My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3280: Ye Di swallows bones

At that moment, the whole world seemed to have turned into a dark night, and all the noise was in an instant and stopped abruptly!

Countless dumb eyes, watching that monstrous stone finger press down, it is as strong as Fang Family Fighting God, the ultimate demon, and it also appears as small as an ant under that stone finger——

This finger, silent!

Fang family fights the gods, die!

Thousands of magic coffins in the distance are trembling fiercely, and some of the coffin plates are pushed three feet high, but unfortunately, useless! Fang family fights the gods, insults the night emperor first, death, no regrets!

In the world of evolution, in the halo of the magic road, Changming!

Vaguely, it seemed that a white-haired demon fairy gradually condensed in it. The demon fairy couldn't see his face, like a giant beauty, shrouded in the aura of the entire magic way——

Su Jin's pressure has just come!

Almost involuntarily, Su Jin manifested the primordial spirit body and ran on top of the ten-star chain. When he approached the human-shaped star, he jumped upright and was picked up by the human-shaped star in his hand.

boom! boom! boom!

The star giant is constantly running on the starry sky road with ten stars, every step seems to have crossed the era!

"That is the will of the evil sage——" At this moment, even the young Huangdi looked a little nervous. The power of the Yedi when he was blessed by the tomb of the sentient beings greatly exceeded his imagination, but the methods of the demon of the border were also shocking. .

"Thousands of evil sage coffins, condensing all their wills, turning into gods and demons--" The commander was quiet. It has always been jumping, but when it saw this situation, it could not even make a sound of exclamation.

"Ye Di doesn't know how long it can last. The frontier has gathered countless demons. It is bound to succeed today. It is impossible to give up because of him." Mo Hongyu said with a gloomy expression.

"The star giant, the will of thousands of evil sages, it is hard to say that the two sides collide." The young Huangdi sighed: "It's a pity that Fang Family Fights God, but it's better to meet other people, but I met Brother Ye."

"The power of the mortal monument is not endless, I am afraid that the night emperor will not last long—" the handsome said.

"Yes, I can feel that the power of the monument is weakening."

The young Huangdi knows this best. The life stele has blessed him with the'power of life' before. Now the night emperor can only hold on for half an hour at most. Once half an hour has passed, the sky bone will be taken away by Bian Huang, and the opponent will Break through the heavens!


A piece of white hair, like a weeping willow blown by the wind, swept towards the giant star!

Qiang Qiang!

Su Jin was protected by the star giant in his palm, but now he saw the horror of the other party! Each white hair seemed to be extremely sharp, and its toughness was also an unimaginable level. When it was swept across the giant star, there was a mottled trace on the entire human-shaped star!

"Hundreds of millions of demon gods, don't care about the bones of the day and the night emperor, kill me—" The old woman couldn't get the night emperor for a while, and immediately screamed and pointed to the east of the sentient beings' grave.

The gods and heavens now fight without fighting!

First of all, the thousands of trolls who carried the coffin of the evil and sages before, charged first, in the west, the billions of demon gods turned into countless magic lights, directly stepped through the void and rushed to!

Bai Fan originally hoped that the emperor could take some time, but he did not expect that the old woman was so cruel, and immediately he couldn’t take care of that much. He used a magic pen to make a picture of the starry sky, and he used the magic pen to scan the numbers. Ten galaxies!


The galaxy has no bars, and the deafening power of the stars, as if turning into a turbulent river, directly swept millions of gods and demons into it, making a terrible noise!

The endless martyrs are also reflected. These eighty-one martyrs are probably the strongest team on the scene. They constantly have magical means to shoot against the boundless army of gods and demons, and destroy millions of heroes with just one hand.

The starry sky is visible tonight, but it rains blood, but within dozens of breaths, blood has been seen flowing into a river above the graves of all beings!

"Let's kill!" The young Huangdi aroused blood, took a single step, rushed into the team of gods and demons, countless'no beginning scriptures', shining mysterious mysterious light, his whole body is shining, like a lamp in the dark night Dazzling lights.

It's just a piece of "The Sutra of No Beginning", and slashing the enemy in an instant is the greatness of a million!

Now, on the side of the worry-free princess, there is a huge crisis——

There was a big demon rushing to kill them, and they had no cooperation at all. Mo Hongyu hurriedly shook the lantern, but could not stop the devil who was shrouded in the mist!

"The woman who destroyed the Ye Di, it makes people excited to think about it--" In the mist, a green wolf's head appeared faintly, "Now that the Ye Di clone lacks skills, who can save you? "

"Be careful!" The evil heart phoenix incarnate itself, turning into a black phoenix and rushing directly towards Mo Hongyu!

