My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3281: Jie, here comes!

Ye Di swallowed Wang Pin Tian Bone!

This is something that the entire gods and heavens and the endless borders all dream of, even if they don't obey, they will be swallowed?

No one thought that the whole process should be so simple. Although they knew that the process would be very painful, on the other hand, Ye Di’s face was actually calmer than before——

How does Su Jin feel?

His throat seemed to be ignited like a monstrous fire. The terrifying high temperature even made him mobilize all his strength to maintain it. He felt that his internal organs were burning, and the sea of ​​qi was like a conversation!

"Go—" Su Jin heard a voice, his face was firm, and he didn't even groan a bit of pain!

I saw the star giant, Huo Di turned around, and the direction it was going was not where the old woman was, nor was it the Kingdom of the Great Moon God, but... Borderland!


Now that the Devil God Era has determined to be opened today, it is unstoppable, why does the Ye Emperor go to the frontier! Could it be that he wants to stop the war by war!

not good!

The old woman no longer looked like a mad woman, her face solemnly watched the star giant heading west, the star giant jumped up, defeated the half-faced void, and forcibly broke into the border desert——

The Ye Emperor in this state is undoubtedly the most terrifying!

The old woman deeply regretted that she had just issued an order to let hundreds of millions of gods and demons kill the cultivators of God and Heaven, but she forgot, Ye Di has someone who cannot be touched!

That female cultivator was rescued by Ye Di not long ago. It is obvious that it is important to her. Now she has been cut off, how can Ye Di let it go!

"You will regret everything you have done--" Gu Hen looked at all this, and after saying this to the old woman, he walked directly to the direction of the desert.

"Huh! It doesn't matter if you offend it! He is alone, can it turn the sky upside down?" The old woman angered at the back of Gu Hen.

This time, it was really a big trouble!

Ye Di swallowed the bone in a rage, and that day bone obviously did not want to choose him, but after he suppressed it, he swallowed it! This scene caused endless noise!

In the Great Moon Imperial City, countless people are panicking——

"Those demons are slaughtering my **** and cultivator! Mr. Yun, Mr. Yun has also appeared!"

"The devil in the border has killed the graves of all beings! How should we deal with—"

"What are you afraid of! We have humans in the gods, and we can resist in a short time. Now Ye Di has already killed the endless border, but it is not wise to do so, there are sages in the border."

"Cut off Yedi's Nilin, there is so stupidity over there, this situation is really endless. Yedi dug a monument and carried it with the star giant. It is obvious that he is going to fight to the death!"

"Even though we have a Tianjiao such as Huangdi, but the wild demon over there is so strong that it has suffered heavy losses in such a short period of time—"

"No! In all the great kingdoms, there are many existences comparable to the ultimate demons, obviously still gaining momentum, but the result is not clear!"


The most complicated mood now is Ji Tianao——

Ji Tianao was very depressed. He stood in the void and looked at his hands. Brother Ye's words just pierced his heart like steel needles!

God ancestor, incompetent? !

Grandpa, why not do it!

On the side of the wilderness, suddenly began to linger on scenes of scriptures. The scriptures are not unusual and not glaring, but each scripture is as thick and thin as a mountainside, slowly swimming!

"In the battle between the two sides, the sages are not allowed to take action. The gods are destroyed, and the era of your demon gods will naturally open up, otherwise the ancestors will inherit the will of the sky and use the heavenly sacrifice patterns to sacrifice your sages—"

Voice, Ji Tianao's familiar voice!

The **** ancestor of Tianji, actually gave a decree, forbidden to shoot! What's happening here! Many people are dreaming about the rumors that the **** ancestors of the Tianji have the ability to resist the sages, but this is only a rumors. Now it seems that they really have this ability!

But all this seems to have not caught anyone's ears——

To the east of Bianhuang, slowly began to be enveloped by a black cloud. When a thunder sound appeared, most of the Bianhuang, as if caused by this thunder in a chain reaction!

Thousands of lightning, shining everywhere!

Jie, here comes!

Shentian fears the Desolate Devil, crushing the entire territory, and the Frontier Desolate, now it is not afraid of a person, he is here, he is the great disaster of the Frontier Desolation!

Night Emperor——


"One billion li northwest of this place is the residence of my Supreme Demon Palace..." Gu Hen appeared in front of the Star Giant with a wry smile, arching his hands.

"Senior leave, as long as there is no one out of the magic palace, the age of ten thousand years will be unharmed." Su Jin spoke indifferently, and then continued to drive the star giant and walked directly beside Gu Hen!

Gu Hen took a deep breath and looked at the back of the horrible star giant, feeling that opening the Demon God Era was a mistake, a big mistake--


Three thousand miles away, the ‘Dark Ancient Devil City’ has come!

