My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3292: Mysterious flakes

Su Jin shrugged--

"The mouth seems to be wiped with honey." Xiexin Phoenix looked at Su Jindao with a strange look.

Hua Jieyu stared at Su Jin's face, and when he heard Xiexin Phoenix's words, he turned his face to the side, the cheeks and jade neck all felt burning.

After entering the Nanfeng Academy, after Qi Changle's introduction, Su Jin felt how old this academy is. The buildings here are mostly stone, and the age can even catch up with the "Eight Desolate Sealing Gods Monument" he saw not long ago!

There are many people in the academy. The prosperity of Confucianism and Taoism here really opened up Su Jin's eyes. There were more than 8,000 students in the academy. Because the dean had just been mad and beaten his husband in anger, all the students were trembling and trembling until now.

"My brothers drank at night, I'll take you to the Book Collection Hall--" Qi Changle's face was rare and solemn, "It's not my brother to persuade you, the side-lying Buddha place you are looking for, in terms of today's God Realm, no one Dare to go."

"Since my brother knows where he is, why not speak bluntly--"

"What? I don't know where it is, but the book records that you need to take a look, don't know how to lose your life then." Qi Changle stared.


Su Jin looked at Qi Changle so cautiously and did not refuse. He looked at this academy's residence, and from a distance, it seemed that there was an especially terrible danger hidden in the dense night.

"Don't walk around in the academy at night. You can't leave the academy. It's not safe in the mountains." Qi Changle muttered, explaining points that need attention.

The dinner was extremely rich. There were a total of 18 college chefs, and the dean personally supervised the cooking. Although God's Domain does not lack the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, none of the dishes on the dinner are all the treasures that are difficult to eat in weekdays!

After a full meal, it’s already late into the night——

Book collection hall.

Qi Changle led Su Jin in, this book hall is really big! There are tens of millions of books on bamboo slips, layer by layer, and even ancient stone carvings are arranged like a mountain!

"Shanhaijuan, it's here--" Qi Changle drank a lot of wine, his eyes seemed to be blurred by drunkenness, and said, "Brother, brother, I've never been such a man in front of my wife!"

Think about the scene of the wine table, in front of his wife, where he fights wine and drinks eighty glasses, how domineering he is!

Su Jin said helplessly: "There are so many mountains and seas, where can I find it..."

Now Xiexin Phoenix and Hua Jieyu are there, even if the three of them are difficult to search through, they have to find exhausted.

"If I remember correctly, it should be this volume." Qi Changle took out a two-meter-high stone-covered scroll. "Brother, you can turn it over. I will rest on the bench for a while. When I'm done, I want to go back to the room and call. Wake me up."

Su Jin nodded and began to turn over—

Finally, at more than 3,600 pages, Hua Jieyu and Evil Heart Phoenix were shocked.

The image of the big Buddha lying on the side is exactly the scene that was reflected in the Tongtian Hall before! Although this is just a drawing, it is definitely!

"Through the mountain deep and the road of the four jewels, it is said that there is a place where the Buddha is sideways, and the place has the most fierce thing, which can swallow the sun, the moon and the stars." Xiexin Phoenix frowned, "This is too difficult, just such a message."

"Look for it again--" Su Jin was upset, thinking that Mo Hongyu was swept away by Yongling Yushu, and he didn't know where it was, he was a little confused.

Su Jin wanted to leave.

Even if it was night, even if he only found this little piece of information, he wanted to try to find it, and immediately he walked to the hall of the book hall.

In the dim light, Su Jin's steps were firm. When he went to find Qi Changle, he seemed to be in a daze, instinctively looking at the mountain of stone carvings.

Most of the stone carvings were placed on the bookshelves, and the heavy ones were placed on the ground. A faint light shone on the edge of the stone carving just over ten meters high.

Su Jin walked over in doubt.

This stone carving was leaning against the northeast corner of the Book Hall. It had been covered in dust for a long time, and it had not been cleaned for many years. On the back side of the edge, a crack had been cracked at some point.

"Stone flakes?" Boss Su Jinfei got hard and buckled it out of it. The stone flakes resembled a safe buckle, with a greenish gray color, round stone, and a square hole in the middle, which looked plain.

Qi Changle snored loudly, and Su Jin had the urge to plug his ears when he walked up to him!

