My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3286: Blood Spear

Four and a half wise, too few?

Hua Jieyu and the others didn't know whether Ye Di was arrogant or really had the confidence. Seeing Su Jin briefly recovered for two hours, they felt as weak as before.

"Ye Di, we are under the seat of the sage, so you still feel less?" Tongxin Ancient Demon said coldly.

"Little." Su Jin sighed: "I hope you all the half-sages on the margins will gather together, because my king's fate will soon be over. I don't know how far we can go on this ancient starry sky road."

The nine-phase demon ancestor is slightly afraid-

Judging from what Ye Di said, he actually wanted all the half-sages of Bian Huang to appear here, and then he embarked on the road of ten stars and wanted to kill them all in one fell swoop!

Just as Wuzun Wuzun of Killing Heart just said, the Nine Phase Demon Ancestor did indeed go to see the sage master. If the sage master was not scrupulous about the **** ancestor Tianji, how could he be so presumptuous?

"Little Ye Di, you're only hurting your body, so you dare not say anything? I, half of the magic mountain Li Zhao, one person will pick you up!" Candle Demon Li Zhao immediately surveyed.

"The happier you jump, the faster you die. With the blessing of the monument of life, you really don't deserve to fight with this king!" Su Jin glanced at Li Zhao, the candle demon, and fought back.

Candle Demon Li Zhao immediately turned red as if swallowing a fly, very uncomfortable!

He is dignified and half wise--

Not worthy?

The Nine Phase Demon Ancestor hurriedly said: "The three Daoists should not be irritated by him. This person uses the evolutionary realm to evolve the ten-star starry sky road. Before only stepping on the third star, he opened this path. Tianhe, destroy all of my magic palace!"

"Little brother Ye, the sage said, as long as you stop here, go with me to see it, everything can be discussed!" The Holy Fire Lotus smiled and talked to Su Jin.

"If I don't--" Su Jin asked.

"Then send you on the road!" Candle Demon Li Zhao couldn't bear it any more, and strode out, roaring a black storm!

Pieces of black clouds are gathering, and a blood candle is faintly condensing in the storm!


The bright Tianhe suddenly turned into a **** color, and each of these blood candles was like a mountain, with evil nerves intertwined on it!

"According to the current situation of the Ye Emperor, he can't support it for too long. This is Li Zhao, the candle demon, the best among the half-sages!" Yucha Demon Niang said with a guilty conscience.

She was thinking, if Ye Di loses, she should kneel for a while and beg for mercy at the four and a half wise men——

After all, everyone is the same person on the border, and she was forced by Ye Di to be forced.

"Once the emperor fails, when he falls, he will all beg for mercy from the virtuous lord!" Hua Jieyu said in a cold voice.

"That's what I mean." Yucha Mo Niang said.

"If it hadn't been for the stability of the previous nine-phase demon ancestor, Ye Di would not have lived until now! He would not leave after he succeeded. He would think that the opponent's four and a half sages were few and the damage was not enough!" Quite helpless.

The four women all had the same plan, and they all tried their best to persuade Shui Yaoyue to persuade them all in vain. This woman is now anxious for four half-sages to kill Ye Di and cut him into flesh!

The surrounding black wind was very cold. When it was blown, the spirits seemed to be frozen, and every mountain-like candle, the candlelight was bright, and there were faint spirits changing various shapes, making people I couldn't help but feel shocked.


too strong!

Su Jin's body is as towering as a mountain! He is surrounded by Xuanyi, looking up at the starry sky, and raising the palm of his virtual grip~~~

On the ten-star starry sky road, the star giant, like the Ye Emperor, raised the star's arm, and the blue and red brilliance quickly smashed the sky above the Tianhe, blasting a very spectacular hole!

At that moment, the sky broke!

The rudimentary form of a broken sky arm, brazenly covering the top, this sky arm is far stronger than Su Jin's strength at any time, this arm, the **** of heaven, the border and the devil earth, can be seen!

"What the **** is this!" The old face of Tongxin Ancient Demon was shocked, and exclaimed.

"This is the arm of the sky!" Sacred Fire Lotus's face flushed, "Ancient books have records that there was no beginning holy emperor who was invincible to the border and gods. Soon after, the gods set the rules to prevent the world from being wise, and cut It is a heavenly arm that has never started!"

"The question is where did he learn it!" Tongxin Ancient Demon almost yelled.

