My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3291: Nanfeng Academy

Su Jin and the three people watched that the Cancer was caught, thrown into the dense forest, crushed into pieces of ancient wood, the old man smiled and disappeared directly on the mountain, and rushed towards the Cancer——

After a flutter, I saw a pattern on the back of the Cancer, and the ghost quieted down, and was frightened by the old man.

"You three little guys, don't move the fishing rod, otherwise don't blame the old man for not reminding you." The old man rode the Cancer, and immediately heard a voice.

"The old man's arm strength is amazing, I really admire the late birth." The three of them walked into the void, and Su Jin looked at the old man's style of riding a crab, which really made people feel strange.

When Su Jin looked at the opponent, the opponent was also looking at his line~~~

Hua Jieyu has already covered the veil, but it is still very eye-catching--

"Outsiders." The old man narrowed his eyes into a straight line and said in a strange tone.

"I traveled in the starry sky with my Taoist couple and accidentally fell into this realm of Gods. I just didn't know what I knew. Fortunately, I ran into the old man and saw the old man's outstanding fishing skills." Su Jin pretended to hesitate and said: "Dare to ask the old man Where can my husband find a way out?"

"A way out? No way out..."

The old man riding a crab was intoxicated in praise, and then said: "This is the realm of the moment God, and the old man is the deputy dean of the Nanfeng Academy, Qi Changle."


It seems that there is a city nearby--

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then said: "In an instant, the juniors of God's Domain have heard of it. I wonder if the old gentleman knows a place of lying Buddha?"

The intoxicated look on Qi Changle's face directly froze slowly, and then looked at Su Jin with profound meaning: "You don't know, you don't know, it's all in the book! Well, you stand up, follow me into the academy, and check it yourself. Right."

"Uh... Since the old man knows, why should we let us investigate? Just tell it directly." Xiexin Phoenix asked in a puzzled way.

"The old gentleman knows the side-lying Buddha site." Su Jin said: "But the old gentleman doesn't know where it is. The Instant God Realm used to be one of the High God Realms. I am afraid that many relics have been lost, so we need to look it up in the annals."

"You little guy is clever--" Qi Changle laughed, then he patted the crab on the back, "Go, give you a ride."

Su Jin smiled and nodded, and the three directly stood up.

After thinking about it, Su Jin took out a jug of wine, set the table, and smiled: "How did the old man see that we are foreign monks?"

"Oh, you can't use it, scholars can't drink." Qi Changle was perfunctory, while his watery eyes focused on the jar of wine, and then said: "It's actually very simple to see that you are outsiders. , You don’t have the imprint of the slave on your face."

After speaking, a bright red symbol gradually appeared on Qi Changle's forehead——

Su Jin pushed the wine to Qi Changle and said with a smile: "This is a fine wine from outside the world. If the old man needs it, I have some more here."

"When you get to the academy, take it again and take it again at the right time." Qi Changle frustrated, he held the wine and started drinking for a while, obviously didn't mind Su Jin's identity as outsiders.

Hua Jieyu said in a voice transmission: "Who is your Taoist companion? You have to maintain your identity and don't lower your value. I am a person who was expelled by you. Where is this honor?"

"Isn't this a stopgap..." Su Jin said, "If you get to the'Nanfeng College' soon, I will leave this big crab with excuses."

"Why?" Evil Heart Phoenix asked.

"Don't ask, with my current appearance, I can't stand the devastation at all--" When Su Jin transmitted the sound, he raised his hand to signal Qi Changle to continue drinking.

In the lush dense forest, as the big crab climbed farther and farther westward, the field of vision gradually became empty.

This is a mysterious mountain range, the whole body is azure, the trees are sparse, and the thickest is not the mouth of the bowl, but at a glance, the mountain is deep, and it seems that you can reach the end of the sky along the ridge!

The speed of the few people is not slow, but within a quarter of an hour, they appeared on the ridge. Under such a vision, on the extremely high mountain, there is a vaguely magnificent building!

There is a majestic and simple archway at the main entrance, with the four characters "Nanfeng Academy" written on it!

"Senior, the scenery here is pretty good, what do you think?" Su Jin looked at Qi Changle, who was flushed with wine, suddenly said.

