My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3285: Holy Fire Lotus Master

"Xin! My ancestor is unwilling!"

The nine-phase demon ancestor bitterly, gritted his teeth, and finally he could only turn his head in anger, turned and sank into nothingness, he didn't dare, nor could he take this blow!

Su Jin's body trembled, and the rising pace of the star giant still failed to fall. In his current state, naturally he was just scaring the other party. How could he easily do it?

Yucha Mo Niang shouted incredible in her heart.

Nine-phase demon ancestor, half-sage **** and demon, unexpectedly... slipped away!

Obviously, this demon ancestor was afraid that the star giant would take another step and directly crush it! The other party didn't dare to bet that even if there was a slight possibility of taking that step, the Demon Ancestor couldn't make fun of his own life!

Hua Jieyu woke up in Shun Shen--

Ye Di really deserves to be a treacherous talent, not to mention that the opponent who can scare him and flee in this state, if the Devil Ancestor makes a move, 90% hope to kill the Ye Di at this time!

"I need to recover, Yucha Demon Maiden, you are responsible for the civilization of this woman. When this king comes out of the monument, you need to see her performance." Su Jin was shaking unconsciously, his body function has reached its limit, he One step turned into a divine rainbow, swallowed in the mouth by the star giant, and directly came to the front of the monument!

Yucha Mo Niang looked surprised and happy.

Su Jin's meaning could not be more obvious!

If Ye Di recovers, she will surely sweep the frontiers, so her hometown will be unavoidable! But as long as this Shui Shaoyue enlightened successfully, Ye Di would pardon her family's sins, which was tantamount to holding a gold medal for immunity from death!

The Yucha Demon Girl squatted down with a smile--

Shui Yaoyue looked at the Yucha Demon Girl with surprise, but was **** by the fairy cable, unable to lift it.

"Little sister, you have also seen Yedi's methods. I know more or less about your Tianshui Palace. You came here without telling your family on this trip?"

Yucha Mo Niang hit the key point directly, she actually did not pay attention to Tianshui Palace, but this girl is young, and the strength is so-so, so she would dare to trouble Ye Di with such a few people, how can she hide her eyes ——

"You, like Ye Di, are all bad guys, I won't pay attention to you anymore!" Shui Yaoyue turned her head.

"Hehe, I am Yucha Demon Girl, she is the master of Tingxue in the outer building, and this is His Royal Highness Frost, you must have heard of it?" Yucha Demon Girl smiled: "We are all people in the desert Since your position is on the edge, what is the difference from us?"

"I--" Shui Yaoyue's face became cloudy.

"Look at our fate, if you don't obey Ye Di, it's impossible to stand here and talk to you." The master listener sighed.

"Ye Di is really shameless, embarrassing a woman, and tied me here, waiting for my ancestor of the Tianshui Palace to come, I must make him look good!" Shui Yaoyue complained.

"Why don't you understand yet?"

Yucha Mo Niang touched Shui Shaoyue’s face, stroked her hair, and said, “Don’t say it’s the ancestor of your Tianshui Palace. Even if it’s a demon wise man in the wild today, Ye Di may not be able to reason with him. of--"

"Your ancestor?" Listening to the host, he sneered: "Your ancestor only needs to come to save you. If you see Ye Di, I am afraid that he will kneel down and beg Ye Di to spare you."

"Impossible!" With tears rolling in her eyes, Shui Yaoyue admitted that she was too careless, but their Tianshui Palace was not weak, so how could anyone listen to Lou Zhu's words like this?

"Your ancestor, but it is equivalent to a novice demon in the frontier desert, and now Ye Di is not even interested in seeing a goal. Just now the nine-phase devil ancestor escaped, can your ancestor have the nine-phase demon ancestor? Yucha Mo Niang asked back.

"Knowledge, Tianshui Palace can still be saved, if you don't know, Yedi can be destroyed with a wave of his hand, then you will be the sinner of the dead clan——" Tingxue said.

Shui Yaoyue:...


She knew her reason was far-fetched, but now she was captured as a prisoner, she can't beg for forgiveness! She can't do it!

Of course, Su Jin did not know the content of these conversations, and his situation is very serious now!

Rolling up his sleeves silently, Su Jin saw that his arm was densely packed with tiny cracks. He used his "Great Life Art" to bless the monument, which was unprecedented.

