My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3345: Xiao Su Xian

Jinwu Zangzhen——

Su Jin was amused. He swept across her waist and squeezed it lightly. Yuan Zhen really screamed, even the voice was heard.

Get out and close the door.

Meihuo's face turned pale, and she quickly stepped away. Others didn't know who was in the room, but she knew it all!

"Please." Su Jin said.

A trace of incense wafted from the simple smoker on the case, and a wonderful scent came in. Su Jin gently brushed his hand, drifted the case table to the middle of the hall, sat down, and then silently turned three The tea cup, turned his hand and dropped a few leaves of enlightenment, filled with the steaming spring——

Outside the building, the Heavenly Princess and Xiao Suxian looked at each other, and the two took a deep breath, moved lightly, and walked in.

Su Jin's eyes seemed to be fixed on the two women. Of course, he did it deliberately. Now the crazy messenger outside loves beauty so much that he needs a'pretend' look!

However, the two girls who came, really made people have a deep experience when watching them——

The princess of heaven is a kind of extremely seductive woman, every move, step by step, full of charming temperament, she seems to be very wild, and the noble identity of the princess in the wild is really wonderful.

And this little Suxian, dressed in Suxue, has a fairy air, although she is covered with a veil, but the pair of smart fairy pupils that unconsciously show, it makes people feel a sense of distance beyond the reach, plus she is extremely tall and thin. Well-proportioned, a white fairy sword was behind her back, and Su Jin's eyes could not help but stay on this woman for a while.

"My messenger, it seems...a bit disturbed--" The Princess of Heaven glanced at the door deeply.

Just now, even outside the small building, the two women heard the sound of a woman eating pain.

Yes, this messenger from heaven really likes beautiful women as rumors do, the princess of heaven secretly thought.

"There is a ignorant little maid in the room. This messenger gave me a slight punishment." Su Jin made an inviting gesture, "I just heard that the two have something I want to know?"

The Heavenly Princess and Xiao Suxian sat opposite Su Jin. On the desk, the fragrance exuded a unique attraction, and the Heavenly Princess gave a startled look.

In the tea cup, there was a touch of marvelous Dao rhyme, and after smelling it, the whole body felt soothing, and the tea mist that floated out was a little bit of luck.

"Enlightenment tea?" The Heavenly Princess couldn't help being shocked.

"His Royal Highness has some knowledge--" Su Jin smiled faintly.

Xiao Suxian was equally surprised. She was not good at words. At this moment, when she heard the princess reminder, she naturally looked at the tea cup a few more times, and the charming fire beside her was equally unbelievable.

But how many women think about Su Jin's identity?

That's the messenger of God! With such a strange treasure as Enlightenment Tea, it is natural to tell the past——

"The envoy wants to go to the side of the Great Buddha." The Princess of Heaven smiled and picked up the tea cup, and then took a sip. "The Great Buddha was sealed. At that time, our Great Master of Heaven was participating. The envoy wanted to go. I can tell you the way. ."

Su Jin's heartbeat speeds up, but when he thinks of Yuan Zhenzhen in the room, he has a headache. If he agrees, it will be regarded as a favor to the royal family of the'Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom'.

"It doesn't take two days to lie on the side of the big Buddha and it will appear." Su Jin shook his head and said, "I'm not in a hurry."

Su Jin was very surprised. Why didn't Yuan Zhenzhen say a word about what the Princess of Heaven knew? Could it be that the side lying Buddha was too dangerous?

"The side-lying giant Buddha land is forbidden by a Yongling jade tree. The Yongling jade tree has been lost to God's domain and has come from the sky. The Great Master once said that he had seen the back of a woman in red." The heavenly princess was watching Su Jin's expression——

Even if he was calm again, Su Jin was still a little dazed——

Red clothes, back view.

Mo Hongyu!

Is that red fish from the back?

Su Jin felt puzzled. When he first came to the Realm of Instant God, Mo Hongyu was in a state of almost disappearing. Even if Yongling Yushu had wonderful profound ability, it would not be able to make him alive so quickly!

There is one more thing that doesn't make sense. Su Jin is seriously injured, He Hua Jieyu and Evil Heart Phoenix appear on the endless sea, Yongling Yushu and Mo Hongyu mysteriously disappear, if she is alive, she should not leave without saying goodbye!

Among them, there must be weird!

"What is the current situation of the Great Buddha Land?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"Since the Yongling Yushu came, the black snow has been falling for a few days. Although it has been banned, the hundreds of sages stationed in the forbidden area can still feel the biting cold." The heavenly princess smiled.

"Why are you telling me this?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"It's not a big secret anyway. Although you have been banned, you, as the messenger of God, must have a way to enter, but it is very dangerous and unusual. The murderer who cannot be dealt with by the great sage has recovered in the dark snow. If you go , You need to be careful."

"If there is nothing wrong, please go back, both of you--" Su Jin nodded.

"Here, my lord, it's lonely and boring. It's better to move to the temple where my Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom has come. It will definitely satisfy adults~~~" The heavenly princess blinked at Su Jin.

"Later--" Su Jin smiled.

The heavenly princess was flattered. She just mentioned it casually. She didn't expect Su Jin to agree, and immediately got up and said: "So, the slave family will go back first and wait for the adults to go to the heavenly hall later, and watch my heavenly dancers. Oh."

Watching the heavenly princess leave, Su Xian, Guxian Country, sat motionless, obviously the two did not come together.

Su Jin didn't rush, just staring straight at Xiao Suxian...

This woman seems to have something to say——

"You can't pass away in Hengtian Temple." Xiao Suxian stretched out the green fingers, picked up the tea cup and said.

"Why?" Su Jin smiled: "If you don't go to their Shihengtian Temple, can you still go to your ancient fairy country mission?"

"Unlocking the imprint of the heavenly slaves and looking for the Yongling Yushu is not what people want." Xiao Suxian rarely talks so much, she gently lifts her veil, and she is very elegant when drinking tea.

"What do you mean... Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom does not want the world to unlock the imprint of the heaven slave?" Su Jin shook his head and asked, "Then why did she come to me?"

"I can understand why I don't understand, but she changed her mind just now. Even if you don't agree to go to the temple, she will take action against you." Xiao Suxian continued, "I advise you, I will show you the direction. , You go to the place of lying on the side of the Buddha, and you can live on your own--"

"Girl Su Xian, what do you say?" Mei Huo listened to her in a panic, panic.

"The heavenly princess is the best at concealing. Even I can feel the situation, she can't fail to notice it."

Xiao Suxian raised her head to look at Su Jin, and slowly asked, "Shenwu Country, your Majesty the Martial Emperor, should you be in the messenger room?"

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