"Of course! Our Nanfeng Academy, inherited from ancient times, the scenery here is naturally unique!" Qi Changle said.

"The younger generation saw the archway of Nanfeng Academy. How can you not enjoy such a beautiful scenery? The old man will go back first, and the three of me will be there later—"

Su Jin immediately grabbed the evil-hearted Phoenix, and the three of them slipped away, making people baffled!

"It's okay, little brother, appreciate it." Qi Changle pressed his face to the wine jar, his eyes were about to open, and his face was drunk and said: "I'll be later, the old man picks up this sea crab paste and makes a pot The fresh soup is so delicious that our brothers will be sipping on it!"

"for sure!"

Su Jin watched the crab climb far, and cried out that it was dangerous.

"What the **** are you doing?" Hua Jieyu said warmly.

"We are going to Nanfeng Academy with him, it will be life-threatening, I am for your sake." Su Jin glanced at the two women, and continued: "Let's wait for some time before passing--"

In a moment, Hua Jieyu and Xiexin Phoenix immediately felt the mountains under their feet tremble!

The Nanfeng Academy in the distance seemed to tremble, and saw a divine light like kicking a shuttlecock, kicking a figure into the sky, the scream was more tragic than killing a pig!

"What's the matter?" Evil Heart Phoenix's face was dull, "The old Mr. Qi is being beaten..."

"It was a woman who beat him." Hua Jieyu said with shame: "You already knew this would happen?"

"I know--" Su Jin said lightly: "I knew it from the moment I started with Mr. Qi."

"Why didn't we see it? I'm still confused now." Evil Heart Phoenix asked in confusion.

"We saw the old man fishing. It was nothing at all, but you didn't seem to notice. So far the three fishing rods are still at the secret fishing spot."

Su Jin continued: "Drinking, fishing, and scalping are great taboos for scholars. He hides the fishing rod and refuses to take it away, which shows that his storage ring will be looked at. The first object of suspicion is his wife, you. Say if we follow, we can still get off, okay?"

"According to this level of female cultivator power, wouldn't the divine sense find out that he was fishing?" Evil Heart Phoenix asked.

"It's very simple, because there is a "Eight Desolation Sealing Gods Monument" nearby. I have checked it carefully. The monument can not only suppress the luck, but if you don't believe it, if you look at it now, you must not even see the mountain." Su Jin said.

"That old gentleman was miserable by you--" Evil Heart Phoenix saw that it was so, and immediately said weirdly.

"This senior is in our hometown. He belongs to the type that doesn't fight for three days and goes to the house to reveal the tiles. Okay, let's slow down now and go straight." Su Jin stretched out and started to go south. The wind academy advances.

The white sun slowly fell to the horizon...

Down the magnificent archway, Qi Changle shrank his neck, his nose and face swollen, waiting for Su Jin to arrive.

Next to Qi Changle, a middle-aged woman was full of stern expression when she saw someone gradually approaching——

"The mountains here, the water here, the girls here are the most beautiful~~~" Su Jin sighed. He saw Qi Changle and couldn't help but step up and shouted: "Hey brother, who is this beauty? ?Your daughter?"


The thief was stiff.

Qi Changle's eyes widened. He just drank and did this guy hurt him from time to time? Now I dare to make fun of him like that!

"What look? This is my wife——" Qi Changle glared with a beard.

When it was over, Qi Changle felt that his wife was going to be mad. When he took a peek at the wife with his small eyes, he was silly on the spot, at a loss!

"Hehe, my little brother can really talk." The middle-aged woman covered her flushed face and said with some embarrassment: "It turns out that my parents are happy to lie. I really met a friend."

"Ashamed, ashamed, it turned out to be my sister-in-law. When I was traveling, I met Old Brother Qi, and I felt like I was so stinky, and I felt so late. I was invited by my older brother, so I took the liberty to come here and disturb." Su Jin laughed.

"Don't bother, don't bother, it's getting late, I'll go prepare dinner for you, Changle, hurry up and invite the little brother in, I'll fetch the wine, and entertain the distinguished guests."

The middle-aged woman walked into the college happily--

Qi Changle patted his thigh, pointed at Su Jin, and laughed in a low voice: "You can really do it~~~"

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