My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3300: Five-color seamount

Bo Lan and Xiao Tang are already shocked--

There is a great power in the communication crystal talisman that said that scavengers only need to climb up the sacred mountain when they arrive, and form a formation to control the ‘eternal spirit jade tree’. Those sea monsters will be handled by sages!

But now?

Millions of scavengers lost nearly 20% in an instant. The lightning dragon clan alone might be able to kill all scavengers! And it's far more than the existence of this sea clan monster!

In the distance, there is a giant beast that looks like a millstone floating on the surface of the sea, setting off layer after layer of huge waves, it is a kind of turtle, a special big monster in the Tai Chi Sea!


Bo Lan and Xiao Tang only felt their bodies light, and tried to stabilize their figures. When even their hearts were warm, they saw Su Jin raising a hand and directly blasted the lightning dragon demon back!

"What do you think?" Su Jin saw a lot of things like this, and said lightly: "With a superior, countless people will naturally become a stepping stone for the superior. The scavengers are like ants in the eyes of the ten sages."

"Are we being used?" Boran's mind was blank. When she left home, her father refused to let her come. She still didn't understand it very much, but she seemed to understand now.

"There is no such thing as using or not using. Millions of scavengers, if one person gets the chance, that person will become the upper one. Although the chance is small, which one does not come with purpose?"

Su Jin grabbed the two women again, as if a red pattern overflowed behind him, he stepped directly into the sky!

"Why do so many scavengers participate in what sages can do?" Bo Lan looked at the screaming below, and his whole body began to tremble involuntarily.

"Some big monsters are very hungry and are not picky about food. What's wrong with proper satisfaction?" Su Jin pointed to the depths, "This section of the sea, even those ten sages, want to spend time without spending time. Do you think it is possible?"

"So cruel—"

Bo Lan was really scared. There are millions of scavengers dragging many big monsters in the sea, and the ten sages can leave calmly. This is the **** cruel reality, and there is no room for sophistry!

"Big Brother Ye, what should we do now?" Xiao Tang felt that the air was also very insecure. He couldn't move in such a special place. Many sea monsters were even smarter than the human race, and would put traps and restrictions!

"Shhh..." Su Jin's voice lowered and the voice transmission said: "Don't talk."

In the dense night, the smell of blood even rushed to the sky, Su Jin saw a strange cloud floating on the sea, his eyes became more and more cold——

In the fog, there was a vaguely black and yellow giant snake...

"Sea Cloud Snake! It's still a variant!" Bolan's body trembled badly when he was transmitting the sound, no wonder someone in the city said that even if he would rather stay in the sea than risk stopping in the void.


A flash of blue lightning smashed down from the floating clouds and mist, and the sea in the distance suddenly made a anger!

That is one of the ten sages!

Su Jin took advantage of this opportunity, and his eyes showed a gray-blue color. He blessed the two women with Heavenly Secret, and directly floated toward the deep sea along the strong wind!

With the further hundreds of miles deep, Su Jin chose to take the two girls and land on one of the seamounts!

"It was too dangerous just now, and even the sages on the sea can deal with it. Just now it was almost lost." Bo Lan still has a lingering fear after thinking about it now.

"Millions of scavengers, how many can survive——" Xiao Tang Cuinen's voice was fully revealed.

"Very few." Su Jin looked into the distance, "I hope more will survive, otherwise we don't even know where Yongling Yushu is."

In this area, the sea where the mountains stand, the scenery is unique. Su Jin believed that it would be more beautiful if he stood here during the day, but it was a pity that the night was very dark.

Chi Chi -

A huge colorful octopus gushing out a bloody, sucking a person with a suction cup, crawling into the crack under the mountain wall, this scene is particularly suffocating!

Buran knelt down silently, sinking into self-doubt, why did she come to such a ghost place!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, as if resounding in the entire Tai Chi Sea, this sound not only originated from where it came from, no matter how much Su Jin looked at it, there was nothing to be found.

Bo Lan immediately turned pale, and exclaimed, "It's the voice of Sea Emperor."

"Sea Emperor?" Su Jin looked at Boran with some doubts.

