My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3299: Attack the sea!

Linji City!

Throughout the ages, this **** city has always been a temple for scavengers. It is located on the Tai Chi beach, separated from the mountain by the sea. On weekdays, scavengers come and go in the city!

However, today's Linji City is different. It seems to be dazzling at the moment of God's Domain. Important people in the entire God's Domain and the Eighty-Eight States are coming!

After entering the city, Su Jin and Bolan separated. They were outsiders, and the other was the Tang family. They were just passengers who came by boat temporarily, and they didn't have too much overlap.

"When will you go to Taiji Sea?" Xiexin Phoenix asked.

"The eyes of the masses are sharp. It is more useful to inquire about the good news in the city than to go there."

Su Jin thought for a while and said, "Also, there are no less than tens of millions of sacred mountains on the Tai Chi Sea. Do you know which sacred mountain the Yongling Yushu appears on?"


When Su Jin just landed in the city, he looked at the far-reaching "Tai Chi Sea", which was densely packed with black spots and all mountains. This could have been expected a long time ago, after all, it was close to the abyss!

"It's a bit strange." Hua Jieyu looked at Su Jin and slowly said: "The news of the appearance of Yongling Yushu has spread throughout God's Realm. Now there are many terrifying powers in this city, but there is no figure on the sea. exist."

"This girl, come to Jicheng for the first time?" The vendor who was selling a kind of colorful shellfish heard the words and asked directly.

"We really just came." Evil Heart Phoenix nodded.

"There are big monsters on the sea. Under normal circumstances, whoever wants to venture out to sea, just wait. If there is a great sage who is willing to open the way tomorrow, there is still a chance to open the sacred mountain with eternal jade trees." The Lord smiled.

Su Jin several people suddenly-

Soon after, Su Jin found a restaurant called "Skylark Ju" to live in. It should be said that there was an episode in the hotel. Different from the outside world, the coins circulating in the "Queen of God's Domain" are crystal coins the size of a broad bean. If you think about such a tight listing now, it is naturally worthwhile to enter the store overnight...

Finally Su Jin came to the store and lost a finger-high porcelain bottle. He had seen a pill in the bottle. It was of good quality and very useful to some monks of the gods. He wrapped a pill with this pill. Room and board for the month!

Su Jin first let Hua Jieyu and the others go upstairs, drinking downstairs by himself, silently listening to the news about "Yongling Yushu".

"All the national teachers of the Nine Capitals of the Kingdom of God are here, he is a great sage, I heard that he came to us with a young prince."

"Gusu Dongzhou also has a goddess descending. This prefecture is good at sealing the world. If tomorrow is to attack the sea, it will have the effect of blocking the monster in the sea. I saw her being invited into the city lord's mansion with my own eyes!"

"The city lord's mansion can't live anymore, the 88 states of God's Domain, there are countless powerful and powerful people! None of these people can be offended by our city lord. I heard that the city lord is still having a headache now—"

"The charm of Yongling Yushu is enough to make God's Domain shake! Everything depends on tomorrow's attack on the sea! But it may not be possible to wait for tomorrow..."


"Not the scavengers! There is a rumor that the Scavenging Alliance is going to open the sea tonight. It must go one step ahead of the Eighty-Eight States and the Nine Capitals of the Kingdom of God. In the world, the Scavenging Alliance dares to do so."

"It's ridiculous to attack the sea at night. The big demon is the most active in the sea at night, how can it be at night!"


All kinds of news flooded into Su Jin's ears——

What kind of existence is the Scavenging Alliance! Su Jin was a little surprised. This alliance didn't seem to be afraid of any forces, and if they attacked the sea tonight, the price to pay would be great!

Su Jin was fortunate that he chose the right place. His time is very tight. I am afraid that many great sages will take action tomorrow. If the Scavenging Alliance can make a trip tonight, it would be OK for him to take a risk.

In a short period of time, Su Jin heard all kinds of strange messages——

"Store, stay in store!"

A familiar voice came over, Su Jin was immediately astonished, and looked up at the two people in front of the counter. Aren’t these the Tang family's Buran and Xiao Tang? Obviously separated in front of the city gate, how could I find this place too——

"Sorry, the shop is full." The restaurant owner ran out from the side, apologizing again and again.

A look of helplessness appeared on Bo Lan's face again, and they ran a small city, all shops were full.

"Squeeze with us." Su Jin's voice appeared in Buran's ears.

"Fate, it's Brother Ye." Xiao Tang was surprised, "Do you have anyone living?"

"Two rooms." Su Jin pointed upstairs, "Turn left on the fourth floor, Room 26."

Bollan hesitated: "We may or may not live."

"Does the Scavenging Alliance attack the sea at night? I know it, how about it?" Su Jin said lightly.