From a distance, a star giant who was several times larger than a magic city appeared in the east of the city!

"Fight with him!" A big bat demon spread out its fishy wings. Before it touched the star giant, he was caught in his hand by the star giant, and the ashes flowed from his fingers.


A huge clock covering the city manifested in the sky above the "Dark Ancient Devil City"!

The sky full of unstarted sutras shone out on the surface of "The Unstarted Bell". At that moment, endless sorrow, all appeared!

As the huge clock fell, covering the whole city, when the loud noise appeared, there was no wailing!

There is no beginning bell, and it is a city of ashes!

Gu Hen saw this terrible scene from a distance, and his whole body was trembling. He wanted to stop it, but now the "Life Monument" was caught in the hands of the star giant, providing Su Jin with supreme blessings. He is a half-sage, not sure!

The Wushi Bell was not put away, but was turned into a rainbow by Su Jinyao and fell somewhere else.

Soon, Su Jin raised his palm, and there were two small clocks floating in his palm——

One is the Donghuang Bell, and the other is the bronze bell!

The four daughters of Hua Jieyu and Yucha Demon Mother have witnessed all this with their own eyes. Now the four daughters are pale, and they really feel the terrible Ye Di!

Waved to destroy a city without frowning--

In an instant, ten suns appeared in the sky. The sun was scarlet, and the ancient Great Sun Golden Crow and Burning World Golden Crow seemed to fly out!

Three big clocks, each covering a city, made the four women feel particularly shocked!


The three bells fell all together, the deafening sound made people unbearable to look straight! But here is a wasteland, a wasteland demons, what pity!

"Don't kill--" Hua Jie's voice was full of crying, there are many demons in the border, but the Ye Emperor in front of him is tens of thousands of times more terrifying than the demons! She has only now deeply realized what kind of existence the silent night emperor is!

Just because Bian Huang cut him a red face--

Then the calamity fell on the border!

"The front is the'Blue Faced Demon Frontier'." The host of Tingxue glanced at Su Jin with a look of fear, but he was extremely anxious that he was transmitting the sound to the third daughter.

His Royal Highness Frost said in a cold voice: "The Blue Faced Demon Territory is considered to be a great power in the frontier. Including the Blue Demon Ancestor, there are 13 ultimate demons. These 13 ultimate demons, if they don't go to the gods. Yedi, it is difficult for him to win."

"Well, I hope I can stop him--" Yucha Mo Niang felt that Ye Di was too terrible. She is such a show off person, and now she dare not make any jokes.

Hua Jieyu is worried.

Is it true?

If Ye Di does not hold the monument of life, it may not be a concern, but the current situation is different! The power of the monument is too terrifying, as long as it is not exhausted, the star giant will not disappear!

Ahead, the blue-faced magic border!

Dozens of magic cities are lit up in them, especially eye-catching in the sky full of clouds, countless demon gods gather in the void, and 13 ultimate demons are ready to go!

"I am Fan Chong, the blue-faced demon frontier. I'm here to commit an evil enemy, so I dare to fight!"

It was an extreme demon with long horns on his head. This person was covered in hair, blue face, violent fangs, and was a thousand feet tall——

Su Jin didn't respond, his godless eyes began to follow up and looked at the dozens of magic cities.

Gradually, a looming mysterious hall, as if beginning to manifest from the ancient source, hung over the blue-faced demon territory! But in the blink of an eye, the temple skyrocketed, and every blink of an eye could skyrocket dozens of times!

Perhaps there are records in the long-term future: there is a palace of longevity, covering dozens of cities! !

At this moment, the thirteen ultimate demons of the blue-faced demon territory were all scared and pale!

"Ye, Ye Di!"

Including Fan Chong, who just called Zhan, all their faces darkened and they trembled--

"Ye Di, my blue-faced demon territory, this time I sent to the gods and demon repairs, but hundreds, I am the ultimate demon, and all have not gone, please... let it go!" Fan Chong's expression was extremely miserable, and he could only cry Begging.

"Dead." Su Jin looked up at it, and his voice seemed to announce the demise of the Blue Faced Demon Territory.


The huge Palace of Longevity, crashing down!

The earth is cracking, the mountains are uprooting, and the entire blue-faced demon territory, dozens of cities, are all destroyed in the deep abyss! The scene seemed to have formed an endless moat!

"Bold thief, really deceive me to be deserted!"

Jiao drink came, but Hua Jieyu and the others saw a magical rainbow in the distance. There were more than a dozen young female nuns scattered all over the place. The leader wore a green gauze skirt, and a half-moon knife was surrounded by the body. !

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