My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3293: Not the Lord

"Leave it to us—"

Evil-hearted Phoenix didn't say a word, and he responded directly. If she was alone, she might not dare, but she was a wise man beside her, who would naturally deal with a green turtle.

"You are really obedient." Su Jin smiled and raised Evil Phoenix's chin with his hands, and said calmly.

Hua Jieyu's face was cold, she could only grit her teeth, she heard something in Su Jin's words! Doesn't this mean that Sang cursed Huai and said she was disobedient? It is really annoying.


Evil Heart Phoenix's face flushed, and it turned into a black brilliance directly above the lake, and the terrifying high-heat energy began to spread from her body!

For a while, the lake water vaporized white mist, and the whole lake seemed to be boiled!

Thousands of green tortoises, thousands of heads roared in unison, stood up directly from the lake, and the power of destroying the void was constantly pouring out! Its scaly neck shook violently, and its thousands of mouths spewed a powerful demon light, trying to drown the evil Phoenix!

Hua Jieyu’s snow-white jade hand began to seal in front of her. The temperament on her body was like a fairy in the dust. A piece of virtuous intent leaped on her fingertips, instantly turning into dozens of snow-white lotus prints, floating towards Thousands of green turtles——

And Su Jin.

Su Jin was leaning on a half-person-high stone, holding the mysterious safety clasp in exchange for three jars of wine...

Now Su Jin can’t use the nine powers. Those nine powers are his origin. They can’t be used. They are like mortals. They have to be dragged by the divine sword just now. If this continues, how can he walk to the side of the Buddha? ?

Su Jin didn't understand this stone buckle, but why did he shimmer when he passed by the library?

Su Jin got a headache, his eyes could not be opened, the source of the pain was the lightning mark on the center of his eyebrows——

"Life stele?" A scene flashed in Su Jin's mind. At that time, there was a tree of enlightenment growing on the life stele, and it fell into the depths of his god's eyes. Could this stone button be perceived by the life stele? Was there a glimmer of light wherever he passed?

Try it!

Su Jin unexpectedly felt nervous...

In his hand, tightly holding this mysterious safe stone buckle, gently close his eyes, and then gently touch the center of his brows with the stone buckle.



Su Jin shook his hand and almost wanted to throw this thing away. Just when he touched the center of his eyebrows with a stone buckle, there was a terrifying roar in his mind, that kind of sound was extremely vicious!

In my mind, a shocking scene began to emerge!

It was a chaotic scene of the avenue, and the starfields were lit up with monstrous fire, the stars collapsed, the creatures were overwhelmed, and I don't know how many unheard of beasts fell into the sky!

"God is unkind! Not worthy of carrying the heavenly way! I hate, I hate—" The terrible voice, no one is visible, but still roaring, I don't know how many years of roaring!

"I am not the world-honored person, I will be an eternal grievancer. You God is not worthy of the avenue to carry! You said that the avenue is natural, and wind and rain should naturally nurture Gu Ling, but on the side of the avenue, how many starving bones are ignored by you..."

"You said that all things in the common people are creatures, so why is there still the power of gods and demons, noble and inferior! I will live forever, look up at the sky, look at you, and be oppressed by you forever!"

Su Jin listened to every sentence, carefully listening to every sentence——

He had never felt so resentful.

This one is called ‘Not the World’s Lord’, and blames ‘Heaven’ for ‘Tao’!

But when I think about it, what the other party said is not unreasonable, Tianyu stars, boundless stars, is not it, Su Jin is shocked, it is not the words of this world respect, but the other party's tone, as if he can compare himself with that God.

"All creatures and all things, take my lifelong inheritance, pass on my Hao Yi, it dares to call the sun, the moon and the sky a slave!"

"No answer, your tone is too loud--" Su Jin thought silently, but he only felt that the stone buckle in his hand seemed to be heating up, and the palm of his hand was hot!

Su Jin's eyes seemed to be covered by a piece of red crystal light! His lightning mark suddenly opened, and the endless red crystal light poured in like thin strands!

"Walking up to the great divine way that I am not the world-honored person, and turning to this day!"

"Walking up to the great divine way that I am not the world-honored person, I have turned this place on the contrary!"

"Step onto the great divine way that I am not the world-honored..."

Su Jin seemed to be overwhelmed by the domineering words. He felt that if he could see his eyes now, he must be red like a crystal gem. He knew that he had hit the best luck!

