My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3323: Wizards of Heaven!




The huge sword shadow gathered by the three of them couldn't stand the moment when the sword lotus bloomed completely, and it broke directly. Cui Yuqing, Song Shu, and Tang Longtian all spurted blood in an instant, and were blown away severely. !

The brief silence seems to make people feel dreamy.

Even Xuanhuang is a great sage master, after seeing Su Jin’s swordsmanship, his heart is extremely shocked. If the opponent is an ordinary person, they are the three swords inherited from the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb——

"It seems that the three of you shamelessly have no ability to connect me with a blow." Su Jin said calmly.

indeed so.

Now the sword lotus has only fully bloomed, and the power has not really been released, but even so, he also looked at the other's three swords high.

Hua Jieyu:...

Su Jin was really shameless.

After smashing the other party with a pot of dirty water, they are now almost ascertained as being from the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb, and the three of them are even more miserable, without even a real blow.

"Why so strong!" Song Shu vomited blood again, and the three of them could barely gather together after being shaken off, but this result was beyond their imagination.

"You, step back." The Nine Heavens Sword Girl glanced at the three with indifferent eyes.

"Senior Sister Xiao, you be careful--" Song Shu said with difficulty, and the three of them hugged, clutching their hearts, and withdrew from the battlefield.

Su Jin pointed to the sword lotus above, even if the sword mark brilliance disappeared, the surroundings seemed to be restored to their pre-war state.

"Actually, you know that there is a big gap between us." Su Jin looked at the Nine Heavens Sword Girl.

"I will definitely lose." The Nine Sky Sword Girl nodded.

"Then why are you still coming out?"

"Defend the dignity of the sword grave, even if you die in battle--"

"Swordsmen like this naturally have to give due respect, what is your name?" Su Jin took a deep breath and asked at the other party.

"Jian Fen, Nine Heaven Sword Girl, Xiao Bing'er. How about you? Tell me your true identity." Xiao Bing'er stared at Su Jin and asked.

"Jianfen, Su Jin." Su Jin said with a serious face.

"You are shameless."

Xiao Binger stared at Su Jin and said calmly: "Actually, I didn't want to expose you, but what you did is really shameful."

Su Jin said seriously: "It seems like you have a way to prove yourself--"

"Naturally," Xiao Binger said coldly: "The reason why the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb is famous is because of the true source of kendo passed down by the Nine Heavens Sword Ancestor, and the true source of kendo can only be passed down to one person."

After Xiao Bing'er finished speaking, brilliance gradually appeared from the bottom of her feet! But for five breaths, her whole person seemed to be shining, and her temperament was like a fairy descending to the earth!

"That's it?" Su Jin said strangely.

"Naturally not stop." Xiao Bing'er said: "Once I use the true source of kendo, the sub-sword I left in the sword grave will be sensed, and then our sword grave strong will come out."

"Oh, don't scare me, my heart is not good." Su Jin continued to pat his heart, pretending to be nervous, and then said: "Isn't it the true source of Kendo? Just shine, I also have—"

What a coincidence!

When Su Jin just saw Xiao Bing'er using the true source of swordsmanship, he felt very familiar, which was very similar to the source of his swordsman avenue, but compared with him, he didn't know how bad it was.

Chi Chi -

A trace of the incomparably pure origin of the Sword God Avenue was swam from the sea of ​​qi in Su Jinjing's body, and began to force toward the spring of the foot!

Xiao Binger was stunned.

She looked at Su Jin and then at herself. In contrast to Kendo, she felt a little bit ashamed!

In other words, it is too bully! Xiao Binger's nose was sour. She walked out of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb for the first time. She was slandered and slandered as a pretender without even thinking about it. The key is that now that she has used the roots of kendo, she still cannot prove herself to be the Nine Heavens Sword Female!

I will, and the other party will also——

Song Shu, Cui Yuqing, and Tang Longtian were all stunned. The three of them scolded Su Jin for being shameless, and they were about to force the Nine Heaven Sword Girl to cry!

Su Jin was full of innocence, turned his face slightly, and found that Hua Jieyu and their three daughters were taking a step backwards.

"Is it too much?" Su Jin Chuanyin asked.

"It's not too much, or I've never seen anyone so shameless." Hua Jieyu rolled his eyes.

"I just want to tease her, there is no other meaning, even if you don't wear the vest of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb, why do you think she is about to cry?" Su Jin wondered.

Before Su Jin could react, Xiao Bing'er took a deep breath, and with a horizontal jade hand, a magical sword carved with Bai Fengyunhua appeared, "I will do everything possible to defeat you and wait for my sword tomb strong to come. ——"

Su Jin walked into the void, stood in the same straight line as Xiao Binger, face to face, and then said, "I give you this opportunity."


The white sword light seemed to sway a piece of extreme sword marks, Xiao Binger's whole body seemed to be wrapped in a phantom white phoenix, the white phoenix was as holy and beautiful as she was!


Xiao Binger cut through the void where Su Jin was, but the next moment, she knew that she had not succeeded! I felt bad, but when I turned around, I saw Su Jin appearing on the other side, looking at her helplessly—

Five swords in a row! Every time Xiao Binger took out his sword, he was almost blinking, but Su Jin was faster! It was like playing with her, without making a move, she appeared in it the moment her divine sword fell.

Xiao Bing'er didn't believe it, she was as stubborn as her, and she didn't know how many swords she had cut out, but just as Su Jin said before the battle, let alone his hair, even the slightest coat of clothing could not touch it!

"One thousand and thirty-three swords! Once, I didn't encounter--" Some spectators saw this exaggerated scene.

Song Shu and the other two senior apprentices were almost as if they had taken a fly, their faces were darker than ever, how could this be possible! Xiao Bing'er had just exhausted all his methods, and even cut out the Nine Heavens Sword Canon, the eighth-order sword, but they were all chasing after the wind, and the result was the same!

Xiao Binger panicked, and her ears seemed to be full of ridicules from spectators. She has always been proud of the sword girl of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb, but now she has brought an unclear shame to the sword tomb!

Looking at the "Phoenix Sword" in his hand, Xiao Bing'er lay directly on his neck, and in a blink of an eye, he was about to squat on the spot!


Xiao Binger only felt his arm shook, and the sword was shaken off!

"I have always heard of the name of the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb, I wanted to wear an identity, and take the opportunity to attract the people of your sword tomb to come, and compare who is the world's number one kendo. Now it seems that your Nine Heavens Sword Tomb is nothing more than that."

Su Jin watched the Phoenix Girl Sword flying towards him, like a relative, flying around him. He continued to look at Xiao Bing'er, and said: "Don’t pretend, this king is from the Heaven’s Outer Sword Pavilion, since you want Wait for your elders to come, then let's wait, if I guess right, your sword grave expert will definitely praise me as a kendo wizard when you see me!"

These thousand swords, even Daxian, should have arrived——

Xiao Bing'er was still in a daze, looking at Su Jin's "Phoenix Sword" wandering around. It was her original divine sword! However, why is her sword spirit so happy to Su Jin!

Less than a quarter of time!

"Sword God, Sword God Avenue!" A few white light spots rushed in the distance, those ancestors, with red eyes at this moment, surrounded Su Jin as if they were crazy.

"Wizard of Heaven, Wizard of Heaven!"

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