My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3305: Scared away ten sages! !

The Lightning Dragon King, now showing a super power that shocked the world, even the sages who showed seven kinds of divine will at this moment were a little scared!


It's too late to say, then soon!

The Lightning Dragon King is blessed by two heaven secrets. You must know that it is not an ordinary cultivation base, but a sage demon! Now carrying the invincible dragon posture, brazenly slashing the terrifying sky-shielding dragon claws, the whole world seems to be quiet--

The seven sages of the Scavenging Alliance, like a broken kite, turned into seven divine rainbows, unable to gather anymore and were beaten up fiercely!

The blood can't stop squirting from the seven people!

Su Jin’s divine body was stunned by a huge shock, and it was already the limit to bless the Sky Secret for the Lightning Dragon King. His primordial spirit began to escape quickly, and he was about to lose his human form, but fortunately, Lightning The Dragon King didn't let him down, and successfully wounded the seven sages!

"I am blessing a secret for you, leaving all these ten sages behind!" Su Jin suddenly shouted again.


Wu Wanli was frustrated, and a burst of blood poured out from the corner of his mouth. Of course he was easy to fight the giant eel. This was not hurt, but gas hurt!

"Let's go!" Wu Wanli and the other injured sages all broke down, and they wanted to leave here without thinking!

Practice is not easy.

Yin, it's not easy!

A virtuous life is precious to hundreds of millions of people! No one wants to die here, even if it is Wu Wanli--


The Holy Ancestor of Heavenly Mystery was so scared that he didn't turn his head back, turning into a phantom, rushing directly away from the unavoidable sky, and he dared not stay! Ten sages, no one dares to stay!

The quietness this time is far greater than when Su Jin appeared before—

Just one word scared away ten sages!

In the presence, except that the waves were slowly calming down, it was also exceptionally quiet. The Heavenly Secret on the Lightning Dragon King gradually disappeared, and it was deeply tired. The effect of this Heavenly Secret also overdrafted all its strength, and even almost fell into the sea!

"This is the gap between us and him--" Bo Lan said to Xiao Tang with a wry smile after a long time.

Xiao Tang's horrified expression has not faded, his neck stiffened and looked at Buran blankly, and said: "Originally...I was wondering why there would be female sages following him, now I understand."

"A word to scare away ten sages, such a rare secret of the sky, there has never been one kind of God's Domain in an instant, he actually has two kinds of——" Bo Lan muttered with his head down.

"He said that there is a third kind, and he wants the Lightning Dragon King to kill the wise."

"Do you really believe it? In the legendary secret technique of Tian Mi, where is there a Third Secret! Obviously it scares people." Bollan said.

"Miss, what shall we do now?"

"While the sea is quiet, I will return directly to Linji City. I should be able to return safely." Bo Lan glanced at Su Jin in the distance and said in an uncertain tone.

Haoyue was in the air.

The black night, the sea breeze is strong, the waves are endless--

Hua Jieyu's voice transmission appeared in Su Jin's ear. After he responded, he sat cross-legged in the void, and began to recover without any effort, while the Lightning Dragon King waited silently!

The monks in Linji City are destined to sleepless tonight!

The sea animal tide did not rise to the shore, which is perhaps the best news for Linji City.

Hua Jieyu brought the evil-hearted Phoenix and Yu Ling'er, and crossed directly, the infinite sea beasts and black shadows manifested under the sea. The three women watching were nervous, but there was the will of the lightning dragon king, but there was no big monster. Dare to stop.

"The Sea Emperor summons all the distinguished guests." The Lightning Dragon King slowly spoke. Now that the Cloud Snake has left, the reason why it stayed is naturally passing through the Sea Emperor Valley.

Su Jin nodded, "It's okay to see you."

"Meet Sea Queen, where are we going? Shanyuan?" Hua Jieyu asked.

"Perhaps Haihuang knows the exact location of the'Side Lying Buddha Land', I still want to look for it--" Su Jin said calmly.

Hua Jieyu also makes sense. If you can directly find the'Side-Lying Buddha Land', naturally you don't have to cross this Tai Chi Sea and go to the opposite mountain.

"Everyone, please--" The Lightning Dragon King turned sideways to the dragon's body and motioned for several people to stand up.

Su Jin stood on the dragon's body, and the lightning dragon king roared, rushing directly to the clouds, leaving the Taiji Sea at a terrifying speed!

On the body of the Lightning Dragon King, Su Jin saw Shanyuan, a place where the fierce great demon was hidden. There was no human trace, and the cyan poisonous miasma enveloped far and wide, and it seemed difficult to penetrate.

Haihuang, Su Jin would like to meet.

One is because he is lying on the side of the Great Buddha Land, and the other is because he did not intend to help the sea clan, why would the sea emperor let the sea clan protect him, and the sea emperor is the strongest power in the divine realm, comparable to the real great sage Lord, this made Su Jin curious.

"What kind of existence does Sea King exist?" When Evil Heart Phoenix was in the'Skylark Residence', many people talked about Sea King, and they said it was a god. It seemed that the human race on the road was very afraid of this person.

Yu Ling'er plucked up the courage and said, "The Sea Emperor is a legend, a true sea spirit, beyond the reach of nothing."

"Oh?" Evil Heart Phoenix was a little skeptical, but everything had to wait until I saw it later.

This vast sky, the sea area also occupies a huge area of ​​the instant god's realm, at least half of it, the lightning dragon king flew for a full time, and its speed is naturally not suspicious—

Hua Jieyu felt mysterious. When she was in Linji City, she heard the sorrowful music of the Conch. For a while, she thought that the Sea Emperor was nearby. Who knew that the Lightning Dragon King had flew so far and hadn't arrived yet.

A group of black shadows dormant under the water, as if in a group.

The Lightning Dragon King faced the giant moon and flew much lower. In this case, the crowds of black shadows in the sea from time to time made people feel more frightened.

A piece of colorful spiritual curtain, faint Xia Wei light from not far away, Lightning Dragon King excitedly rushed in——

At that moment, it was like entering heaven!

The calm white island is about ten thousand miles away. There is a sacred tree on the island, and the sea faces the giant moon, and it shimmers slightly. Soon, a huge blue whale jumped from the sea!

Su Jin came by the dragon, unintentionally admiring this peerless beauty. He clenched the corner of the red cloth tightly in his hand and frowned.

"My friend, don't worry, the power of the Sea Emperor is so powerful that she absolutely knows where the Yongling Yushu is. Look, the Sea Emperor Palace is in front of it--" Lightning Dragon King laughed.

"Your marine clan is in conflict with the land, isn't it because of Yongling Yushu?" Su Jin asked.

"Naturally not, the creatures on the land have been grudges against my sea clan for a long time. They are far humbler than ours. They are heaven slaves. Back then, God gave us a seal of slavery, but they did not enslave our sea clan." Lightning Dragon King said.

Su Jin suddenly, immediately the Lightning Dragon King stepped heavily in front of the vast Sea Emperor Palace!

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