My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3282: Water shakes the moon

The dozen or so women who came here dressed in uniform, and each machete was inlaid with nine star treasures. What made Su Jin even more miraculous was that these were not magic cultivation, and the cultivation method was also very pure immortal avenue.

"Tianshui Palace, water shakes the moon?" The host of Listening Xue was slightly startled. He didn't think that it was this immortal family's court who dared to stand out for the frontier now--

The leader is the "Tianshui Palace" Water Shakes the Moon!

The positioning of this palace is actually very complicated. Tianshui is located on the border of the border and the southeast, between the border and the gods. In the past, more than one generation of palace owners of Tianshui Palace said that Tianshui Palace was the Tianshui Palace of Shentian, not the border. shortage!

Shui Yaoyue's waist was like a thin willow, but when he really faced Ye Emperor at this moment, his heart jumped again and again--

In Shui Yaoyue's eyes, Ye Di was quietly terrifying!

Slightly loose black long hair, coupled with that a little godless gaze, there is a mysterious "lightning shape" mark on the eyebrows, this person is really crazy in the border!

Su Jin slowly turned his head, looked directly at Shui Yaoyue, and said in a hoarse voice: "What about deceiving you?"

"Bianhuang is the devil's land, but what is the difference between your behavior and those demons! It is said that your Ye Emperor is bloodthirsty, today, I! Tianshui Gongshui shakes the moon, I must punish the devil here!" Shui Yaoyue said with caution.

Su Jin waved his hand directly, condensing a scene on one side. In that scene, it turned out to be what is happening in Shentian now——

In the sight, the devil is in the city of God! Countless people were in panic, screaming and howlings were endless! Those wild monsters, wherever they go, no grass will grow! From the elders to the young children, and even the infants—

"I want to ask, since your Tianshui Palace is so noble, why don't you stop them?" Su Jin asked rhetorically.

Shui Yaoyue choked, she really didn't expect the situation to be so serious!

Not long ago, the news that Ye Di was killed on the frontier and destroyed several cities was spread. Shui Yaoyue concealed his neutral ancestor, and brought thirteen senior sisters and sisters to Zhan Ye Di to prove the truth, but Now she was shocked by the **** scenes, even a little at a loss.

"Anyway, it is not advisable to kill to stop killing!" Shui Yaoyue said far-fetched.

"Then you guys do it--" Su Jin said calmly.

Shui Yaoyue did not hesitate. Her logic of position was naturally to stand on the side of the desert. If Ye Di was cut off, Tianshui Palace would not be in such an embarrassing position. The future will naturally have great benefits!

The crescent scimitar that surrounds the body suddenly talks about thousands of lights and shadows, and every light and shadow is extremely powerful. The bombardment of more than a dozen people has passed, and the combat effectiveness is barely enough!

Su Jin raised his arm, Lingong faced a dozen women, including Shui Yaoyue, and gently held a virtual grip——

Qiang Qiang!

Shui Yaoyue was shocked, and the moonlight blade they cut out was shattered 100 meters away from the star giant. What kind of defense power is this star giant!

On the other hand, Shui Yaoyue and the others, in shock, suddenly felt that their neck was held by a big hand!

A dozen people were each grabbed by Su Jin's condensed arm!

Throat, even hard to breathe!

"Today, there is no shortage of people who are unreasonable, not to mention you. Even if your Tianshui Palace is all played, it is hard to be as eye-catching as a dust in my eyes."

Su Jinsen's eyes were cold, and he snapped his fingers slightly. Except for Chu Shui Shao Yue, the void of the rest of the body burst into pieces, crushed like pieces of glass!

"You--" Shui Yaoyue's face was pale.

"Since you stand firm and kill you like this, lest it is too cheap for you, I want you to see with your own eyes how this piece of magical land was buried by my own hands!"

Su Jin used immortal power to condense into a rope, tied the water to the moon into a zongzi, and put it aside!

Sounds like this, the other four women are terrified--

First of all, the Yucha Demon Girl, His Royal Highness Frost, and the host of Tingxue directly knelt down!

"Will Ye Di let me go to the Yucha Demon Palace? I believe that Ye Di is the master, and the Demon Palace has not been out of the war..." The Yucha Demon Lady was really terrified. No joke!

"Moon Tianhai, you are not allowed to move..." Hua Jieyu said with difficulty, biting her teeth.

Su Jin controlled the star giant, looked at a dozen extreme demons in the distance, and did not agree to the words of the Yucha Demon and the others.

"I, want to go." Su Jin's eyes no longer looked at the dozen or so extreme demons. The star giant stepped forward, stepped through the blue-faced demon territory that had turned into a moat, and disappeared in the eyes of the extreme demons.

This...Who can stand this?

Fan Chong and other extreme demons peeked at each other, and finally they were ashamed to discover! No one dared to stop the Ye Emperor!

"Emperor Ye killed the creatures of the Demon Road beside me in such a way, and Xian did not stop it because of the words of God Ancestor Ji that day--" An extreme demon said angrily.

"There are still many half-sages in my borderland! I hope that half-sages will come forward and kill this sage!"

"Hope! The ancient mark saw the night emperor before, but this ancient mark actually wanted the night emperor to protect him from the supreme devil's palace, and he didn't want to be an enemy with him! What a damn!"

"If you let him break down in this way, the frontier will be like a god, full of holes and devastated! Someone must come forward to stop this person, and if I see it well, all his current support is due to that. The life stele, if the life stele no longer provides him with the power of life, the star giant will disappear, and then it will be the best time to cut him!"

"What should we do now?"

"Follow! As soon as the star giant disappears, we will shoot directly--"

"it is good!"


Now, all the monks in the border area felt fear!

Standing in the hands of the star giant, Ye Di stepped across the blue-faced demon territory and went directly to the depths of the border and wilderness! You know, even the unstarted holy emperor back then did not choose to do this!

Of course, this is different from when the Holy Emperor Wu Shi was still alive. At that time, there were thousands of sages on the border, and even the holy emperor had to weigh the power of the entire border——

Now, Shui Yaoyue has the heart to die...

Starting from the Tianshui Palace, he came to intercept and kill Ye Di, but she did not expect that the other party would kill the senior sister and younger sister with a wave of hands, and she was the only one to survive!

Shui Yaoyue is now **** by the Xian cable, struggling fiercely, she immediately said: "Ye Di! Kill me if you have the ability! I won't succumb to you!"

Su Jin turned a blind eye, as if ignoring the existence of Shui Yaoyue——

"Don't go forward anymore." Hua Jieyu said coldly: "The front is the Nine Phases Demon Palace. The contemporary palace owners have half-sage cultivation skills, far from what you can handle!"

Su Jin saw a circle of city walls in front of his eyes. The city walls encircled tens of millions of miles. There are not a few areas of this level in the entire frontier—

Here, it will be extremely difficult! Su Jin feels this way!

Rumble, three extremely magnificent clocks, gradually floating from the sky, the beginningless bell, the eastern emperor bell, and the bronze barren bell are already listed!

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