My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3297: Scavengers

"Phoenix, who is coming?"

Su Jin poured a cup of tea on his own, and asked.

"Oh, it's a scavenger from God's Domain, and I want to go with him." Evil Heart Phoenix responded.


There is such a profession among monks?

Su Jin calmly looked at the Hua Jieyu who was closing her eyes to refine the "Umbrella of the World", and immediately got up and walked to the other side of the boat.

I saw Yu Ling'er opening her hands to stop, while Xiexin Phoenix looked at the bow of the ship with a little displeasedness, and sure enough, someone stopped the ship on the way.

It was two people who stopped the boat. They looked like a man and a woman, one master and one servant, dressed in plain clothes, except for the women who were more glamorous.

Su Jin thought about it, and said: "It's okay to bring two of you, but this boat trip to the land of the mountain and deep, I don't know whether it will go along the way or not—"

"Soon! On the way..." The young man looked nervous, and quickly bowed to Su Jin and said: "Let's also go to Shanyuan, to'Linji City'."

"Then go on." Su Jin turned around and sat back at the desk, signalling Yu Ling'er to fill up two cups of tea, and then asked: "You two have a map of Linji City, I won't take this road for a long time. , I have forgotten a bit."

"No, you go forward, there will be many people going to Linji City in a moment--"

"Why?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"Don't you know Xiongtai?" The young man took the tea from Yu Ling'er and said slowly: "A major event occurred in Linji City last night. On the Tai Chi Sea outside the city, a sacred mountain was erected with the'Yongling Yushu' on the top of the mountain. Born! Daxian said that Yongling Yushu may be the key to unlocking the slave seal of sentient beings!"

Su Jin's heart trembled fiercely, is Yongling Yushu——

Really appeared?

"My name is Ye, what is Xiongtai's name?" Su Jin asked with a smile without a word.

"My name is Xiao... Xiao Tang... Tang Xian." When the young man said this, he kept peeking at the woman next to him, as if he had no confidence.

"Bolan." The **** the side turned her face to the side, looked at the cloud landscape in the sky, and said these two words silently.

Su Jin motioned for the two to drink tea, and smiled: "Are there many scavengers in God's Domain?"

"Many! Why not?" Xiao Tang said with a smile: "This time Linji City has had such a big event, but not only scavengers will flock to it, as far as we know, there are all eighty-eight states of God's Domain. The extremely prominent existence rushed away. But... as a person in the realm of God, Brother Ye doesn't seem to know the scavengers--"

"My hometown is in a remote mountainous area and I don't know much about it." Su Jin said.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Xiao Tang said again: "Brother Ye knows which power is the richest in God's Domain today?"

"Which one?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"The Scavenger Alliance, our Scavenger Alliance!" Xiao Tang took a glance at Buran, and then said, "Even if you are the God of Moss and the Kingdom of Jiudu, you don't have any money in the Scavenger Alliance. I am proud of being a scavenger——"

After Su Jin thought about it, it might be true.

Instant God Realm, as one of the highest God Realms at that time, experienced fierce battles, and lost countless strong people. The so-called scavengers are nothing more than making money!

"You said before that you were going to Shanyuan, not Linji City. Didn't you go for Yongling Yushu?" Bo Lan finally said a complete sentence, looking at Su Jin.

Although this woman is in a plain shirt, she seems to be Tang's servant, but Su Jin always feels that these two people are weird, and that Xiao Tang has to aim at this woman when he speaks, but this Bolan is more like the master——

But it doesn't matter anymore.

As long as they reach Linji City, the two will disembark and leave.

"Go to Shanyuan, and also to Linji City." Su Jin said lightly.

"There is a Tai Chi Sea between the two, and now the Yongling Yushu appears in the sacred mountain on the sea, you want to go to the mountain, I am afraid it is not easy to get through." After Bo Lan explained, he ignored Su Jin.

The evil heart phoenix listened, naturally knowing the terrible moments of God's Domain——

Think about how she landed on the coast of the'Boundless Sea' before, she went to explore the way, but she saw an extremely terrifying dragon on the sea, and now listening to this Bailan, I feel that the Taiji Sea seems to be more terrifying than the Boundless Sea !

After an exchange, Banzhuxiang passed by——

Just as Xiao Tang said, it is not difficult to get to Linji City. During their conversation, there were black spots on the sea of ​​clouds unknowingly!

"Look! It's'Calling Rain Cloud Boat' from the Yun Family of the Scavenger Alliance." Xiao Tang pointed to the other side when he saw an extremely magnificent golden divine boat from a distance.

"At the same time, the Scavenger Alliance, you should find the ship very well--" Su Jin said.

"Hey, Brother Ye knows something, our uncle... Our Scavengers Alliance has a hundred families. As long as the interests of the alliance are not involved, the treasures obtained belong to the major families. Of course, those gods and dignitaries can't afford us. "Xiao Tang said seriously.

