Bufan said proudly: "Just let my brothers and sisters take out the bones and give them to the virtuous lord. In the future, they may be friends--"

"No need."

Su Jin flatly refused, "I just had the ultimate demon died in my hands, if you despise me, you will be at your own risk!"

Fang Bufan and Fang Nongwan frowned at the same time. The ultimate demon that Ye Di said must be the Dark Lord, but the strangeness of the Dark Lord’s death is far beyond what people at Ye Di’s level can kill. Just be careful with other methods of this person.

For example, Shenbao!

Bianhuang now circulates that the reason why Ye Di was able to slay the Dark Lord is really because of possessing a divine treasure. That divine treasure can pose a threat to Xian, and it is not Ye Di using his own real ability to do it——

The two siblings looked at each other together.

Fang Bufan grabbed a **** gun, while Fang Nongwan was holding an ice-blue double thorn in each hand, and he killed Su Jin directly!


Su Jin's eyebrows'wisdom Buddha pupil' suddenly opened, and his whole body has turned into a strong golden body. The'Axe of Life' in his hand began to fade and became its previous form. This axe of life dealt with the bone demon. It was a miraculous effect, but it was useless to deal with the two fighting gods of the Fang family!

"Buddha golden body?" Fang Nongwan narrowed his eyes, directly danced the double stab demon soldiers, quietly appeared on the side of Su Jin's shoulder, and smashed Su Jin's body!

On the other side, Su Jin cut back with a single axe, but the pain behind his shoulder made him have to turn sideways!

These two Fang family fighting gods in the realm of the ultimate big devil are so powerful!

Su Jin just thought that his'Buddhist Dao Golden Body' could withstand one or two, and would not be seriously injured, but Fang Nong's two late attacks, one cut his shoulder, the second time it directly crossed. And then, shot hard!

"It's not the body of the deity!" Fang Nongwan was shocked when he saw that only the light of the primordial spirit was shining on the wound.

"No problem! He is a rare Yuan Shen body! The Yuan Shen body injury is far more serious than the physical body injury of the deity!" Fang Bufan laughed.


Su Jin's pain comes from the soul body! He felt that the soul seemed to have broken a hole, and the power of this party to get late was not lost to her brother——

"Do you still want to fight? You are a good person, and our brothers and sisters don't want to kill you!" Fang Nongwan scolded, with a strong sense of persecution.

"You are forcing me to be really angry--" Su Jin used a stone axe to cut back Fang Nong Wan again, and glanced at Fang Nong Wan with sharp eyes.

"You are still working hard! I really think that the wise master cares about you? If you can live, you will naturally care. If you fall here, you are an incompetent person, and you are not worthy of death." Fang Bufan saw that Su Jin was so stubborn, and immediately Sneered.

Su Jin's face was full of stern expression, and he disappeared in one step, and appeared in front of the living monument!

"Since you don't know how to live or die, then the emperor is here to make an oath! This king, with your Fang family, with your emptiness and desert, with you in the wilderness, with your demon, immortal!"

Su Jin was furious, and the consequences were serious!

"Don't lie to you, don't take yourself too seriously." Fang Bufan didn't care, " far away~~~"

Far worse!

Su Jin laughed.

In the distance, Mo Hongyu, Evil Heart Phoenix and other women all squeezed their fists, Ye Di walked all the way, where is not the most dazzling existence! Now, being insulted by the other party with words, the insult to the extreme, how can you let them be angry!

"Fang Family Fighting God is indeed qualified to say something like this--" Evil Heart Phoenix chuckled. No matter how unwilling she was in her heart, facing these two fighting gods, besides powerlessness, she was still powerless!

"Ye Di was really angry when he moved, dear, this handsome has never seen Ye Di so angry..." The general sighed.

"I feel that Brother Ye has lost his mind, but unfortunately, the opponent's strength is really too strong." Huang Di frowned.

Great Moon Imperial City, the whole city is angry!

"Insult me, Ye Emperor, you deserve death!"

"Insult me, Ye Emperor, you deserve death!"


Just horoscopes, gathered into a roar,!

Fang Bufan didn’t care about Su Jin’s words, and said coldly: "Your deeds in the Boundary Desolate, although spread all over the Bian Desolate, but those demon trash, this fighting **** can do at his fingertips, it is not a problem at all, if you If you are arrogant and think that you are a human being, then you are very wrong, you are nothing in front of our Fang Family Fight God—"

Su Jin stopped his long smile and nodded at Fang Bufan. His whole body began to gradually spread out a fairy ring, which was expanding, directly enveloping the ‘Life Monument’!


A sacred tree full of silver and green branches suddenly rose!

Enlightenment tree, now!

Not only that, everyone also saw a scene that made the scalp numb!

The tree of enlightenment actually slowly grew its roots and pierced directly into the'Life Stele'! What a terrifying method this is!

Su Jin's complexion became calm, and his golden body began to fade. He was dressed in a golden robe, and Xianyun wrapped him in it, and immediately sat down under the tree of enlightenment...

And the center of Su Jin's eyebrows is directly converted into the "Mahazhen Prison Eye"!

"Reversal -" Su Jin raised his hand, the starry sky, sun and moon, changed in a flash!

The surrounding scene is equally terrible!

Su Jin seems to be sitting on top of all living beings. Those star planes seem to have not even been born yet. For example, thousands of miles away from his left hand, there is a river of magma. Among them, the flame demon is being swallowed by an ancient giant beast, such as his right hand eight thousand. Inside and outside, there are sacred mountains erupting, and in the entire time and space, there are nine hundred and ninety-nine pillars that are evolving——


Many people have seen an incredible scene, Su Jin seems to be very close, and it seems to be very far away. The scenes he perceives, through the pupils, have all been evolved by him.

At this moment, Su Jin seemed to be sitting on a terrifying star. In the surrounding time and space, there were nine stars that suddenly shifted, forming a straight line from the stars he was sitting on!

this is……

This is the image of the scorpion constellation and the ten stars on the monument of life!

The life stele records that a **** of creation walked at the end of the paving of the stars, and finally opened a new era in this star field!

At this moment, Fang Bufan and Fang Nongwan felt panic inexplicably! Extreme panic!

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