My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3321: True and false confrontation

"Everyone is watching, how do you wipe out all Feng's family?"

Su Jin said indifferently: "The Alliance of Hundreds of Scavengers, even the leader of the Alliance, is in the Dark Void, would you just ignore it?"

Xuanhuang's face was gloomy, so reckless, that he was indeed an unknown teacher.

"This is a difficult game to break. Destroying all the Feng family cultivators here will not solve the problem. On the contrary, the identity will be revealed earlier. It is better to wait and see the changes." Su Jin said.

"How to watch the changes?"

"Pretend you don't know, ignore, don't respond, wait for someone--" Su Jin said.

The Emperor Xuan meditated, feeling that it can only do this at the moment. It can be delayed for as long as it can be. When Yongling Yushu is born, he will make other plans.

"The night emperor's thief is very--" Hua Jieyu glanced at Su Jin, "Besides, it is not certain who the people of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb are.

"How to use falsehoods to be true?" Xuanhuang asked uncertainly.

"I'll know it then." Hua Jieyu didn't explain, which made the Emperor Xuan more suspicious.

Su Jin smiled, taking advantage of Hua Jieyu's surprise, he directly pulled her in his arms, and smiled: "Sure enough, Jieyu understands me, come and give you a kiss!"

Hua Jieyu broke free and chose not to look at him with a cold face—

Now, the one who knows Su Jin best is naturally Hua Jieyu! Su Jin's true and false nine-day sword grave, except for him, really can't play it! You know, Wan Hai Jianzun, one of her servants at the time, was all caught up in Su Jin's routine. This guy is really an out-and-out kendo master!

time flies.

After an hour, the atmosphere seemed to have undergone a subtle change.

First of all, the Feng family chose to withdraw from this broken continent. More and more people around them looked at the five Su Jin——

At this time, the continents seemed to be spliced ​​together, and they kept stopping beside the invisible buddha soil in front of them, and Su Jin was still calm in the face of everyone's questioning eyes, and even drank tea.

"The Feng family must show off to others, showing off the people who have the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb here, but after learning that the other party was born, only three swordsmen, a Nine Heavens Sword Girl, withdrew from here." Xuanhuang cried secretly. It's a pity that if it weren't for the emperor, he would definitely not leave one, and kill them all, even if they offend the Scavenging Alliance, he would not hesitate.

"Old Xuan, calm down." Su Jin said.

"Yes." Seeing that the situation could not be resolved, Emperor Xuan could only do so.

However, as time went by, all the millions of monks stationed here knew a terrible thing!

"You know? Someone pretended to be the Jiutian Sword Tomb and came here--" Many monks were talking about it.

"The reason comes from a monk in the Feng family who boasted that their young lady had been advised by an expert at the Jiutian Sword Tomb. It was a combination of three women and two men, and Feng Guanjia saw the identity token of the Jiutian Sword Tomb!"

"What's the matter? Nine Heavens Sword Tomb, didn't they walk out of three swordsmen, a Nine Heavens Sword Girl? Why did two groups of people appear?"

"One is true and the other is false. I heard that the Nine Heavens Sword Girl was furious, and she also carries the identity token of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb! There must be a fake one."

"The Nine Heavens Sword Tomb has not been born for a long time. No one can tell the truth from the false. There is a message that the Nine Heavens Sword Girl and his party are rushing here from other places."


All around, there was heated debate, no one could tell who was true and who was false——

The old face of Senior Xuanhuang was changing. The reason why he had planned to destroy the Feng family before was of course because he could not provoke the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb, one of the hidden worlds!

Now things are getting bigger, no matter how difficult it is to be good!

"The clothes of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb are extremely orthodox. If we don't wear the Sword Tomb logo, will there be any problems?" Yu Linger asked. She naturally knows the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb logo. After all, the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb is very famous. Resounding.

"Since it's a secret walk out, there are naturally excuses for not wanting to be ostentatious. The more you look like, the more fake." Su Jin took a sip of tea and said seriously.

"You are a fake in the first place -" Hua Jieyu hummed softly and murmured.

"I am repairing the Nine Heaven Sword Grave Sword. When I go out, I must pay attention to my words and deeds." Su Jin glanced at Hua Jieyu, seeming to blame.

not long time.

In the dark void in the distance, four groups of extremely strong sword rainbows suddenly appeared!

The people of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb, here comes!

Upon seeing this, Emperor Xuan said in a deep voice, "I will kill these four juniors in a moment. Lord, you take the opportunity to leave quickly!"

"No." Su Jin shook his head and said through the voice: "That would be the same as blew up, proving that we are imposters? Elder Xuan is safe and restless, let's not care about everything else, at least for today, we are the ones who walked out of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb. "

Seeing that Su Jin was so confident, Old Xuan nodded in hesitation, and said no more.

Come, really four people!

The three swordsmen are all extraordinary, wearing uniform pan-blue robes with a striking sword grave logo on the robes, which is a broken sword.

And the Nine Heavens Sword Girl is even more brilliant! The plain white and compact long gown, the waistband is full of dragon sword patterns embroidered with gold threads, the key is that this woman is extremely beautiful, but in her beautiful big eyes, she has a sense of indifference that a stranger should not be near! It's like a piece of ice that never melts.

"Is that you pretending to be our Nine Heavens Sword Tomb?" Su Jin held the tea cup before pouring a pot of dirty water on the other side.

Hua Jieyu, Xiexin Phoenix, and Yu Ling'er all looked at Ye Di with different eyes!

This trick is really heart, I guess no one believes it!

"Jianzi, Song Shu."

"Jianzi, Tang Longtian."

"Jianzi, Cui Yuqing."

In front of the millions of monks, the three swordsmen naturally had to maintain etiquette and could not be ashamed of Jiutian Sword Tomb. After introducing themselves, Song Shu stared at Su Jin and asked, "Who is your Excellency, why do you use the name of Jiutian Sword Tomb? Act!"

"Our Nine Heavens Sword Tomb does not have the names of the three of you." Su Jin put down the tea cup and said lightly: "You pretend to look alike. Ask the fellow Taoists around, do you know there are three of you in the sword tomb? "

The three swordsmen of Song Shu suddenly became angry--

The Nine Heavens Sword Tomb was originally a secret realm. It has not been born for a long time. As swords, they have not been born for many years. Where does the world know their names! Even if someone knows it, it is extremely rare.

"Kill." In the void not far away, the Nine Sky Sword Girl who had not spoken, said two words indifferently.

"Beauty, you want to kill yourself so quickly, do you want to confirm your identity as a pretender?" Su Jin smiled slightly: "Since you are so urgent, then I will do what you want. The four of you are not self-proclaimed swords. Female? Let’s see the true chapter in the swordsmanship. Besides, I am the only one on our side. You four fakes, let’s play the sword together. It hurts one of my hair and I lose—"


The whole audience took a breath of air-conditioning!

Su Jin alone! Ask the other four to play swords together! Kyogen!

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