My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3301: A tense situation

The moon is cold, and on the calm sea, a lonely figure is walking towards the land of the full moon——

Suddenly a question came into Bo Lan's mind, an extremely important question, this one is called Ye, and they realized that now, it's not a full day to spend.

On this day, apart from knowing that the other party's name is ‘Ye’ and he is following a wise lord, he knows nothing else! Including the purpose of coming to Jicheng, going to Shanyuan, whom to learn from, and why did you choose to go to the ‘five-color mountain’ at this time?

"Miss, do you think he has a problem?" Xiao Tang silently looked at the figure from behind, and asked Buran.

"What's the problem?" Bo Lan's emotions seemed to be affected, and he responded instinctively.

"He is not a scavenger, why did he choose to attack the sea with us?" Xiao Tang said.

Bo Lan shook his head, "It is basically certain now that he is also here for the ‘Eternal Spirit Jade Tree’. This guy is too mysterious, and there must be a lot of pressure hidden in his heart——"

"But isn't it going to die like this? The female sage who followed him during the day did not choose to follow him. He is not a sage. What's the difference between going there and dying?" Xiao Tang said.


Everyone has his own choice.

Now that he and Xiao Tang cannot protect themselves, are they still worried about others?

Su Jin bypassed several seamounts and kept approaching——

If he is sure that there is a ‘Yongling Yushu’ or Mo Hongyu on the five-color seamount, he will naturally fight! And in Su Jin's view, it is not easy for the ten sages to succeed!

In the desolate sea, Su Jin is slowly approaching...

Those broken stone beasts and stone men floating on the water, only Su Jin approached and discovered an amazing situation! These broken stone men and beasts are not a vision! It's a real existence!

One after another huge waves appeared slowly on the originally calm sea! Su Jin is hiding on the arm of a stone man. This stone man’s age position is like a mountain floating on the sea surface——

The entire Linji City, even at night, is boiling!

"The Scavenging Alliance, the sea has been attacked!" Countless monks saw the image of the powerful reflection in the sky above Linji City.

"Millions of scavengers were buried in the Taiji Sea, and successfully won precious time for the ten sages! However, the ten sages are obviously negotiating with the mysterious ‘Sea Emperor’, and I don’t know if it went smoothly--"

"The Lightning Dragon King and the Sea Cloud Snake are hard stubbles to Xian, and under those undulating waves, there are still many terrifying monsters gathering. The Scavenging Alliance wants to climb the mountain and found the'Yongling Yushu'. 'It's still very difficult."

"It is a big taboo to attack the sea at night, but the Scavenging Alliance may also have the confidence. It feels that the power of the 88 states and the Jiudu Divine Kingdom will not sit idly by. This five-color mountain may be pulled away!"

"There is a bright moon on the sea, and the sea king blew the sad snail, I am afraid that the great demon Wanhai will rush here!"


Many people are whispering and talking, but the seemingly quiet situation now is extremely dangerous! If the Sea Emperor, who is respected by the great monsters of the sea clan, wants to take away the five-color mountain, only some great sages who exist today can contend with it.

Evil-hearted Phoenix and Hua Jieyu were standing above the'Skylark Residence', silently watching the wonderful scene that was happening.

"Is Ye Di in danger?" Evil Heart Phoenix couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Hua Jieyu responded indifferently.

"Just now a million scavengers entered the sea and suffered heavy casualties. Although Ye Di is temporarily intact, the ten sages are definitely ten mountains that cannot be climbed to him now!" Evil Heart Phoenix took a deep breath and said, "He I'm afraid that the danger was expected, so we didn't let us follow—"

"The most dangerous thing is not the ten sages, but the sea emperor mentioned by the cultivators in the city." Hua Jieyu stared into the distance and frowned, "Don't you see the seriousness of the problem?"

"The one who is exposed is just a lightning dragon king. Even if one sage can't deal with it, two sages can be killed. But the ten sages chose to communicate. Obviously, they are afraid of the extremely terrible Sea King." Evil Phoenix Phoenix Feeling difficult.

In this case, let alone the problem of the Ye Emperor’s cultivation, even the Ye Emperor in the peak state of the nine realms, it is difficult to survive that battle——

No one knows the dialogue between the ten sages and the Lightning Dragon King, but almost everyone can see that this negotiation was very unhappy for both parties!

The Lightning Dragon King roared again and again and did not back down, and even the entire Linji City began to appear in a state of combat readiness——

"That is!" Evil-hearted Phoenix was in the sky above Skylark, and, like everyone else, saw an extremely terrifying scene.

The entire ‘Tai Chi Sea’ beach is raging, and there are many terrifying sea monsters emerging!

"If the ten sages of the alliance continue to persecute, I am afraid that the'sea beast tide' will emerge, and this will be the first battlefield..." Where did Hua Jieyu have seen such a scene? The sea beasts in the gods have all seen them before. , A sea crab caught up to a radius of ten miles in size, not an ordinary monk can stop it!

"court death--"

Among the ten sages of the Scavenging Alliance, some people roared!

Ten sages, do not plan to negotiate any more, now the five-color mountain is in front of you, if you can go up the mountain to find the Yongling Yushu, everything is worth it!

"Winding sages, you stir the wind and clouds on the Taiji Sea with the hurricane divine intent! Stop the mutant cloud snake! The ancestor of the blood sage, you go out of the five sages and arrange the blood drop **** realm to prevent the sea king from appearing!"

"Okay!" The popular sage immediately responded, and after a roar, the black hurricanes all over the sky began to form tornadoes, constantly rolling up a column of columns and roaring the sea!

The Lightning Dragon King was also furious, its giant dragon body completely out of water, ignoring the ferocious hurricane, directly flying through the clouds, spitting out thousands of feet of thunder and lightning!

"Papa Papa--"

On the sea, the power grid is intertwined, and the ten sages seem to be overwhelmed by the compensating thunder!

Su Jin's eyes were gloomy. Although he was prepared in his heart, his chances of ascending the five-color mountain were extremely slim under such a scene.

And this is the power of sages! In terms of individual strength alone, the power of the Lightning Dragon King is definitely stronger than any of the ten sages of the Alliance, but it is a pity that it faces ten!

Before Hua Jieyu was dissatisfied with his own strength, Su Jin understood a little at this moment. For example, the popular sage, even his own sage's divine will can be condensed——

And Hua Jieyu didn't know if it was because she was born with a virtuous baby, Su Jin could not perceive any sage's will in her before, maybe this is a huge gap!

Su Jin secretly clenched his fists and observed the situation. He knew that he had only one chance, and that was to take advantage of the chaotic situation for a while and figure out a way to climb the five-color mountain!

If you can't rush, you are dead!

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