My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3319: Great Festival Kendo

Reward, not cheap!

Senior Xuanhuang's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Steward Feng with a calm face and asked, "As far as you know, the Xuantian Divine Sect is involved in the pursuit of the Ye Emperor——"

"Nature! Xuantian Shenmen is the most powerful door in the Central Territory. Everyone has the same enemy and unites to defeat the Ye Emperor. Nature is of great importance! It is reported that Ye Longhai, the contemporary patriarch of Shenmen, offered a reward for three treasure cities, a sage sword, and a thousand leaps. Yaotian, it is bound to be cut off." Steward Feng said very seriously.

I heard the words of Steward Feng.

Emperor Xuan's heart is broken now--

It is true that the Xuantian Divine Gate was established by the Emperor Xuanzang and worked hard for countless years to become the number one power in the Central Territory. Even Zhongzhou, one of the eighty-eight states, can rank among the top three!

"You can see the people of Xuantian Divine Gate?" Xuanhuang said depressed.

"Dark Void is vast and boundless and cannot be easily encountered, but Xuantian Shenmen is definitely on the way to the'Side Lying Buddha Land'." Steward Feng explained, not without error, and asked, "Senior, why only ask Xuantian Shenmen?"

When Steward Feng saw Emperor Xuan's eyes looking at him badly, when even slapped himself gently, he repeatedly said that he shouldn't ask too much.

"What the **** is this Ye Emperor, why has it caused such a tumult?" Xuanhuang asked with cold eyes.

"Senior lives deep in the sword grave, and I don’t know! That Yedi was originally a human race, but he betrayed the mainland and was recruited by the sea race to try to destroy my human race’s plan. This person is sure to win the Yongling Yushu. , I should stop it with all my strength."


Xuanhuang turned depressed and looked at Su Jin with a look of shame——

"My lord, my gang of unscrupulous descendants are confused. When I see them, they will definitely grab them one by one, so that the lord will be sent back again!" The Emperor Xuan sighed in the voice transmission.

"Old Xuan doesn't need to be like that, it's human nature." Su Jin responded quietly.

The depression of Emperor Xuan is not only that the descendants are stupid, but that the entire God's Domain Continent is completely hopeless! Now the entire Instant God Realm is going to chase and kill Ye Di, everyone knows that Ye Di is not the World-Honored, only he can save the slave of the world!

The five Su Jin chose a place to rest, originally thinking that things could go by like this, after all, the destination of the Feng family was also where they wanted to go.

"Dare to ask, dare to ask, but the powerhouse of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb——" In the Feng family crowd, a fifteen or six year old girl suddenly rushed to Su Jin. She was wearing pink and blue clothes. Dress corner, a little embarrassed, dare not look up.

"You are--" Evil Heart Phoenix asked curiously.

"My name is Feng Dong'er, the name of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb, the world knows, I... can I learn swords from you?" Feng Dong'er was nervous, his face flushed, and a little at a loss.

"No." Emperor Xuan even refused with a cold face.

Hua Jieyu, Xie Xin Fenghuang, and Yu Ling'er all shook their heads. The three of them did not know how to do kendo.

Su Jin looked at Feng Dong'er, "Why do you want to learn swords?"

"Because... I like it." Feng Donger looked at Su Jin and swallowed her saliva. She wanted to shrink back. The seemingly gentle young man in front of her had a dangerous temperament, which made people instinctively want to escape.

"Extend your hand." Su Jin glanced at Xuanhuang, and then said to Feng Donger.

Feng Dong'er was trembling all over, and only after plucking up his courage to stretch out his right hand——

"Hands." Su Jin reminded.

The three daughters of Hua Jieyu didn't understand Su Jin's meaning, but when they saw Feng Dong'er put down a hairpin dagger and stretched out their hands, they realized that this woman was not easy!

Feng Donger's hands have calluses that are not her age! Especially in the Hukou position, this situation will only happen after years of hard training.

"Sure enough, Jianxin was opened." Su Jin muttered silently.

Jianxin represents a person's steadfastness in kendo, and Feng Donger is able to shoot swords with both hands because of Jianxin. This is Jianxin lucidity. If this kind of sword repair is comprehended, it will become a terrifying power in the future.

"Miss, miss you, you quickly apologize to a few strong swordsmen--" Steward Feng ran from a distance, and when he saw Feng Dong'er trembling in fright, his face changed drastically and he scolded.

"It's okay." Su Jin smiled: "You should have a good master, why do you want to come to us?"

"Master said that the master leads the door, and the practice is personal. Only without a teacher can you be a master of kendo. He also said that there are a hundred schools of kendo, each has its own strengths, so that I can learn more about his kendo, which is beneficial to practice." Feng Donger buried her head. Whispered.

"What kind of kendo do you cultivate?"

"Great sacrifice to kendo."

"The hostility is too heavy, so come out and have a look--" Su Jin gestured.

Feng Dong'er hesitated for a moment, ignoring Steward Feng's obstruction, and went back several tens of meters. The sword on the ground was photographed by her in the air. She lightly patted the blade with her left hand, and the sword buzzed!

The blue and red circular sword rings began to spread behind Feng Dong'er. Even if Su Jindang understood, this woman's "Great Sacrifice Sword" mainly pursued power, but he shook his head when he saw this kind of swordsmanship. .

"Flashy, this kendo is not for you—" Su Jin still sighed.

"Why?" Feng Donger didn't understand Su Jin's meaning.

"Hundreds of rivers and rivers, kendo hundred schools, why did your master let you appreciate the hundred schools of swords? Because she knows that this great sacrificial kendo is not suitable for you, but presumably when you became a teacher, this kendo has already laid the foundation and cannot change it."

Su Jin sank and said, "I ask you, have you killed the monk?"

Feng Dong'er shook his head, "No."

"Since there isn't, what use is it for you to cultivate this sacrificial sword? If I see it right, every time you kill a monk, there will be a sacrificial sword mark behind you in the sword picture, as more and more killings , This sword map will be perfect, and the greater the power you use." Su Jin said.

"Why should I believe your words?" Feng Donger won't shake her sword. Su Jin is about to subvert her cognition, and she naturally can't let this happen.

"Naturally find someone to try the sword."

"Try the sword?"

Feng Dong'er turned pale, and immediately shook her head and said, "I will find it, at least not now. Now the entire God Realm is chasing and killing Ye Di, and I will personally pierce his heart with the sacrificial sword at that time!"

Hua Jieyu and Xiexin Phoenix looked at each other, their expressions were quite weird——

This Feng Dong'er is only at this level of cultivation. Don't say that Ye Di is right in front of her. Even if she reveals her identity by then, she is already dead before she attacks.

"Is Ye Di in your eyes so unbearable?" Su Jin looked at Feng Dong'er lightly and asked.

Feng Donger nodded without hesitation, and said: "In Linji City, the five-color mountain on the sea, the world only sees that the Ye Emperor possesses two kinds of secrets. In addition to these two kinds of secrets, he was lucky enough to survive by relying on the old dragon king of the sea clan. I can kill."

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