My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3295: Old man

Is the peak battle?

Just after that battle, the realm of God fell into the ‘Highest Altar’, and the creatures here were forever marked with the mark of ‘Heaven Slave’ and became slaves forever.

Su Jin was deeply pressured. At that time, this supreme realm of Gods gathered all their power to build countless "Eight Desolate Conferred Gods Monuments", which were anti-celestial and incompetent, and were also marked by the shame of eternal slavery. He was only one person, and he did not know this inverse. How far can we go to heaven.

"The power you just used..." Evil Heart Phoenix hesitated, but decided to ask.

"I got a great opportunity in the library of Nanfeng Academy."

Su Jin asked slowly: "Have you ever heard of the Lord?"

No one!

Evil-hearted Phoenix and Hua Jieyu all have their faces full of doubts. If they are the most famous among the heavens, they should be ancient sages such as'Fuxi' and'Sui'. This is unheard of by the world-honored ones, and if the emperor hadn't taken the initiative to speak out, they would still I really don’t believe it, there are people like this who have ever existed in the world--

Su Jin was helpless.

Could it be that this "not the world-honored" is older than the age of the ancient sages? Seeing that the two women couldn't tell why, Su Jin immediately quickened his pace, stepping across mountains after another, and finally stopped abruptly in a thick night.

It was a silent black--

There are vaguely countless divine monuments, neatly scattered in the meantime, and even the insects around don't dare to scream, Hua Jieyu's face is solemn, and he shook his head, not willing to go in.

"Among them, countless gods and sages were buried." Hua Jieyu said seriously.

"Hey, the legend in the gods is really not true." Su Jin's face was startled, and he said lightly: "The guardian of this cemetery of gods and demons is definitely a sage."

"Where?" Evil Heart Phoenix suddenly became nervous and asked.

"Next to—"

Su Jin turned around silently, Hua Jieyu and Xiexin Phoenix's scared Dao Xin almost collapsed!

Seeing their right hand, only a hundred meters away, an extremely thin old man was slowly wiping a **** monument with a piece of white silk cloth.

This old man is simply magical! Even Hua Jieyu didn't even find it, which made people surprised! Fortunately, the other party had no intention to kill, as if he hadn't seen them, he was doing his own thing.

"Senior, each of these monuments is extremely clean, why do you keep wiping them?" Su Jin asked slowly, he knew that he would enter the cemetery as long as he stepped out about twenty steps more.

"Not clean..." The skinny old man slowly raised his head, glanced at Su Jin with muddy eyes, and said hoarsely: "These are the monuments of the gods, and the strong men who have fallen into the gods of the gods of the gods of punishment, their monuments must not be stained. Dust."

Su Jin was uncertain.

Back then, the powers of the Heavenly Sect, who came to punish this Heaven-defying Realm, even suffered so many deaths and injuries. This shows how powerful the Supreme God Realm was at that time——

Hua Jieyu's face was pale, and her lips trembled slightly!

This old man is too strong! Although his eyes were muddy, they seemed to be able to see through the ages! Moreover, the old man's forehead has a very eye-catching slave mark!


Su Jin said lightly: "Undoubtedly disturb the seniors, we will leave now."

"It takes a long time to get out of the mountain in a wild, detour, and the person you are looking for is not in the place of the Buddha——" The old man coughed, paused, and there was a little dust on the white silk cloth.

A glimmer of brilliance flashed deep in Su Jin's pupils!

"Dare to ask Senior, where is the person I am looking for?" Su Jin asked.

"Come in... You can take a shortcut here." The hungry old man turned around and invited the four Su Jin in.

Hua Jieyu and Su Jin looked at each other and shook their heads gently——

Come in?

Hua Jieyu chose to refuse, she would never enter such a place, and Yu Ling'er's father "Lingshan Sect Master" was very gaffey, knowing that this gods and demons cemetery is a forbidden place, it is definitely a forbidden place for people to enter or leave!

However? The old man guarding the tomb took the initiative to invite.

Su Jin looked at the disappearing old man's figure, calm in his heart. He gently turned to his side, lifted Yu Ling'er's chin with his hand, and slowly asked: "Go ahead, tell me all the secrets about the Gods and Demons Cemetery—— "

When Yu Ling'er heard the words'The Cemetery of Gods and Demons', her delicate body was trembling in fright, her pupils were crystal red, and she said dumbly: "Five thousand two hundred years ago, there were thousands of strong people who broke into here. Go without a trace."

"Continue--" Su Jin thought.

"One hundred and thirty years ago, the ancestor of Qi Sheng Niu came and carried out a million blood-colored sacrifices to test the **** monument. When the sacrifice was opened, the anger was lost for no reason and the **** body disappeared."

"So cruel?" Su Jin frowned.

"Nine years ago, the Great Sage Qianjuegu came and walked into the cemetery in search of a way to unlock the slave seal." Yu Linger looked at Su Jin blankly.

"and then?"

"A few days later, the madness walked out and disappeared..."


Evil-hearted Phoenix heard Yu Ling'er say this, and immediately said, "Isn't this a dead end?"

"It's a dead end, the old man said very clearly just now." Su Jin looked at Evil Phoenix.

"But since it's a dead end, why are you still hesitating? Let's just leave..." Evil Phoenix is ​​unwilling, and doesn't dare to enter. This sounds too crazy to live in, and this old man is weird. Obviously know that it is an outsider, and even know that it is looking for someone!

Su Jin sneered: "The old man said just now that these monuments can't get any dust. From my point of view, the entire cemetery must not get any dust. As long as we go in, the chance of coming out is slim."

"Then are you going in or not?" Hua Jieyu didn't want to stay even for a moment.

"Am I stupid?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows and glanced at Hua Jieyu.

"Go--" Hua Jieyu gestured to the west, which was a detour.

Su Jin said with a solemn expression, "First, take a detour to see if it really takes a long time to go around as he said, but I feel like I want to get out of this area, I definitely can't get around this cemetery of gods and demons."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Jin immediately set off, walking towards the west...

The old man was even weird, so he didn't need to worry about his invitation.

Evil-hearted Phoenix couldn't help looking back, and the voice transmission asked: "That weird old man won't be angry, right?"

"He can't get out of this cemetery of the gods and demons. He is the guardian of the tomb. Now if you scold him, he is helpless to you." Su Jin responded with a sneer.

When the two women of Hua Jieyu thought about it, they felt that what Su Jin said was reasonable. Since this old man was named a mausoleum guard and enslaved by the heavens, he naturally did not dare to take a step.

"Fortunately, I didn't accept his invitation, so I went in—" Evil Heart Phoenix was terrified. She rarely felt this kind of fear. It was the rare time to know that Hua Jieyu was a sage, and this old man was obviously more Make her feel terrified!

The sacred monuments to the north are actually not too high. The big moons are all nine feet high, but they are densely packed. I don't know how many there are behind them.

Gradually, Su Jin felt bad.

The cemetery of the gods and demons under the night sky was foggy!

Su Jin motioned to the three daughters to stop, and slowly narrowed his eyes. In his field of vision, he saw a monument to the gods of the sky--

"What's the matter?" Evil Heart Phoenix asked in surprise.

"Don't move." Su Jin looked around, and when he fixed his eyes, the stubborn old man appeared again...

Yu Ling'er looked up stiffly, and slowly said, "We are already in the cemetery of gods and demons."

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