My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3350: Terrible appeal

But seeing the blood river north, the lightning and thunder in the dark illuminate the border cities——

The black dragon roared, a storm full of dead words, raiding every corner of the city, without crying, without any movement, one after another creatures fell silently, silently dead, even if there were more than a dozen people who survived for a long time. Daxian, I couldn't help but feel cold after seeing him!


On the side of the Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom, a brilliant glow broke out. Su Jin's expression was indifferent. He glanced at the golden light that appeared at the Imperial City of the Kingdom of Heaven. He naturally knew that His Majesty the Kingdom of Heaven was coming.

"The slave girl is guilty!"

The king of the Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom has not yet arrived, and the princess of the Heavenly Kingdom in the "Beast King Mountain" has arrived!

Su Jin ignored it, he raised his hand to condense the ‘No Sky God Seat’, flashed lightly, and stood on the God seat! A folding fan appeared in his hand--

The princess of the Heavenly Kingdom is now bloodless, and she kneels down to Su Jin on the spot. She knows that she is inevitable, and is willing to die for the peace of the kingdom of God!

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?" Su Jin said in a weird tone. "Since I am not lucky enough to see the princess dancer, I might as well appreciate the national quintessence of my hometown--"

National quintessence?

The heavenly princess is terrified, puzzled by Su Jin's meaning!

Xiao Suxian was also puzzled. She saw Su Jin's folding fan lifted up, and the void behind the godless seat suddenly condensed into a stage, and there was a person wearing a mask on the stage!

"People in the audience pass by, but the old colors are not seen~~~" The bleak parting voice seemed to sound from the darkness...

"The people on the stage are singing, heartbroken parting song..."

"I am all the bones and the gray, the duckweed in troubled times bears watching the flames and the mountains and rivers——"


More than a dozen great sages, staring at the imaginary stage closely, their heart-wrenching voices, tactfully and conversely, people can't help being attracted to it!

The heavenly princess trembled. Why did she sound a little sad, but the more Su Jin was like this, the more frightened she was. She was afraid that her death would not be worth the big mistake she had committed!

"King Shiheng, meet your envoy!"

In the bright golden light, a large hall emerged, and the old King Shiheng directly worshipped Su Jin in the void, and climbed towards him, his voice was terrible!

Nowadays, the mountains and rivers are stained with blood, and the 50,000-mile **** city of the Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom has been destroyed. This is the disaster that God brought to his heavenly kingdom!

Su Jin's folding fan lightly closed, and even if he sat on the seat of the godless god, closed his eyes and gently listened to the bleak music, the people at the scene were silent for a while--

"There is still one short, so please kneel and wait." Su Jin said lightly.

"Yes—" The old king was worried and directly responded.

The old king didn't even know the occurrence of such important events. If it hadn't known that the border was in a hurry, the heavenly princess would not be able to calculate the plan of the messenger of the heavens.

Now, the mountains and rivers may be completely destroyed, but they were only destroyed by the princesses of a country. It is true to make people angry. It can be said that the old king's heart is bleeding now!

Xiao Suxian looked at Su Jin, and then at the side of Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom, sincerely felt an unspeakable dominance lingering everywhere!

Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom first admits its mistakes, I don’t know what the invincible kingdom of God in the abyss world, what about the kingdom of Shenwu——

Will Yuan Zhen really come?

Look at the destruction of the cities. Because of the old king’s kneeling, the natural disasters on the side of the kingdom of heaven did not spread. On the contrary, in the kingdom of Shenwu, the heavenly dragons transformed into the "Dead Man" are looting frantically!

Every minute, a **** city perishes! At this speed, within half a day, Shenwu Kingdom will probably disappear into the abyss world!

After listening to a song, the meaning is still unfinished.

Su Jin said lightly: "Let's talk about it, what's wrong with you?"

"Should not question the identity of the messenger of God -" the princess of the heavenly kingdom looked desperate.

"Yuan Zhenzhen has only one chance with your hand, and you know that you only have one chance?" Su Jin asked calmly.

The heavenly princess is silent!

"My Envoy, all things are my country of one person. I am willing to die and change the heavens and mountains for peace!" The heavenly princess kept begging. She really didn't expect things to develop to such a degree!

"Don't worry, you wait for Yuan Zhenzhen to be together--" Su Jin rarely feels so angry.

Wait for Yuan Zhenzhen!

The heavenly princess, Xiao Suxian, and more than a dozen great sages were all dumbfounded.

Not to mention whether Yuan Zhen really will come, the entire Shenwu Nation has extraordinary combat power, and the messenger is so confident, is it expected that the other party will come?

"Will she come?" Xiao Suxian asked.

"Definitely, Yuan Zhen really won't come, Shenwu Nation will be destroyed today." Su Jin snorted coldly.

"There are many great sages in Shenwu State, who will not sit idly by, and Master Feng Lie may appear first. Although Yuan Zhenzhen is not long in the reign, he has courage and may not come."

"Let's see if she can fight against the entire Abyssal World. Once I die, even if the Abyssal World gets the Yongling Yushu, the slave mark cannot be dispelled--" Su Jin said.

"This person Feng Lie is not justified! I am waiting for more than a dozen great sage masters, as long as two or three go out, you can kill him! Messengers, don't worry!" A great sage said quickly.

"That's right! The great sage master of the Divine Martial Kingdom, even if all came, there are still many masters in the Beast King Mountain, and she can't compete with the power of the whole country—"

"If Yuan Zhenzhen doesn't show up, as long as the envoy gives an order, the world's great sages will inevitably flock to the imperial city of the'Shenwu Kingdom' and directly destroy his emperor's descendants and destroy the Shenwu Kingdom!"


Xiao Suxian ignored Su Jin's current appeal. From the perspective of the messenger of God alone, he was almost invincible. No one could hurt him in the entire abyssal world before the imprint of the heavenly slave was lifted!

this is too scary--


Shenwu Kingdom, the palace!

Yuan Zhenzhen has been in a daze, and news is constantly being reported to him——

"Your Majesty! Taicheng, ruined..."

"Your Majesty! Across the river from Taicheng,'Cloud White City', there is no sound anymore—"

"His Majesty……"


There was a series of bad news, Yuan Zhenzhen's strength seemed to have been emptied, and he sat paralyzed on the dragon chair, Feng Lie clenched his fists, the current situation, throughout the development history of the Shenwu Kingdom, there has never been!

"The Beast King Mountain Lord, the daughter of Gusi, has been lifted from the slave mark by the messenger of God, and the world has witnessed the process." Feng Lie stared at Yuan Zhenzhen, "Your Majesty, how do you want to clean up this mess?"

"After I left, the throne was passed on to the eighth younger brother——" Yuan Zhen said blankly. She felt very cold behind her, and the temperature in the entire palace seemed to drop sharply.

"No!" Feng Lie exclaimed.

Yuan Zhenzhen closed his eyes, took a breath, and walked straight out of the palace. Feng Lie did not show up to stop him, and he didn't mean to stop him.

People's hearts are cold.

The entire Shenwu Kingdom said that her Yuanzhen really provoked the messenger of God, and natural disasters would destroy the entire Shenwu Kingdom!

Yuan Zhenzhen was alone, stepping into the void and rushing to Su Jin's direction...

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