My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3283: Nine Phase Demon Zu

Looking at Yedi's posture, is it really necessary to do something against the Nine Phases Demon Palace!

Hua Jieyu's face was solemn, and she even looked at Su Jin with some accusing eyes. If she was allowed to choose, this place would definitely be placed in the countdown position, because she couldn't provoke--

"The contemporary Demon Ancestor of the Nine Phases Demon Palace ranks ninth in the frontier history. According to legend, this Demon Ancestor is even stronger than the ancient mark, and Ye Di can't choose here." Yucha Demon Niang also persuaded.

"Provoke, then provoked." Su Jin's hoarse voice is extremely indifferent, and his throat is still very painful. This is all caused by swallowing the Wangpin Tiangu. If he hadn't possessed the Vulcan Dao, he would have been annihilated the moment he swallowed it. Up.

Su Jin's words just fell--

The endless bells spread out thousands of sutras, and each sutra travels through the void within the scope of the ‘Nine-phase Devil’s Palace’, but in an instant, three majestic clocks cover an extremely far-reaching range!

"You dare to move my Nine Phases Demon Palace an inch to see..." Deep in the void, there was a misty anger.


Su Jin pointed to the three giant clocks, and the three giant clocks were suddenly covered!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

The three big hands, red as blood, have evolved into the size of a clock, directly under the three giant clocks!

The females of Hua Jieyu turned pale, and the coercion from the void alone made them unbearable. It was obvious that the half-sage demon ancestor of the Nine Phases Demon Palace had taken action!

"Quiet night emperor, Gu Hen lets you, my ancestor is not used to you!" The voice in the void, I don't know where it appears, but this kind of power makes people pressure more intense.

Night Emperor——

What will it do?

Yucha Demon Empress is now a person on the same boat as Ye Di. If Ye Di falls, given their current situation, the Demon Ancestor will probably not be merciless!

The result is quite disappointing, even a bit regretful!

The "lightning imprint" on Su Li's head slowly opened, a ray of gray pupils mixed with a slight silver light, his body seemed to be frozen, not moving the slightest, but the four women felt that the current Yedi felt even more terrible!

A trace of black air is like thousands of wandering dragons, hiding the shape of a dragon, but it can disperse at any time. At such a close distance, Hua Jieyu saw a shocking scene!

Those tens of millions of black wandering dragons are made up of tiny ‘dead’ characters——

The cloud of death began to pour into the splendid wall.

This black cloud, like a tsunami of death of thousands of feet, overwhelmed the sky and rolled away!

Thousands of lights, swept away in the dark clouds, the tide of death begins!

There are living corpse demons, passed down for fifty generations, under the envelope of "The Book of the Dead", all screamed, their souls and souls were destroyed, and those corpses seemed to radiate the word ‘death’ several times again!

"Damn you!"

The nine-phase demon ancestor rose from the void, its six-eared human body, silver fire patterns on its eyebrows, and loose white hair!

Behind this half-sage demon ancestor, there is a Miao-age Human Race witch kneeling to serve, but the maids are trembling and trembling.

"Shentian divine repair, **** it? Mojia Hongyu, in your eyes, do you deserve to die?" Su Jin controlled the star giant, and saw the huge star giant holding the monument in his mouth, and took a step forward. Bumped across the broken wall, raised his fist and blasted over!

Void, was blasted open a very far-reaching starry sky road!

The Nine Phase Demon Ancestor was shocked. It just learned that this person had been killed, but it didn't really care about it. It didn't expect to be so powerful!

"What a monster!" The whole body of the nine-phase demon ancestor was like an inflated balloon, constantly rising, its black claws directly wanted to capture the arm of the star giant!


The face of the nine-phase demon ancestor changed suddenly, and the star giant hit it directly with a knee, and almost hit it!

Boom boom boom -

The Nine Phase Demon Ancestor is now fully fighting against the star giants, but the three divine clocks are unscrupulous, and every time the clock falls, countless demon heads will be taken away!

"Mirror Devil World!" The Nine Phase Demon Ancestor raised his hand and set up the mirror world. In the eyes of Su Jin and others, endless mirror images appeared all around!

"This is the most terrifying place of the Nine Phase Demon Ancestor——" Hua Jieyu hurriedly said: "Among the hundreds of millions of mirror images, only one mirror reflects its own existence, and only that mirror can lead to the real world. Going wrong will be forever."

Su Jin's face darkened. Although expected, the strength of the Nine Phase Demon Ancestor was far beyond his imagination. His divine pupil could not break the real path!

"Now even if you want to leave, my ancestor will not let you go! Accept your fate!" The voice of the Nine Phase Demon Ancestor came from all directions.

"Mo Hongyu! the spirit of the sky, watch carefully..." Su Jin closed his eyes, "I will use the entire border wasteland to bury you as you wish!"

Hua Jieyu was shocked!

What is the meaning of Ye Di's words, can he break the "Mirror Demon Realm" of the Nine Phase Demon Ancestor?


Hua Jieyu's few women suddenly paled, seeing the surrounding scenery suddenly change! This was actually the evolution world used by Ye Di before Mo Hongyu died!

Now, Su Jin controls the star giant and is stepping on the first star of Ten Stars!

"Roar—" The star giant swallowed the stars, and the tens of thousands of star streamers were taken by it, and it took its first step again!

The surrounding space is bursting into pieces! Including the Mirror Demon Realm, it was instantly swept to pieces!

The face of the Nine Phase Demon Ancestor was extremely ugly, and it was even a little sluggish. After watching the mirror image demon world disappear, its Nine Phase Demon Palace and the large border wild demon land were in the realm of evolution!

What kind of means will the Ye Emperor have! The Nine Phase Demon Ancestor did not expect Ye Di to be so difficult!

"There were creators in ancient times, who opened up the star realm of creatures. Although I don't have that ability, you are only a half-sage, a star giant... not afraid!" Su Jin raised his right arm, and the irritable star giant was just like him. , Raise your arms!

Circles of blue ink streamer, mixed with secret light, slowly gathered in the palm of the star giant!


Gather again!

From the naked eye, in the place where the blue ink streamers gathered, a battle axe gradually condensed out. This is the Aotian Shenwu of the Ye Emperor! However, with the blessing of the monument of life and the world of evolution, this stone axe has grown to the point where it is taller than the giant star!

A few women in Hua Jieyu, stand on the spot!

"Do you know what you are doing!" The Nine Phase Demon Ancestor's body was trembling. Looking at that monstrous giant axe, it actually felt the danger of death!

This emperor is so capable--

At this moment, countless frontier demon heads, even the demons who were raiding the gods, were all stunned!

Far away in the heavens, the night can't stop the light of that giant axe! Now, Shentian and Bianhuang creatures can all see a star giant holding a battle axe to the sky, not knowing what to do!

boom! The star giant stepped on the third star of the ten-star chain, and the terrifying power is still gathering, and this power alone has been transmitted to the heavens and all directions!

Nine Heavens Divine Land, shaking!

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