"Brother." Su Jin yelled, fearing that his voice would be too low to wake him up!

"Did you find a place?" Qi Changle stretched out and asked with his eyes open.

Su Jin squeezed the stone safety clasp, and said with a smile: "I found this in a stone carving with "Story of Yunchuan"..."

Qi Changle took a look, laughed, and then threw it to Su Jin. "Why do you still think about that pile of stone carvings? If you are interested in anything, just take it. Our Nanfeng Academy sells this stuff to other academies. ..."

Su Jin dumbly took out three jars of good wine, and asked Qi Changle to hide it, and then picked up the ‘safe buckle’.

"Found it!" Soon, Evil Heart Phoenix and Hua Jieyu walked over.

"Where?" Su Jin felt hopeless.

"Although we didn't find the place of the side lying Buddha, we should be able to find the place of the mountain and deep in the book. As long as we get there and start from scratch, we will definitely find the way to the Four Wonders in the end." Xiexin Phoenix said excitedly.

"Brother, when the matter is over, the younger brother will definitely come to visit again!" Su Jin didn't want to delay for a moment, but he shook his hand.

"Go now? You know it's the most insecure at night. There are many monsters in the mountains. It's not appropriate." Qi Changle was a little surprised, and shook his head repeatedly: "Even if you have her with her, it will be difficult to walk to that vast land alive!"

"I have a very important person missing. It may be found in the place where the big Buddha is lying on the side. Now it is not too late. I must leave." Su Jin said again.

Qi Changle hesitated a little, and took out a jade medal with the word'Qi' written on it, "Take it with you, don't be at your waist, it can hide your identity as an outsider, and maybe it can save your life——"


Su Jin nodded heavily, put the jade waist card on his waist, and chose to leave!

Looking at the three people leaving, Qi Changle's slightly distressed eyes seemed to have a little more peculiar brilliance, and finally he sighed: "The road to death..."

The mountains under the night sky, one after another, far from seeing the end.

Although this is the Realm of Instant God, even when this realm was one of the highest God realms back then, the mountain barbarous land still took up a large part.

Mountain barbarian, how demon!

"That Qi Changle and his wife put a lot of pressure on me——" Hua Jieyu said slowly as he walked away.

"Perhaps we shouldn't leave at night--" All the evil-hearted Phoenix smells are the breath of wild mountains, and she doesn't even know how many dangerous smells she has noticed.

"How do you get Shanyuan?" Su Jin asked.

"A million miles to the north, you can leave this mountain range, and you can't open a void passage." The Evil Heart Phoenix said, smashing a void passage into a far-reaching area on the spot, but the void road was slapped by several crystal red demon arms. Broken, dangerous and dangerous!

Su Jin nodded, "Then fly over from the mountains..."

"Okay." Evil Heart Phoenix took out a blue sword light and handed it to Su Jin.

When Su Jin touched this sword, the body of the sword buzzed and smiled: "Look, it reacts. Sooner or later this king's Sword God Avenue will be restored!"


The divine sword turned into a green rainbow, and it carried Su Jin across the mountains! The two women also followed! This line must go to the mountain abyss!

The aura of the Great Wilderness became more and more dense with the deep and stretched mountains, Su Jin and the three suddenly fell in a mountain range, and a clear lake appeared in front of them!

There are huge green shadows floating in the lake, if they fly by this, the consequences are unpredictable!

"Thousands of green tortoises, it's really dangerous here--" Evil Heart Phoenix looked at the back of a huge turtle floating on the surface of the water, and there were thousands of snake necks that resembled human heads around the turtle shell.

"From the first era, the human race has an unimaginable advantage in cultivation. In the era of demons, all the big demons wanted to swallow the essence of the sun and the moon and transform into human bodies. This is a powerful race that has failed to transform." Hua Jieyu Said.

"Don't alarm it!" Evil Heart Phoenix trembled.

"It's late." Su Jin saw the thousand heads, all of them were looking straight here, and said slowly: "Can you two do it? It has words on the tortoise shell, I want to see the words on it... "

There are words on the tortoise shell!

Evil-hearted Phoenix just got caught up in the opponent's fierce power, but he didn't notice this. He immediately looked at it, and there really was a lot of writing on that huge turtle back!

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