"So you can't get on their ship, or you don't even know each other."

"Positive solution." Xiao Tang said.

"At this speed, it will probably take more than half a day to reach Linji City. If Big Brother Ye doesn't mind, let Xiao Tang hang the word'Tang' on the bow to prevent some scavenger families from grabbing the ship." Boran was a little worried. Tao.

"Indeed, the unnamed ship will be coveted by many scavengers. If it exists in the alliance, regardless of the size of the family, this situation can be avoided." Xiao Tang looked at Su Jin helplessly and hesitated: "But this is Brother Ye. The ship—"

"It's okay, hang it up." Su Jin didn't mind.

"Okay!" Xiao Tang immediately took out a ten-meter square banner. There was a sign representing the family of ‘scavengers’ in the banner, and a big ‘Tang’ was written in the middle of the banner.

Su Jin smiled and gestured, watching Xiao Tang take his seat, and then he thought about it--

Just after talking to Xiao Tang, Su Jin discovered that this trip would not be easy. Once the Yongling Yushu was born, the entire God's Domain was alarmed, but the'slave' seal that God used to punish the creatures of the God's Domain is really an Yongling Yushu. Can it be solved?

Su Jin naturally didn't believe it, but the eternal spirit jade tree passed by him not long ago is definitely a rare treasure. As for whether it can solve the ‘slavery mark’ of the sentient beings here, it is probably some people’s guess.


The fierce noise suddenly increased, Su Jin suddenly woke up from his thoughts.

Bo Lan and Xiao Tang also changed their expressions slightly and looked over! Hua Jieyu initially sacrificed the ‘Umbrella of the World’. At this moment, the movement was so huge that she naturally woke her up and walked to Su Jin.

"The Tang family? Is there a Tang family in the Scavengers Alliance?"

A very unnatural sound appeared 100 meters away from Su Jin and the others——

Su Jin frowned directly, they actually saw the "Rainbow Calling Boat" before! This is the Shenzhou of the Yun Family in the Scavengers Alliance!

"It's stupid to hang the Tang Family Banner." Evil-hearted Phoenix looked at Boran with cold eyes.

Bo Lan's face was ugly, but she couldn't understand the evil Phoenix's words, the nameless ship, in this journey, nine out of ten will be hijacked, what's wrong with hanging the family flag of the Scavengers Alliance?

Su Jin smiled faintly, and said: "It is indeed the Tang character flag that caused the disaster. Look at the Yun family, the family has a big business, and calling the rain cloud boat is a rare treasure, but our ordinary boat. , But he didn't lose the opponent in the slightest in speed, and the opponent's heart was not balanced."

Bo Lan and Xiao Tang suddenly came across.

There are big and small families, and there are high and low rankings, so the Yun family obviously wants to find fault!

"The person in charge of your Tang family comes out!" A handsome young man shouted coldly on the boat called Yuyun Yun.

Beside that handsome young man, there are Yunjia Yunfeng, the five inner courtyard elders, and some beautiful servants——

"The boat of the Yun family still wants to call my young master to come out?" Xiexin Phoenix passed through, and his voice was extremely cold.

Bolan's face was flushed red, and it was her idea to hang the Tang character flag. Now the opposite Yun family asked the Tang family principal to come out, but this boat was not their Tang family boat, which was embarrassing.

"Take care of them." Su Jin used a wisp of soul that controls the hull to accelerate directly, and rushed thousands of miles away in a blink of an eye!

Bo Lan and Xiao Tang were shocked!

What kind of ship is this?

I was able to go hand in hand with the rain-calling cloud boat before, without losing the speed, which surprised Buran, but now, I just opened the distance in the blink of an eye—

"Escape?" Young Master Yun Qi was on the Rain Calling Cloud Boat, his face was pale, and he directly ordered people to speed up, "Shenzhou ahead, now my Yun family strongly suspects that you pretend to be the Scavenger Alliance, so why don't you stop it soon!"


In an instant, directly across half a million miles!

I wipe it! Master Yun Qi looked at the disappearing ship shadow, how could he endure it, the entire "Rain-Calling Cloud Boat" began to be covered by a dark cloud, and a vague wave of anomalies appeared on all sides of the cloud boat!

"This boat is not bad." Su Jin looked at the snow-white shadow of the boat behind, so that he could still be overtaken by the opponent——

Master Yun Qi flushed with excitement, and the crystal red wooden boat in front of him was absolutely extraordinary! Even if the other party is from the Tang family or from the Scavenger Alliance, he has decided immediately, so let's talk about it first! It's a big deal and you don't pay it back after you get it, you can buy it with capital!

"Stop it for me!" Young Master Yun Qi leaped up, and the terrifying divine light gathered on the front of his boxer and directly blasted the young man in the golden robe on the boat!

Su Jin squeezed the tea cup, admiring the blue and white on the surface of the tea cup, in a flat tone, and said one word: "Fight."

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