Even Li Zhao, the candle demon, now has a solemn expression——

Regarding Su Jin's information, several people already knew everything well. The Sky Bone of the Ye Emperor was walking on the path of stars, and he was the lord of the Celestial Plane, catering to the path of stars!

Now that the monuments of life and the giants of stars are blessing him, the method of his arm in this day cannot be underestimated!

"Be careful!" The nine-phase demon ancestor flashed and stood side by side with the candle demon Li Zhao, raising the monstrous magic scripture, trying to block the blow!

Su Jin's eyes gradually became firmer--

Let go of everything, do everything, I don't know what will happen to the end!

"I'm coming too!" Tongxin Ancient Demon strode to the side of Candle Demon Li Zhao, and asked the three of them to join forces to block this terrifying blow!

"The sage said that if you can drop it, you can drop it. It's a pity that Yedi kills!" The Holy Fire Lotus Lord didn't know what to do, and quickly shouted.

"Shut up! Ye Di must die!" How can the Nine Phase Demon Ancestor agree, he has been ruined for countless years, and the outsiders say it is light and painful!

When the horrible sky arm was photographed, dozens of layers of void were shaken away. The three half-sages each condensed a powerful body guard magic light from the whole body, but this arm is too terrifying, with the blessing of the life monument, With the blessing of star giants!


Three and a half sages were photographed into the ultimate abyss. First, the weakest Nine-phase Demon Ancestor, spurting blood directly from the sky, it roared like crazy--


It's dignified and half-savvy, hurt in the hands of Ye Di! The other party's magic power to destroy it is the first, and the half-sage is behind it! Shame, great shame!

As for Tongxin Ancient Demon and Candle Demon Li Zhao, the blood surged by this arm shock, but fortunately, the two of them were not injured by this blow! It's just that the power is slightly consumed--

Su Jin shook his head, how could he be better off!

On this day, when his arms were lowered, Su Jin even heard the sound from the mortal monument. It was like an ice crack. The mortal monument would not last long, and he would also disappear.

Disappointed, Su Jin is now full of disappointment!

The method of the sky arm, after all, was unable to cut down the half-sages, this was already one of his strongest methods, but now he only slightly injured one and a half-sages, and the other two were unscathed!

At this moment, the star giant was also affected, and he was slightly in a trance, and he was approaching a state of vain quality!

"Good opportunity!" Li Zhao, the candle demon, roared, turned into a black light, and rushed to the sky!

Then everyone saw what the candle demon Li Zhao turned into!

It was a simple blood spear! The blood spear is only two meters long, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is crude! But it was this blood spear that caused the Holy Fire Lotus Master to tremble!


In the dome, Li Zhao used the power of a half-sage to bless him with all his strength, and fiercely threw the blood spear in his hand at Su Jin, the palm of the star giant!

"God Killing Blood Spear..." Holy Fire Lotus Master said in shock.

A blood spear seemed to travel through time and space, it seemed to be moving at the same speed as the light, and there was no time to blink. This god-killing blood spear pierced Ye Di's body!

Su Jin snorted. If he hadn't turned on the **** pupil, he would have been pierced by this blood spear. In the sight of his **** pupil, this spear was also very fast. Originally, it was his Buddha that the opponent wanted to stab him. The part of the heart, but it was missed by him a few inches, and it went straight into the chest cavity!

A spear pierced Su Jin's chest!

Su Jin's hand is holding the blood spear, his face is not painful, as if his body is not his, but the palm slowly moved away, actually pulling out the'God Killing Blood Spear' inch by inch !

This is not dead!

Candle Demon Li Zhao was angry and almost jumped up in anger——

At that moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to be quiet. Behind Su Jin, a high-rise building wheel appeared outrageously in the rolling time and space. This is...the wheel of the secret of heaven!


Su Jin was surrounded by a bright white halo from beneath his feet!

This is his fairy way!

Boom~~~ The white fairy ring ignited the fire! In the aura of immortality, there are golden crows crying, and several strange fires are active.

"In the name of my fire god, burn my avenue and finish this starry sky road!" Su Jin's voice shocked the world!

Buzzing, a blood-colored dragon-shaped halo, slowly cruising away, the fire burned! Bloody, like fire!

Immediately afterwards, the golden Buddha ring, rebuking the Buddha seal with the word ‘卍’, also rose! It's just that the golden Buddha ring is being burned by several colors of fire!

Ye Di, at this moment seems to have turned into a **** of destruction!

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