My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3306: Sea King

Sea Palace.

The gate of the palace was in the open state, Su Jin smelled a very good smell, which was far better than any floral fragrance on land, and suddenly he became suspicious.

A murloc woman in a pink dress walked out. Su Jin couldn't help but look at it a few more times. He saw hundreds of them. After the Lightning Dragon King explained, these were all maids serving the Sea Emperor.

Su Jin smiled helplessly. He seemed to have seen the real mermaid clan. These waitresses had fish scales on their skin, but they didn't seem to be real fish scales, they also had legs——

"My son, please." Hundreds of murloc waitresses directly implied the noblest murloc etiquette and invited Su Jin in.

"We are waiting outside." Hua Jieyu said slowly.

"Everyone can enter the side hall."



Hua Jieyu is really helpless, although she is a sage, but a sage born into a fetus, there is no sage's will to date, and the status here is probably not as good as a murloc maid!

Moreover, it is the Ye Emperor that Haihuang wants to meet, not them!

Su Jin and the three daughters of Hua Jieyu looked at each other and nodded. Even if they walked in, he just heard the lightning dragon king say that the sea emperor must have an experience of how supernatural powers are!

"Who? Who is the emperor's invitation?" As soon as he walked in, as the maids turned into a promenade, there was a scene that made Su Jin smile again and again.

About five meters away from Su Jin, a blue shadow rolled over, about one meter three or four in height. When he got up, it was a little sea monster with a turtle shell on its back.

Moreover, this turtle monster has a really big tone, calling Haihuang the "Emperor Sister"!

"Prince Turtle, I only know that it is a land-based human, a distinguished guest -" the leading beautiful lady said respectfully.

"Hey, I don't see much." The turtle prince looked at Su Jin with five people, thinking that the Sea Clan and the entire land creatures had a hatred of disagreement with the whole land creatures. Why did he invite a Luan Clan to come over?

"Hello." Su Jin looked at each other calmly, it was really like a child carrying a tortoise shell on his back, his face was still pretty.


The Turtle Prince was quite polite, but this name made Su Jin laugh dumb, but he couldn’t bear it. Then the Turtle Prince laughed again: “It’s rumored that land is a paradise on earth. Does my brother have any land treasures? I open my eyes?"

Su Jin's heart was broken at this moment, and he opened the palm of his hand directly, and there was a string of prayer beads in his hand. This prayer bead came from the old man who guarded the mausoleum of the gods and demons.

Although this Buddhist bead is very precious, it was once broken and incomplete. Su Jin had observed it not long ago and knew that it was of little use to him, and now it would be good to give it away.

"This string of Buddhist beads comes from the age of ancient gods and wars. It is a virtuous product. Wearing this bead can guarantee immeasurable luck, and it will be given to the Turtle Prince today." As soon as Su Jin's voice fell, he felt a wind blow this string. The prayer beads were blown away and fell into the hands of the prince turtle.

"Good baby, great good baby—" The prince tortoise was so happy that he was almost crazy, hurriedly slung on his neck, as if he walked with wind!

Su Jin allowed the Turtle Prince to follow.

The size of the Sea Palace exceeded Su Jin's expectations. There were hundreds of twists and turns. If you have a bad memory, you will probably be fainted, but the scenery is excellent, so just follow.

Soon, Sea God Temple!

"Master, please." The leading maid turned around and invited Su Jin to enter.

Su Jin looked up and down, knowing that this ‘Sea God’s Palace’ was the sea emperor’s palace——

"Big brother, I'm waiting for you outside." The Turtle Prince flicked the Buddhist beads, as if he didn't dare to make any trouble in this Sea God Temple.

Su Jin smiled slightly and walked directly in——

In this hall, carved beams and painted buildings, the pillars resemble the texture of coral stone, but the color of snow, the surface is exquisitely carved with patterns, not like human dragons and phoenixes.

Sea Emperor, Su Jin didn't see it. Could it be that he let himself wait for her here?

Right above the hall, there was a faint light of divine light flowing out, shrouded in an arc-shaped curtain, and the sound of fine steps was heard. Su Jin did not bow his head, calmed his face, and said, "I have seen Sea Emperor."

Su Jin didn't look very real. The other party's height was a little shorter than him. Outside the colorful curtain, he only knew that the other party was wearing a snow-colored long coat, with a piece of neat black long hair, and he couldn't see his face.

"You're an extraterritorial repair that came with the eternal spirit jade tree." The other party spoke lightly, but the voice seemed to be a faint fairy sound, which was slightly frustrating, and it took a long time to react.

"Not bad." Su Jin nodded.

"Then do you know that Yongling Yushu came from the Realm of Instants?"


Following Su Jin's simple answer, the existence in the curtain was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "But you definitely don't know why I prevented the terrestrial humans from obtaining the Yongling Yushu——"

Su Jin smiled faintly, "It's not hard to guess, because the Yongling Yushu is the key to unlocking the Heavenly Slave Seal. If the Slave Seal is unlocked, in time, the realm of Gods will return to the ranks of the highest realm of Gods, so for you sea clan Not a good thing."

"It seems that you already know it." The Sea Emperor in the curtain said: "Explain your purpose--"

"Yongling Yushu, this is my thing, besides that, Yongling Yushu also took away my people." Su Jin said.

"It's a woman." What Haihuang said surprised Su Jin's heart.

"God can't understand the imprint of the heavenly slaves, what is it to me, but I want to take away the things that belong to me." Su Jin said lightly: "His Royal Highness, can you know where the Yongling Yushu is?"

"I know, but with your power, you will die if you go." The Sea Emperor hesitated slightly, "Your Heavenly Secret, can you bless me?"

"Yes!" Su Jin said affirmatively.

"The monk outside the realm of God, you are really amazing--" The Sea Emperor's tone was a little uncomfortable, and then continued: "You have found all the way from the boundless sea to this place. I know all of them. Now, take your Dao body Leave it to me and I will help you recover."

Su Jin frowned tightly. Only when the real Dao body was in his own hands would he feel safe. If he gave it to the other party, he didn't even know her face...

"Relax, I want to prevent Yongling Yushu from unlocking the Heavenly Slave Seal on the land. You have to find the woman and Yongling Yushu. We can naturally cooperate." Haihuang said lightly: "Also, if the emperor wants to attack you Bad intention, you are far from an opponent."

"His Royal Highness, you need to tell me the whereabouts of Mo Hongyu first." Su Jin said.

"At the moment, I'm lying on the side of the big Buddha, but in a few days, as you see today, she will disappear from the big Buddha, like she disappeared in the five-color mountain." Haihuang nodded.

Su Jin's heart jumped, he rarely hesitated, but the other party could indeed gain his seven or eight points of trust, and soon he released the ice coffin from the bone ring, "Then trouble your Highness Haihuang—— "

"I will arrange a place to live for you, and wait for me to help you heal your deity's Taoist wound..."

"Thanks." Su Jin hesitated before turning around and leaving the Sea God Temple.

But Su Jin didn't know, Haihuang stared at his back, staring at him for five breaths!

After a long time, the sea emperor's dreamlike voice sighed: "No World Honored... Great Divine Dao, the God Realm is going to change in an instant..."

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