My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3296: Kind old man

Yu Ling'er’s words made the surrounding scenes seem even more terrifying——

Evil-hearted Phoenix only felt a crash in her head. When she looked at Su Jin, she seemed to believe it completely, and her heart was full of fear!

"Senior's illusion of this kind of series, it's not that I underestimate you, everything is flawed." Su Jin did not move like a bell, he raised his left arm and swept it lightly, a circle of crystal red brilliance directly escaped. Out!


All the fantastic illusions around were swept into pieces, and in the next scene, even Su Jin did not expect that they had walked a long distance westward before, but when the illusion was broken, they actually stayed at the beginning. That step.

"You have the value of staying in the cemetery." The old man rubbing the stele lowered his head and concentrated on his own business.

"What about them?" Su Jin asked, looking at the three of Hua Jieyu who were still undecided.

The old man shook his head: "As you said, as a guardian of the cemetery, I cannot get out of the cemetery of the gods and demons. However, there are also ancient forbiddens around the cemetery. No matter how far you go, you can only return to the original place. , Unless you enter the cemetery—"

"Isn't this a rogue?" Evil Heart Phoenix couldn't help asking.

"Hey, that's right, anyway, I am a heaven slave, and prohibition is not under me. It is your choice whether to enter the cemetery." The old man didn't mind the evil Phoenix's words, and responded calmly.

"It's not that the younger generation refused to enter, because it would be difficult for the seniors to invite the Buddha to send the Buddha. Then I will rely on you to order something, you really can't afford it." Su Jin was relieved and looked at the old man Shouling indifferently.

"Hehe, in the huge cemetery of gods and demons, tens of thousands of gods and demons can be installed in it, still can't accommodate your'Buddha'?" The old man asked.

"Don't regret it..." Su Jin said strangely.

"Come on, take a few steps to come in, I see how you can blackmail me?" The old man waved his hand.

Hua Jieyu's face was pale, and she shook her head and said, "Don't go in—"

"It's okay, you just stay here, it's just a cemetery, I will go back when I go." Su Jin really followed the old man!

"Is it okay?" Evil Phoenix looked at Su Jin with difficulty, this kind of risk was too great.

Su Jin didn't want to explain, he crossed the dangerous boundary and stepped into the cemetery of gods and demons!

"Originally respected you as a senior, who knows that you don't know good or bad, deliberately making things difficult, today you do not meet the king's satisfaction, don't want me to leave--" Su Jin shook his hand, and the ice coffin in the bone ring was directly hit by him on the ground.


The old man's face changed drastically, and the cemetery of gods and demons began to tremble when the ice coffin fell to the ground! Yes, it is shaking so much now!

"Hurry up... go!" The old man's face turned blue and white, and he suddenly roared at Su Jin. With his eyesight, how could he not see through the ice coffin or see the person in that coffin? Ghost king body, if the ghost king landed in the cemetery of the gods and demons, that would be fine!

Su Jin swept his shoulders and brushed a trace of red sparks across his fingertips. These red sparks were actually a kind of peculiar curse power. He said lightly: "Just this curse? This curse is in front of this king's curse. Little brother."

"Go—" The old man pointed outside, panicking in his heart. This is really a **** who can't be given away. As a guardian, he definitely can't cause any problems in the cemetery of the gods and demons, but something will happen soon. !

"I'm about to leave, you have to let me blame you, I think it's pretty good inside..." Su Jin looked into the depths of the dark cemetery, "Or, let's choose a place and bury this ice coffin. Right."

The old man shook his body and directly waved his hand. A scroll of purple and gold floated in front of Su Jin, and said: "This is the "Land Ancient Ruins Dharma Scroll", which itself is a sage treasure. It also records a law. By the way, it's for you!"

"I can't look at it." Su Jin held the scroll, weighed it, and put the scroll into the bone ring with a serious face.

"What do you want!" The old man said angrily.

"Look at the outside, how pitiful the three girls are, they don't have any decent equipment." Su Jin said lightly.

