My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3320: Unexpected situation

"Kill him by your unbearable sword figure?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"Of course." Feng Donger firmly believes that he can do it.

"Use all your power, if you can pick me up, I will believe it." Su Jin laughed lightly, "I don't need power, I can feel it as I like."

Feng Dong'er would have been irritated long ago because of the identity of the other party as the'Nine Heavens Sword Tomb'. This young man didn't look too big, how could she have such a big tone? And she wanted to learn swords, naturally from the old man, this guy looked bad, but his tone was not small.

"Unfolding sixteen sword rings and combining them into a sword picture is already my strongest method. You, you can use it--" Feng Donger said with caution.

Su Jin thought about it.

The surrounding environment was faint and boundless, Su Jin's thoughts were circling quickly, staring at Feng Dong'er's grand sacrificial sword picture carefully.

This kind of sword diagram seems complicated, but actually has a mechanism to be found. In addition to Feng Donger’s own original strength blessing, the sword in her hand is also very important. If Su Jin guesses well, the sword diagram will form a sword formation, inspired by Feng Dong’er’s original strength. Will condense behind her.

"It's interesting--" Su Jin somewhat recognized this exquisite sword picture. He silently opened the'Mahe Town Prison Eye' and traced the origin of this'Great Sacrifice Sword', and bursts of formations suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Aren't you going to make a move?" Feng Donger didn't understand Su Jin's meaning.

"Okay, step back." Su Jin turned his face slightly, letting Yu Ling'er and the three daughters stay away.

"Shall we retire?" Hua Jieyu asked curiously.

"I'm afraid that the sword qi will collapse on you--" Su Jin was very helpless.

Hua Jieyu:...

When the three girls retreated, Su Jin gently raised his hand, a trace of blood condensed from his fingertips.

Feng Donger's face was suddenly stunned.

Feng Dong'er shouldn't be too familiar with Su Jin's lingering Taoist rhyme! Isn't this her great sacrifice to kendo! But there seems to be a slight difference, the difference is derived from the trace of blood!

Then every trace of blood, even if it is looked at, will feel the scalp tingling! Creepy--


In front of Su Jin's fingertips, a pair of sword pictures quickly appeared, but the arrangement was completely different from Feng Donger's, and the scars on the sacrificial sword on it seemed to have been devastated for hundreds of millions of years, so mottled!

"How is it possible!" Feng Donger was a little unbelievable.

"Ahem, this is just my condensed high sacrificial sword picture, naturally it is impossible to learn from you, and my condensed scene is the final shape of your high sacrificial swordsmanship." Su Jin said seriously.

Feng Dong'er felt relieved. It turned out to be like this. She was so shocked just now, she thought how could someone be such a wicked evildoer, and she could comprehend her sacrificial kendo at a glance, without the sacrificial sword!

Hua Jieyu said silently: "The night emperor is too enchanting. He may be able to fool Feng Dong'er, but he can't fool the eyes of other people. This was originally a real sacrificial sword picture, and the sacrificial sword marks on it were killed all the way. The best proof."

"Ye Di can't look down on this sword picture--" Evil Heart Phoenix said.

"Naturally, I don't like it, but Nizi doesn't believe what he said at all. Maybe she came up with this idea when she got the idea."


At this moment, when Su Jin saw Feng Dong'er nod his head, he said a word indifferently, raised his hand and nodded: "Go--"


Feng Dong'er's face suddenly turned pale, and she felt that she was all covered by the **** sword picture, and she didn't even have a way out! Countless terrible sword marks tore through the void, wanting to destroy everything including her!

The girl's body shook, and all the sword pictures behind her were chopped into countless pieces in an instant! Feng Dong'er found that she couldn't even stand still, and when she collapsed to the ground, her heart was filled with extremely deep fear!

"Miss!" Steward Feng panicked and called out quickly.

"I learned it." Feng Donger finished speaking, barely holding up her trembling body, she just couldn't imagine that if Su Jin's target was her, not the sword figure behind her, what would happen to her! It should be like a sword map, it will be crushed directly!

The sight of the sword and power erupting was too terrifying. Feng Donger had nothing to do, as if an extremely terrifying beast swallowed at her, Dao Xin collapsed in shock.

Isn't it a great sacrifice sword? Feng Dong'er wanted to ask, but knew that she was incompetent, mocked herself, and returned to the tribe with a salute.

Seeing Feng Dong'er leaving, Su Jin slowly retracted his gaze——

"This woman is a good swordsman." Su Jin glanced at Hua Jieyu, "What do you think?"

"She wants to use you to try the sword." Hua Jieyu said sternly.

"There are too many people who want to kill me, should I be honest one by one? This is just a fledgling girl film, or give her some unrealistic fantasy." Su Jin smiled slightly.

The vast dark void, undercurrent surging.

The Feng Family of the Alliance met several times in the God Realm and other people passing by, and after exchanging news that they did not find the Ye Emperor, those people left in a hurry.

Half a day seems to be fleeting.

During the Su Jin period, he sent evil-hearted phoenix to ask Steward Feng three times, and got a reply from the other party. Soon after, he will arrive at the exact address of the "Side-Lying Buddha Site"!

The continents drifting around are getting more and more complete, more and more, of course, the entire God's Domain cultivators are dispatched, and many people have been stationed around here——

"That's the Feng family of the Scavenging Alliance! This Feng family is not weak and can be ranked in the top fifteenth in the Alliance family!" A monk exclaimed after seeing the Feng family's banner.

"The aura of the battle in front is strong so far. Some people have seen a lifelike demon giant falling on a continent. The devilish energy that is enough to transform demons has yet to be approached by anyone!"

"The Emperor Shenwu who ruled the thirteenth state, someone saw him walk into the depths. It is said that he is the fifth great sage to enter the Buddha land."

"The Western Kingdom was destroyed 30,000 years ago, but yesterday, I heard that a great sage master walked out of the ruins of the Western Kingdom. That great sage master was the great **** of the Western Kingdom who covered the sky with only one hand."

"Many surviving powerhouses have appeared, and some people have seen 100,000 mud elephants descended on a continent in the dark void. Those mud elephants came from a secret realm."

"The Nine Heavens Sword Tomb also appeared, and three swordsmen walked down, a Nine Heavens Sword Girl——"


Su Jin's expression was weird. He glanced at the Emperor Xuan and found that the old man was smiling bitterly at him. He came here pretending to be the Jiutian Sword Tomb.

"Why is Elder Xuan smiling bitterly?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"The old slave will take care of it properly." Xuanhuang nodded.

Su Jin said a little bit: "You are going to destroy all the Feng family here——"

The Emperor Xuan sighed: "Yes, the identity token of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb was searched after I once killed one person. Now, before the Feng family has passed the news, everything is still too late. After all, there is only The dead will shut up and keep this secret forever."

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