My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3294: Gods and Demons Cemetery

The one hundred disciples of Lingshan, all you look at me, I look at you, at a loss!

"You said this is a spirit beast, where did the human bones at the bottom of the lake come from?" Su Jin looked at Tian Mizi and asked.

"Every day there is always a monk who doesn't open his eyes, passing by here and being cut down into the lake by my spirit beast, what's wrong!" Tian Mizi was a little emboldened.

"Since it is so hard to reason with you, then your uncle, Wang Zhan will be cut, but you recognize a king as an uncle, is it really good?" Su Jin glanced at the audience and finally asked Tian Mizi.

"Father, stop talking nonsense with him! Stop him directly--" the girl continued.

Tian Mizi hesitated.

These three people can even kill a thousand green turtles. Whether they can compete with the team of one hundred people is still a matter of two. Moreover, the mysterious young man, with strange methods, is obviously not afraid of their Lingshanmen!

"Don't do it--" Su Jin confessed to Hua Jieyu, and stepped toward the center of the lake. He walked with his hands under his hands, and every step he took, a circle of crystal red ripples would be stepped under his feet!

Can it be suspended?

Xiexin Phoenix's eyes lit up.

Before, the emperor could only be carried by the Divine Sword, but now he has a master style!

"Dog thief! I, Yu Ling'er, will personally keep you behind!"

Before Tian Mizi could stop, the young girl wore a pink and white dress, and straight out the sword, turning into a pink and white rainbow, and slashed directly at Su Jin!

Su Jin slightly turned his face into an afterimage with his fingers, and directly clamped this quenched blue sword between his fingers with two fingers!

"You want to keep me so, do you want me to be your husband?" Su Jin shook his finger. This quenched blue sword was directly turned into fragments, and Yu Ling'er was immediately shocked!

"You!" Yu Ling'er was about to charge again, but was directly stopped by Tian Mizi!

"My friend, the old man is here to teach and teach you how capable you are!" Tianmizi went hunting and hunting, and the strong force forced the doorman to retreat directly into the distance! He danced with unpredictable strength and pierced Changhong, but he was not weak.

Bang bang bang bang--

On all sides of the void, four spiritual mountain portals are revealed. This mountain gate is flaming red, and there are strange ancient beast totems traveling around on the door!

"Miss, don't want to be angry about a dog thief! Our doormaster will definitely be able to stop him later, and you will be able to kill him if you want to live!" said a flattering doorman.

"Yes, Junior Sister, there are no people in the neighborhood a million miles away that our sect master can't deal with. The sect master kills him too easily."

"These three people don't seem to know who provokes them. Wherever the sect master is, he is not the party of power and is in awe. He has now killed me and sent a spirit beast. His sins are horrendous, and everything is hard to pay!"

"After a while, watch the sect master cast the Spirit Mountain Seal, and you will be able to kill these three directly! Miss, you can fight the fire, we can't make it—"

Listening to the sect person’s persuasion, Yu Ling'er was relieved and gritted his teeth: "Father! I can’t kill him. I want to arrest him at our Lingshan Gate to do enslavement. Then I will abuse him enough and kill him again. dog!"

Evil Heart Phoenix frowned.

Hua Jieyu glanced at Yu Ling'er in the distance, and faintly passed her voice over and said: "You are so bold. The Emperor Buddy likes you the most savage girl, so don't cry later."

"I'm pooh! The dog thief can live for the time being, you won't be able to do it later, I will let Daddy kill them all--" Yu Linger shot back.

Tian Mizi used the four Lingshan portals to form a fiery crushing array! This pattern is killed from the upper cover, and it seems that there are a million fierce beasts running, and the totem is active to the extreme!

Su Jin raised his hand and extended a finger, only to feel that when the circular pattern was pressed down, it was no less than the weight of ten mountains!

"This--" Tian Mizi stared at Su Jin in the field. In his opinion, this mysterious young man was absolutely impossible to take the blow, but the other party performed this way, not only took it, but only used it. One finger!