Moreover, the living monument is already exhausted, but Su Jin himself is not broken. In this way, the problem is unimaginable!

"How long can I... last?" Su Jin sighed in his heart. The reason why he did this was compelling!

If there is no surviving monument, there will be no star giant. Once he loses the surviving monument, he will be unable to move in this desert! Later, there were more than a dozen great demons coveted, and he was forced to leave a half-sage demon ancestor just now!

It can be said that he would die if he didn't do this, and he would die miserably!

Su Jin abandoned distracting thoughts and sat cross-legged on the crystal monument of life.

The silver-green leaves of the Enlightenment Tree all pulsed slightly, and a Dao Mark was scratched, but Su Jin could not pick up any Dao Mark!

Su Jin looked inwardly with the primordial spirit to check the situation inside his body——

My entire divine body, whether it is skin, or meridian, is full of cracks! Of course, his celestial skull is still intact, but his skull is assimilated and indestructible!

That piece of Wang Pin Tian Bone that was swallowed by him, Su Jin hadn't inspected it carefully earlier.

Now Su Jin has this opportunity.

At this moment, his sea of ​​qi has already returned to calm, and in the vast power of that sea of ​​qi, that sky bone is floating in it!

What is the divine intent of this celestial bone? Why is it so difficult to subdue!

"Actually, you don't have to be like this--" At this time, the murderous Wu Zun's voice appeared, with regret in his tone.

"Since I chose, I won't look back." Su Jin said calmly: "Do you know this bone?"

Killing Wuzun was silent.

After a long time, Killing Wu Zun said: "This tomb of sentient beings that belongs to Dayue is extremely famous, because the heavenly bones cultivated by this monument of life are beyond the top grade, but the king grade! What is the heavenly bone of the king grade? Concept? Even a wise person has a little knowledge, how can I know."

"Then you go away--" Su Jin didn't have time to talk to him.

"Although I have been silent for this period of time, I know everything that happened. Just now, the nine-phase demon ancestor screamed unwillingly, and must have gone to find someone. You have not yet faced the true power of the frontier, and you have been seriously injured. Dying, it's hard to leave alive." Killing Wuzun said.

"I know." Su Jin said calmly.

"Regarding this king-grade celestial bone, rumors have something to do with the Holy Emperor Wu Shi. This is why you are allowed to pass the Wu Shi Pass. If you want to find the answer, you might as well try to pass on the origin of Wu Shi——"

"Say things quickly, let go if you have farts."

"The king grade bone is naturally the king of the gods of the heavens! Of course, there is more than one piece of the king grade bone in the heavens, and the king grade bone was born in the gods in an instant."

Killing Wu Zun's words were directly shielded by Su Jin, thinking silently in his heart, do you inherit from the beginningless origin?

What is the origin of this king-grade celestial bone with the holy emperor without beginning?

Su Jin was running the origin of no beginning in his body. He seemed to see a cloud of blue aura rushing into the sea of ​​qi, and he knew the no beginning sutra in his mind immediately. The profound concepts in it, the understanding of no beginning sutra, directly reached Great success!

"Surrender me! This king can take you to the heavens!" Su Jin roared inwardly.

"Surrender me! This king will make you proud in the future!"

"Surrender to this king!"

Su Jin is like crazy, even if he used the Originless Origin and all the perceptual means, the ups and downs of the king grade bones did not show any abnormal changes——

There is no time to practice, and two hours have passed in a blink of an eye!

The nine-phase demon ancestor went and returned, but it did not go in vain, but brought three super powers! These three super powers are all half-sages!

"I, a half-sage of the gods and demon Dajiang, Tongxin ancient demon!" An old man with white hair and wrinkles on his face looked no different from the human race.

"Half of the Devil Mountain, Li Zhao, the Candle Devil!"

"Ask Tiandao Palace, Holy Fire Lotus Master!"

Among the three and a half sages brought by the Nine Phase Demon Ancestor, among them, the Holy Fire Lotus Lord is a woman with white skin and beautiful skin. It seems that she looks like a double ten, but the mature temperament revealed in that temperament is amazing.

This holy fire lotus master has a pink lotus pattern on the eyebrows. The appearance and temperament of this woman is actually a little moon flower that does not lose the veil to cover her face!

Su Jin opened his eyes and walked out of the monument. He glanced at the Yucha Demon Lady and other women before he said quietly: "Four half-sages want to kill me?"

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