One piece, not enough.

The old man's face was dark and bleeding, and he waved his hand again, and the three groups of precious lights flashed directly, and fell in front of the three women outside——

"An'Umbrella for the World', a Tail Feather of the'Nine-headed Phoenix Ancestor', and an'Impermanence Lamp' are not enough." The old man Hundiao had lost his blood, and now he wanted to send the plague **** away!

"Enough is enough." Su Jin nodded quietly.

The old man felt relieved, but soon he became more depressed. This kid said enough, but he didn't mean to leave at all!

"Let's go~~~" The old man was almost in tears. He was always picky. There were many people who had visited the cemetery, but there were only a few rare treasures.

Su Jin remained unchanged.

The hungry old man jumped anxiously, and then waved out a bunch of bottles and cans, "You bring all these! There are many very precious pills in it—"

Silently swept all the bottles and jars into the bone ring, Su Jin looked at the stubborn old man again.

How is this~~~ good?

"Actually, I am most short of a divine treasure that can span the void. It's too exhausting to travel, seniors think?" Su Jin discussed with seniors very seriously.

The old man trembled fiercely, and threw something at Su Jin, "Take it, never come again!"

Su Jin nodded and nodded, his eyes lit up, and said, "There are eight Buddhist beads hanging on Senior's neck. One of them should be broken, right?"

"Go!!" The old man took the Buddha beads away and threw them to Su Jin. He looked up to the sky and went crazy, feeling like he was so mad! God, what kind of luck was it that allowed him to meet such a plague **** as a tomb guard!

Su Jin was satisfied, put away the ice coffin, and then bid farewell to the old ‘being kind’ and walked out directly——

Soon, Su Jin glanced at the palm of his hand, and there was an egg-sized red wooden boat carving on his hand. The wood did not know what wood was, and it was plucked by the kind-hearted senior for countless years, and the plate was crystal clear.

Su Jin blew lightly, a trace of crystal red power instantly activated the wooden boat, and the boat instantly turned into a hundred meters in size.

Calling the three women who were still sluggish, Su Jin separated a ray of soul, controlled the boat, and directly prepared to cross this cemetery of gods and demons!


On the cemetery of the gods and demons, in a crack, the transparent Shenzhou directly sank into it, and the old man's cheeks twitched again and again, watching the opponent leave.

After a quarter of an hour, Hua Jieyu's numb expression turned around.

"This is how the crisis has passed?" Hua Jieyu asked with wide eyes, staring at Su Jin.

Su Jin clung to her shoulders, pulled her into his arms, and said lightly: "Otherwise?"

Hua Jieyu blushed and pushed Su Jin away. At this time, Evil-hearted Phoenix also reacted, feeling that he had just dreamed, that the monstrous wisdom of Ye Di not only resolved the crisis of passing by the gods and demons cemetery, but also corrupted some monstrous things. Xianbao is back

"The advent umbrella, such a strong umbrella treasure." Hua Jieyu looked at the flawless Xianbao she had just put away, and a little strong affection flowed from her heart. This umbrella is as beautiful as hers!

Yu Ling'er knelt down, hugged Su Jin's calf, and sobbed softly. When the impermanence lamp floated in front of her, she was already released by the sage lamp!

"Ling'er is young, so I won't dare to do it again in the future, please forgive me..." Yu Ling'er begged.

Su Jin didn't see anything, and he couldn't throw her down. This girl was abominable. She might have had a grudge in the past, but the deeper her understanding, the more calmly she can look at the world.

On a quiet night, a wooden boat quietly appeared from the northernmost part of the Mausoleum of Gods and Demons, and beams of stars cut through the sky and disappeared in the night sky——


When the sky was a little brighter, Su Jin woke up in a conversation.

Under the flying boat, it seemed as if a blue crystal river was flowing quietly, but as the white sunlight rose, the surface of the river was sparkling, and in a moment, there was a sense of beauty.

"As I said, this is a private boat. I refuse to carry people. Please leave--" Evil Heart Phoenix's voice.

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