My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3322: One sword, the sun rises!

One pick four!

At this time and here, many people have their own judgments, but only 20% of the millions of monks who watch the battle believe in Su Jin's side. After all, the Nine Heavens Sword Girl is too strong, and the temperament is also extremely outstanding.

"Our Nine Heavens Sword Tombs, to deal with the rats in your area, why do you have to walk up to four people? Since you dare not admit it, I, Cui Yuqing, would like to compete with you!"

"Seeing your age is similar to ours, no matter what your purpose is, you will be taken down by us today -" Tang Longtian also said coldly.

"Two seniors, this is my weakest place, why don't you give me this opportunity?" Song Shu respectfully said to the two seniors beside him.

Cui Yuqing and Tang Longtian thought about it, this matter was a little weird in their eyes, and Ye Di and the others seemed to be extraordinary, so it's better to let Song Shu go to try.

"Junior, don't use all your strength." Tang Longtian said lightly.

"Thirty percent of the sword is enough to kill him."

Cui Yuqing is also pretentious and has absolute confidence in the inheritance of swordsmanship from the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb.

Song Shu was ecstatic in his heart, thinking that my opportunity to show was here——

At this time, if the Nine Heavens Sword Girl can excel in front of the Nine Heavens Sword Girl, in the future, the Nine Heavens Sword Girl will choose Dao companions from the eighteen swordsmen, he will naturally have some advantages.

Immediately, Song Shu was not nervous. As the sword in the tomb of the Nine Heavens Sword, he naturally had great glory. He walked out directly, facing Su Jin who was still tasting the tea, and yelled: "You keep talking, slander me Wait for the sword tomb impostor, then let's try swordsmanship at your request now—"

"If I lose, I will no longer be a person in the sword grave." Su Jin said slowly: "However, if you lose, how do you tell?"

Song Shu's head became hot and angrily said, "If I lose, I will abandon my sword from now on, and I will no longer be a sword grave sword!"

"You weren't—" Su Jin said calmly.

"You...damn it!" Song Shu lost his calmness, with one of his hands, and five deep green swords suddenly appeared in the back of the sword box! These five swords are all aimed at Su Jin!

Su Jin smiled faintly when he saw this.

Then, Su Jin got up and gently pointed his finger at the tea cup—

A puff of tea water swiftly swam away, as if frozen, and quickly condensed into a sword shape. The original cyan tea sword began to have a hint of crystal red in it, and Su Jin became increasingly ignorant of the power of the Great Divine Dao. Now, he weighed and weighed, and it felt okay.

Everyone was shocked...

Twisting water into a sword is not hypocritical. Could this person really come from the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb?

Cui Yuqing and Tang Longtian looked at each other, and they felt something was wrong.

It was Song Shu, who was a little surprised now, he didn't dare to be careless and kept vigilant--

"What are you doing in a daze? Take out the sword." Su Jin said directly without reading Song Shu.

"This swordsmanship is the fourth-order sword of the "Nine Heavens Swordsmanship". You'd better resist it with all your strength, otherwise you will definitely die!" Song Shuqiang was uneasy, but he spoke very hard, raising his arms directly, and five dark blue swords directly suspended Overhead!

"I take the void, the dust, the dark sword intent, and the light of crape myrtle. This sword is called "Brilliant Sword Lotus"!"

Su Jin flicked the condensed sword directly, and the body of the sword buzzed instantly, hanging directly above him a hundred feet high!


The surrounding continents are trembling crazily, and in the extreme east, a scene that has never appeared in the dark void is appearing in an incredible situation!

That is the Day of Ziwei God!

With one sword, the sun rises!

One sword, fade away the darkness!

With a sword, the dust gathered, as if a sword pool was formed at a position a hundred meters high above Su Jin's head! That Su Jin condensed sword seemed to be drawing the light of the crape myrtle, becoming more and more dazzling and dazzling!

This scene shocked millions of repairs!

"Brilliant Sword Lotus! This is a sword that you can comprehend at will. Could he really come from the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb?!" A monk felt the earth tremble violently, and said in fear.

"With his sentiment, this person can condense a piece of sword soil and gather in the sword pond. Is there really a sword lotus in the sword pond? How can Song Shu pick up this trick?"

"In the lost place of the ancient gods, the crape myrtle ray reappears. This person is, definitely from the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb! With this kind of kendo cultivation, besides the sword tomb, I can't imagine any kendo master who can do it!"

"The sword that was condensed from hand, the light is like the sun, and it is about to burst. For some reason, how can I feel so sad? The vicissitudes of life, this ancient land has lost the dark time and space, is it because of the reappearance of light?"

"This person is undoubtedly from Jianfen..."


The Nine Heavens Sword Girl trembled fiercely now, she stared at Su Jin's means, and she felt a sense of fear for no reason!

"Junior Brother Song!"

Cui Yuqing and Tang Longtian didn't even think about it, and appeared beside Song Shu directly! The two of them saw Su Jin's extraordinaryness, and this blow would not be able to take this blow if it was Song Brother alone--

On the edge of a million cultivators, most of the people in the Feng family who had just quit the "scavenging alliance" were completely blank. Feng Donger's eyes widened. She had just asked Su Jin for advice not long ago, but he was far from expecting him to be so powerful!

"It's over, I've offended the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb——" Steward Feng said with a dull expression, and his tone was bitter.

"Steward, why do you say that?" Feng Donger slowly looked at Steward Feng and asked.

"If we leave there, it naturally means that the Feng family does not believe that they are the people of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb. This is not an offense?" Steward Feng regretted, "A strong man with this kind of kendo talent, except that the sword tomb can come out. Nowhere else!"

Feng Donger fell silent.


If Song Shu hadn't been with the two seniors, he would have been paralyzed by fear! What kind of comprehension ability is this, he can borrow swordsmanship casually to create extremely terrifying swordsmanship!

"You can't stand up as a pretender." Su Jin looked at Song Shu and said lightly: "Since they are all so shameless, there is not more than one, so let's come together as well--"

"You are less arrogant! Two juniors, the three of us jointly use the Tier 4 sword, and naturally we can easily crush his sword skills!" Cui Yuqing shouted.

Having said that, Tang Long Tianyang took out a black bamboo sword and shook it lightly with his hand, and directly another four black sword shadows hung above his head!

Boom boom boom -

The three of them had fifteen swords and their kendos were connected. Around the three of them, their powers were merged together. Above their heads, a huge sword shadow was shaking violently, as if it was difficult to control!

A playful arc rises from the corner of Su Jin's mouth, and there is a brilliant light in the sword pool above! A huge sword lotus, composed entirely of sword marks, began to bloom one by one!

"Hold it!" Cui Yuqing shouted wildly with a black face.

The three of them united and used a giant sword light to protect themselves, but as Cui Yuqing's voice just fell, the eyes of the three of them saw an extremely strong purple brilliance splashing!

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