"Baoling Mountain Seal!" Tian Mizi suddenly joined together, and his whole body suddenly spun up, rushing straight up, and a series of fiery afterimages flew out of him, transforming them into thousands!

Then, Tian Mizi raised his hand and drew a picture seal in the void, with thousands of shadows like him, directly drawing thousands of ‘Baoling Mountain Seal’!


Tian Mizi didn't intend to give Su Jin any chance. After a heavy drink, thousands of talisman seals in the void merged into one. At that moment, the four virtual spirit mountain portals gathered directly, and the talisman seal suddenly fell into it!

Town kill!

This one-in-one Lingshan portal, shining infinite light, suddenly seemed to fall into layers of space, directly killing Su Jinzhen on the spot——

Su Jin shook his head. This person's power is far from even a half-sage, which means that Mizi is not as good as the thousand green turtles in the lake before!

Although Su Jin has just obtained the inheritance of "Not the World Honored", but with that profound insight, he can achieve a power comparable to God in a short time, and this "Bao Ling Shan Yin" is very crude and unbearable to him. .

"Broken—" Su Jin's indifferent voice appeared, his finger seemed to have broken the formation pattern above, without any obstruction, directly on the portal of Lingshan!

Xuanguang shine!

Tian Mizi was taken aback, calling out impossible!

On the originally bright and brilliant Lingshan portal, there was an extra layer of red cracks that looked like a spider web, the red, as transparent as a blood spar!


Tian Mizi sprayed a big mouthful of blood, and the "Baoling Mountain Seal" was broken, which had a great impact on him. This is his origin. Only if his opponent can break the seal, he will be injured!

"How could it—" Yu Linger blankly watched her father crush a mountain wall, and couldn't believe everything in front of her!

This young man defeated her father with one finger!

"How could the sect master's Lingshan seal be broken--" You Lingshan sect person shook his head, his eyes full of shock!

"Impossible! The sect master is absolutely invincible nearby. This person is young and is similar to you and me. How can he defeat the sect master!"

Su Jin glanced at his hands, and was actually not satisfied in his heart. He wondered how strong the tone of "not the world-honored" was. Now that he has already started this inheritance, he has only this power, which is actually not as good as his peak state when he was a fellow practitioner of the Nine Paths.

Tian Mizi clutched her heart, watching the young man standing quietly in the center of the lake, her heart hanging by a thread!

Ye Di seemed to be thinking in the middle of the lake, but soon he stretched his waist and looked towards Yu Ling'er!

Yu Ling'er only felt that Su Jin's eyes were red, which was a weird demon red. When she felt something wrong, the shouts of the senior sisters and brothers in her ears seemed to be illusory. Her body was moving forward. , Walk towards Yedi!

"Stay by my side, if you don't do well and don't serve hard, when you pass by the big city, I will let you do an art-" Su Jin stood with his hand and stepped north!

Hua Jieyu and Xiexin Phoenix looked at each other, and followed in stride...

Yu Ling'er seemed as if her soul had been captured, she kept her face straight, and followed Su Jin's side. The thousands of landscapes seemed to no longer exist in her world. In the depths of her mind, only one person was imprinted. !

Tian Mizi roared in grief, he was such a precious girl!

"Door, master, what should we do now?" a doorman asked with courage.

"Follow them! The young man will walk into the cemetery of the gods and demons, and Ling'er will definitely not enter...I, I will go and find a helping hand!" Tian Mizi vomited blood again, and then left in a panic-

Shortly after.

Hua Jieyu picked up a strand of blue silk next to her ear, and slowly said to Su Jin: "There are only three characters on the tortoise shell, which are ‘yan’, ‘xu’, and ‘呔’."

"I see." Su Jin actually saw the tortoiseshell broken into pieces when he was fighting Tian Mizi.

Hua Jieyu said again: "Just now the master of Lingshan deliberately yelled to remind us that there is the'cemetery of gods and demons' in front of us, for fear that we will take his daughter into it. It is estimated that...this cemetery of gods and demons and the peak of the gods at the time. related."

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