My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3344: Kanaya Zangjin

Physical discomfort, extremely harsh!

Yuan Zhenzhen found a little gaffe, Su Jin in the small building also said at this moment: "What your Majesty is thinking, I have known, rest assured, I will not let your Majesty down——"

"How do you know, why am I looking for you?" Yuan Zhenzhen's anger subsided a bit.

"The first kingdom of the gods in the abyss world, your majesty is not long in power, naturally there is an imminent thing. If the kingdom comes, I will consider it. If you don't see it." Su Jin said.

Yuan Zhenzhen was shocked. She came naturally because she was worried that Su Jin would be taken away by the Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom. It seemed that this problem was not difficult for the other party to guess——

If you are afraid, you can’t stand the charm of this messenger.

"I'm a beginner to lock the universe, and I don't know the essence. Since you have the ‘fixing magic’ in the eternal art, can you teach me?" Yuan Zhenzhen asked after being silent, with a little bit of resentment in his tone.

This is just an excuse.

There is only one person who can do it forever. Yuan Zhenzhen's words have other meanings.

"I can't teach you--" Su Jin said tentatively.

"Don't go too far!" Yuan Zhenzhen realized that he was going to be mad.

"But although I can't teach you, but it is okay to help you change the mystery of the locked world. Come in, let me see if you have talent."


Yuan Zhenzhen snorted and walked into the building under Meihuo's gaze——

Close the door.

Su Jin immediately stepped forward, leaning on Yuan Zhenzhen’s arm, and said with a smile: "Zhenzhen, is it okay to call you by your nickname?"

Yuan Zhenzhen said with a small mouth, did not answer Su Jin's question, and then said: "The world is locked in, can you improve it?"

"Yes." Su Jin put his chin on Yuan Zhenzhen's fragrant shoulder, "You make it again and let me see--"

Following Su Jin's words, Yuan Zhenzhen waved her hand slightly, and a circle of imaginary ripples escaped. She continued: "This method cannot deal with existences higher than her own cultivation base, and there is a certain chance of being defeated by opponents. Perceived."

"So it's terrible--" Su Jin smiled.


Yuan Zhen was too depressed. When she was in Shenwu Country, no one dared to speak to her like this!

"If I see it well, this is the soul-locking technique. If someone is out of the body at the moment of perception, it will directly shatter the soul-locking Taoist rhyme that surrounds it." Su Jin felt the lock He did not deliberately resist, but his body, which is equivalent to his own fourth soul, was holding onto a trace of Dao Yun.

Frail and fragile, those soul-locking Dao Yun shattered into light spots without much effort.

Su Jin thought about it, and the pupil of his eyebrows quietly opened. On the monument of creatures in the depths, the Taoist Tree of Enlightenment collected all the Taoist rhymes of ‘Locked Universe’, constantly beginning to evolve and complete.

Yuan Zhenzhen was shocked, feeling that the whole room was full of rich Dao marks, she felt that she had no vision, as if she was in a white world.


Yuan Zhenzhen felt that the Dao Yun that was locked in the universe began to crazily flood into her spiritual sea, and every Dao Yun was dazzling.

"The creator of this technique is crude and shoddy. The real name shouldn’t be called “Shenzhen Qiankun”, but “Fengzheng Tiandi”. You can also call it Fengtian Shenshu. Unfortunately, your strength is not up to that level, but you have learned The fur is fine."

Su Jin's voice appeared in Yuan Zhenzhen's ears——

"Where are you?" Yuan Zhen was really nervous.

"In your Fengzheng world."

"And me?"

"You too."

Su Jin's figure slowly condensed, "This technique is really a life-saving technique, locks the soul of the world, escapes the real world, it is hard to die--"

Divine art is a good divine art. After the tree of enlightenment completes the rhyme of Taoism, Su Jin feels that he can barely get his eyes, but this technique is useless to him. After all, he has a magical technique for eternity, whether there is a word of heaven, and this is a seal. Zhengtiandi', if Yuan Zhenzhen can't use the power of the sage right now, it is still very dangerous to face the great sage.

Later, after Su Jin’s explanation, Yuan Zhenzhen became more surprised.

Yuan Zhenzhen feels that if he has reached a sage, then under this technique, the great sage can't help her! In other words, you can face enemies who are a realm higher than her! And once this technique was used, no one could perceive that she was in the world of Fengzheng!

"Thank you." Yuan Zhen really recovered calmly.

"What can I say, no one here knows anyway—"

"In the Abyss World, there are a total of 113 kingdoms. I don't care about other forces, but the emperor and emperor, you can't help any one of them to lift the seal of the heaven slave." Yuan Zhenzhen said.

"If so, how can I convince other monarchs?" Su Jin asked with weird eyes.

Yuan Zhen really blushed, staring at Su Jin, without saying anything--

This requirement is related to the Shenwu State Shrine, think about it, if it is the abyss of the world, only the Empress of Heaven, who has unlocked the imprint of the heavenly slave, is naturally higher than the other emperors. In the long run, the world will be unified.

But this request, Yuan Zhenzhen knew a bit too much, but she had no other choice!

Su Jin really felt a little guilty when she saw her appearance! Immediately said: "I will seriously consider it, and I will reply to you later!"

"Don't think about it, I can't pass you on the position of Emperor Martial Emperor of Shenwu Country, and I have nothing to give you--" Yuan Zhenzhen obviously meant something.

Su Jin secretly got a headache, looked at her resentful eyes, and sighed, "I promise you that!"

"Really?" Yuan Zhen really opened his eyes.

"of course it's true."

"Don't regret it?"

"A gentleman's word--"

"I believe you." Yuan Zhen really smiled. This was the first time she smiled in front of Su Jin. Su Jin stayed for three or four seconds.

Now, it is not only Gus who is in a state of desperation, but also Charm Fire——


Fengzheng Tiandi slowly began to dissipate, as if returning to the basics. The two were standing in the small building room, and the knock on the door came from Meihuo.

"Brother Messenger——" Mei Huo's voice.

Su Jin made a silent gesture to Yuan Zhenzhen and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The Heavenly Princess of the Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom, please see me." Meihuo continued: "Xiao Suxian from the Ancient Immortal Kingdom is also outside the building. I want to see Brother Envoy."

Meihuo is reminding Su Jin and Yuan Zhenzhen...

"No." Su Jin responded.

"The Heavenly Princess and Xiao Suxian refused to leave, saying that there are things that the envoy wants to know--" Mei Huo said.

Su Jin's eyes flashed slightly, could it be about the "Lying on the Side of the Buddha Land"?

"Do you dare." Yuan Zhenzhen bit his lip, "I can't see—"

"I have a sense of measure." Su Jin said with a smile, "Jinwu Cangjiao feels pretty good."

Yuan Zhenzhen gritted his teeth, "It's Jinwu Zangzhen!"

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