"The leader of the murloc tribe is the sea emperor who rules the Taiji Sea——" Boran squatted holding his head, "that is the supreme existence comparable to the great sage master! Ten sages, ten sages are difficult to rival!"

"Let the scavengers attack the sea at night, and powerful forces such as the eighty-eight states of God's Domain and the Kingdom of the Nine Capitals must know that the Sea Emperor will appear." Su Jin guessed.

With the melodious sound of conch shells, the entire Taiji Sea, Shanyuan and even Linji City began to light up! A huge full moon rose on the sea in the distance!

The moon seems to have the ultimate sacred brilliance, illuminating infinite miles and infinite range!

On the sea, give birth to a bright moon!

Su Jin's face was cold, he was a little regretful now, his eyes could not be opened, except that he was forcibly opened once by that kind of inexplicable power when he had obtained the inheritance of the'non-worldly honored', but now he cannot open his eyes on his own. ——

"Vision!" Xiao Tang pointed to the sky where the bright moon had risen, facing the brilliance of the bright moon, surprised.

The giant full moon that occupies the entire north is extremely bright. At this time, on the seamount where Su Jin and the three are staying, one can directly see the terrifying sight on the north sea!

One by one, huge stone corpses, incompletely mutilated, gradually floated up from the sea. Those stone corpses had beast shapes, and there were many complete human-shaped corpses!

The tragic melody of this conch seems to make people go back to the years ago and relive the bleakness. If those stone corpses are alive, every one who claims to be today is an invincible power!

"Has anyone in God's Domain seen the Sea Emperor?" Su Jin asked with a solemn expression.

"Very few, no one has even seen it." Boran said a contradictory sentence, and then said: "Maybe a great sage has seen it, the sea clan of the gods and the land people are like water and fire, and they are not at the same time—"

"There are rumors that Sea Emperor is the most beautiful elf on the sea, able to play the most beautiful movements, of course, is also the strongest existence in the sea." Xiao Tang said.

Boran suddenly became excited and looked at Su Jin: "The Haihuang playing such a sad piece must have something to do with the'Yongling Yushu'. Now there is a bright moon on the sea, and the stone corpses are up and down. I can't say that we can watch it without waiting. We are in Yongling Yushu!"

"Are you dreaming?" Su Jin glanced at her coldly.

The corners of Bolan's mouth moved, and he lowered his head. Yeah, what he said was like an unrealistic dream!


In the distance, ten figures appeared vaguely! One of them actually got rid of the'Sea Cloud Snake' attack and appeared directly on the north sea surface!

"The speed of the ten sages in the alliance has obviously slowed down a lot. It is very likely that Yongling Yushu is on a certain mountain in the north of the sea." Xiao Tang analyzed very seriously.

"Is Yongling Yushu coming out? I have only seen it in books--" Bolan relieved, feeling that if he can take a look, it would be worthwhile to go back alive.


A sea area was filled with electric light. Not far from the stone corpse area where the ten sages stayed, a faint dragon head protruded out of the water. It was the Lightning Dragon King!

The previous lightning dragon had long horns like antelope horns, but the head of a dragon protruding out of the water had a bifurcated horn, and there was a faint Wang Wei coming out!

Those ten sages, facing the Lightning Dragon King, seemed to be communicating something--

Su Jin couldn't hear them at all, they were far apart!

Gradually, Su Jin's nervous scene came into view! Under the shining of the bright moon, a black shadow slowly emerged from the vision. It was a colorful sea mountain, as if it was enveloped by a touch of marvelous Taoism!

Although he didn't see the "Yongling Yushu" with his own eyes, Su Jin felt that this seamount was the one everyone was looking for!

Mo Hongyu, will it be on that mountain——

There are ten sages of the alliance and the lightning dragon king! He might even have to face the Sea Emperor, the number one power in the sea. When Su Jin was silent, he slowly raised his head! In his eyes, brighter and firmer eyes flashed!

"Are we completing the task of attacking the sea?" Boran felt that it should be helpful to the future status of the Tang family, and she was not dead!

"You guys, take care." Su Jin tilted his head slightly, his face stern, and directly stunned the two women——

Bo Lan and Xiao Tang watched Su Jin helplessly and watched him step on the five-color seamount!

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