Evil-hearted Phoenix and Hua Jieyu were secretly startled, they saw a crystal red cyclone around Su Jin, somehow, but the thousand turtles on the lake were too terrifying, it was difficult to completely kill them in a short time!

The upper hand is definitely the upper hand!

After all, Hua Jieyu is a virtuous person. Every one of those dozens of snow-white lotus prints can smash the long necks of a thousand turtles. After this time, the lake was dyed red--

Su Jin is feeling very uncomfortable now. There seems to be thousands of sights flooded into the sea of ​​spirit. If it weren't for the tenacity of his soul, he had had a few experiences of gathering massive amounts of information, I am afraid he would be directly burst by this inheritance!

But the more I felt the avenue of ‘not the world-honored’, the more shocked Su Jin was.

This so-called Great Divine Dao does not seem to belong to the Heavenly Dao. It is in a line of its own. What is even more exaggerated is that this Great Divine Dao seems to be the same high above, capable of frightening the earth, the sky, and the space energy, and condensing the power that belongs to this Dao!


Su Jin's body trembled, which once again caused Hua Jieyu's two women to be surprised.

They were stunned!

On Su Jin's head, heart, and feet, there are crystal red ripples spreading! As if the light is flashing and darkening, this situation is extremely mysterious!

"Zhan--" Hua Jieyu turned around, planning to stop keeping her hands, and raised her jade arm to directly condense a piece of divine light. In that dazzling light, virtuous power is intertwined like a dragon! It swept across the thousand turtles.

Thousands of broken green turtles!

Evil-hearted Phoenix reacted, and it seemed that she still looked down upon Xian. Originally, she had just dealt with this blue turtle, but she couldn't hold it for a long time. She still doubted Xian's power! Now Hua Jieyu killed these thousand turtles with one blow, which is truly shocking.

Evil Heart Phoenix nodded at Hua Jieyu, and stood with Hua Jieyu——

"What happened to Ye Di?" Evil Heart Phoenix asked nervously.

"I don't know." Hua Jieyu said puzzledly: "The three ring patterns should correspond to the sky, the corresponding land, and the corresponding space. It is difficult to explain."


Can't even Hyun explain?

Evil-hearted Phoenix stared at Su Jin, and she vaguely felt that Su Jin was making a fortune, but she didn't know where it came from. After all, the previous Ye Emperor had no power at all.

It took about a moment--

A hundred miles away from this lake, there was a big move! The hundred divine rainbows turned into a scene of divine light and descended directly!

"It's too late! Uncle Turtle has been killed by them!" The visitor wailed and said angrily.

Evil-hearted Phoenix's heart burst...

Not good.

The thousand green turtles in the lake turned out to be... domesticated?

Evil-hearted Phoenix and Hua Jieyu immediately turned around, facing the hundred visitors, not far from Su Jin!

"Who are you? Why trespass our'Lingshan Gate' and cut my Lingshan spirit beast!"

It was Tian Mizi, the master of Lingshan Sect, who was full of resentment, staring at Hua Jieyu and questioning them.

"Such an evil beast, it will be cut--" Su Jin's indifferent voice appeared.

Xiexin Phoenix was inexplicably overjoyed. Seeing Su Jin walking to her side, she felt that Ye Di's temperament had changed, but she couldn't say any changes.

"This is a spirit beast! A heavenly rank spirit beast in the mountain barbarian!" Behind Tian Mizi, a girl holding a sword walked out and shouted.

Su Jinman stretched out his hand carelessly, and the whole lake seemed to start to roll up, rolling out a water dragon, and he let it go directly to other places——

Hua Jieyu's heart moved fiercely, what kind of ability is this!

The whole lake is so huge. Just now, the lake water seemed to have a sense of wisdom. When the dragon was rolled up and released, it seemed to look back and take a deep look here!


The surrounding mountains are moving, and the earth is shaking!

The nearby eight mountain ranges, like earth dragons, are swaying their bodies, and in a blink of an eye the dragon head is raised, occupying all the void in the eight wilderness and Liuhe directions!

Now, on all sides, there are eight earth-colored dragon heads, which are pleated and radiant, raising their heads like living creatures!


The old face of Lingshan Sect Master turned green in an instant. In this dark sky that was already at night, eight earth dragons condensed by strange means exuded a strong light, who is this mysterious young man! The method is simply unheard of!

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