"it is good--"

Bo Lan gave a small mouth and continued: "Now we just need to wait for the news. As long as there is a message in the communication talisman, let's set out and go to the sea."

Although Su Jin knows that it is not sensible to bring these two oil towing bottles, but the two of the Tang family are also members of the Scavenger Alliance. If they succeed in attacking the sea in the end, they will surely know where Yongling Yushu is. Sacred mountain!


The setting sun is falling, it is already two hours later——

Living in Linji City is actually not good. I don't know if it is because of Yongling Yushu. Tonight's sea tide is very strong. The sea breeze is blowing and the tide is rolling like thunder, resounding in every corner of the city.

The stars were so full that Su Jin was just a voice transmission, telling Hua Jieyu that they were not allowed to go out of the Skylark Residence, and then they got up and left with Bolan. The secret order of the Scavenging Alliance has been issued, and the sea will be attacked in a quarter of an hour!

In the west of the city.

Su Jin looked at the black and crushed and moved his head, and said through the voice: "There are so many people in the Scavenger Alliance. I'm afraid this is a small half of the cultivators in the city—"

"Of course! Everyone can join the Scavengers, but there are only a hundred families with families, and most of the others are vassals." Bo Lan shook the communication crystal token in his hand and said: "Only one of the hundreds of families in the Scavenger Alliance can Possess communication talisman."

Su Jin nodded and said: "All the eighty-eight states of God's Domain have great powers, and there is no shortage of great sage masters. You can rest assured that the Scavenger Alliance? If you really succeed in attacking the sea, those great powers will definitely not sit idly by—"

"Who knows, our Tang family ranks 100th in the Scavenger League." As Xiao Tang said, Bo Lan gave him a slight stare.

However, Bo Lan later discovered a problem.

When many people around saw her, they all cast awe.

"Look, this is the hundredth family who joined the Scavenging Alliance not long ago, Tang Family!" someone whispered.

"The Tang family! The Tang family that shocked the city during the day?"

"Yes, there are good people in the Tang family, and the son-in-law of the Tang family can even drive them. The Yun family, who is ranked in the top ten in the league, has suffered a lot from him—"

"No wonder! But since there are talents in the Tang family, why is it ranked in the 100th place? It's not too much to rank in the top 20. Maybe it just joined, and it will definitely become more prominent in the future."


Burlan's silver teeth creaked! She knew that her acting skills were not good enough to hide from this **** night. Now this mysterious Tang family son-in-law is almost more famous than her Tang family——

Xiao Tang gave an angrily look at Miss Bo Lan, but he dared not speak.

Su Jin was facing the sea with a pale expression! One hundred meters in front of you is the beach of ‘Tai Chi Sea’. In the dark night, this boundless sea area seems like a behemoth that can swallow the world and is extremely mysterious.


Ten black shadows in a row appeared 100 meters away!

"Ten sages!" Su Jin was a little surprised, how strong this scavenging alliance is! With these ten sages, are you still afraid that you won't be able to attack the sea?

"See, the power of these ten sages is just the tip of the iceberg of our Scavenger Alliance." Bolan said to Su Jin.

Su Jin glanced at her and didn't want to pay attention to her——

"Ready to open the sea!"

Among the ten sages, a mysterious person in the most central position coldly glanced at the cultivators in the audience before yelling: "Keep up, don't be slow!"


The ten great sages in the alliance suddenly burst out with dazzling sage and divine light, and took a step directly. This sea surface was suddenly separated by a straight passage 100 meters wide!

"Go--" A million people began to turn into rays of light, swarming into them!

Bolan was anxious, seeing that he was at the end, Su Jin had already stepped into it! Seeing this scene, Bo Lan and Xiao Tang could only rush in desperately!

"You are too slow." Su Jin flashed many figures, turned back a certain distance, and directly swept the waists of the two of them——

Xiao Tang's face was as red as Cherry, and he said embarrassedly: "I'm a female."

"I knew it when I got on the boat." Su Jin exuded a trace of red ripples all over his body and quickly sank into it.


In the depths of the Tai Chi Sea, the sea channel created by Xian suddenly disappeared! When many monks were still stunned, they were swallowed into the sea by an ugly giant monster covered in blood scales!

Su Jin finally understood why people in the city would say, "There is a big monster in the sea"! At this moment, he was among the millions of scavengers, and he also had to face the earth-shaking stormy waves in his vision!

In the huge waves, there are large lightning dragon monsters, intertwined with the thick and thin monster body, their monster body is like a silver electric grid, when it rises, even tens of thousands of people are electrocuted to ashes!

"Why is it so powerful?" Bolan was scared, Huarong paled, which was completely different from what was said in the communication crystal talisman!

But with two breaths, in front of the two girls, Bo Lan and Xiao Tang, a silver lightning dragon rose up. The huge shiny dragon head and the vicious dragon eyes made the two girls feel desperate!

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