"You're looking for death!" The Marshal also discovered the situation. The entire Scarecrow's body seemed to be transformed into thousands of standing imaginary straw men, trying to help Mo Hongyu take this blow!


Mo Hongyu's face was pale, he only felt a pain behind his back, and when he lowered his head, he saw a sharp wolf finger, passing through his heart!

In Mo Hongyu's eyes, the world seemed dim...

Mo Hongyu no longer saw all the surroundings. She looked at the monument with difficulty, her lips moved slightly. She could transmit the sound, but didn't want to distract the man, but silently said: Thank you!

Mo Hongyu wanted to tell Su Jin that she had regrets along the way, because the family failed to rush to the tomb of the Wu Shi to save him, and in the Devil City, when the young city lord hit her, the night emperor appeared, even more It made her completely fall in love with this man——

She also wanted to tell Su Jin herself that she was very happy during this time and did not regret getting to know each other...


Su Jin was guarded by the star giant and made an extremely long-term roar!


The will of the white-haired beauty in the magical fantasy was suddenly taken aback, but she saw the humanoid star running wildly, and even directly crushed the world of evolution!

The devil with the green wolf head barely reacted before he was directly shocked into powder!

Su Jin disappeared from the hands of the star giant, and directly took Mo Hongyu in his arms——

Wind, a bit cold!

Mo Hongyu couldn't open her eyes, and her consciousness had been confused for several times, but the arms she had never felt before made her feel extremely comfortable. She couldn't see things, couldn't speak, and some were all regrets!

Su Jin has probably not blinked for more than ten breaths, his eyes are absent, as if he didn't believe this scene--

"You, leave the graves of all beings." After Su Jin's trance, his voice was not sad, and some were all cold, the kind of cold that can make people fall into madness!

Princess Wuyou didn't know how to comfort Su Jin. After silently looking at Xiexin Phoenix and the others, she finally nodded.

The Bing Profound Palace Master shed tears, silently waved an ice coffin from his bracelet, and then said: "This is actually what I prepared for myself..."

"Take her away—" Su Jin didn't blink, even if he handed the Mo Hongyu to the master of Ice Profound Palace!

Su Jin stood up, walked to the golden sacred dragon in one step, and merged with his deity!

The golden sacred dragon no longer pans the stele, but turns into a wisp of golden light and dissipates. Su Jin stretched his arms to face the huge monument of life!


The star giant is here!

The four daughters of Hua Jieyu, after the golden sacred dragon dissipated, naturally couldn't be in the ‘no god’s seat’. At this time, they stood in the void and looked at Su Jin curiously, wondering what he would do next!

"Brother Ye--" Ji Tianao really wanted to comfort Su Jin, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to persuade him.

"The magical way is rampant today, your **** ancestor is incompetent!" Su Jin looked at Ji Tianao coldly, but smiled helplessly when he saw the other party.

Having said that, Su Jin no longer paid attention to Ji Tianao, but took the four daughters of Hua Jieyu on the left hand of the star giant, and he also retreated on it!

Huge like a star giant, it looks like an insurmountable height in the tombs of all living beings, only to see the star giant sticking out his right palm, fiercely inserted near the monument of life!

Even the life monument with the tree of enlightenment was directly picked up by the star giant!


Su Jin's eyes were bloodshot, and he flicked his fingers. Under the monument of life, a brilliant crystal that was slightly larger than the fingernail suddenly appeared. He held it in his hand and stared coldly.

"This is the sky bone that even Moxian covets?" Yucha Demon Lady asked in surprise.

"Wang Pin." Hua Jieyu glanced at Yucha Mo Niang.

The buzzing, bead-like sky bone, suddenly trembled in Su Jin's hand, almost trying to get out of it, Su Jin's face was stern, palm covering the sky with the blue hand, firmly trapped in it!

This day bone, don't surrender!

Su Jin had expected it a long time ago, and this celestial bone, known as the King Grade, could suppress even his Aotian Divine Will, and he would definitely not give in!

Seeing the splendid Wang Pin Tian Bone, struggling fiercely, even this Wang Pin Tian Bone is changing color, turning into the fiery red state of the heart of the stars, the temperature even Su Jin felt terrible——

"If you don't regard me as the king, I will use the bright red altar that can sacrifice and kill the sages and turn you into ashes!" Su Jin was on the jumping sky bone and saw every space being shattered by it. Ruthless, holding the Wang Pintian bone in his hand, send it to his mouth!

Hua Jieyu, instantly sluggish!

With this kind of king-grade celestial bone, with such a temperature, Ye Di... actually made such a terrible move——

This move shocked the gods and demons in the world!

Ye Di! Swallow bones!

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