My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3351: Exciting news

On the way, Yuan Zhenzhen looked at the country that she had worked so hard to manage, just as if she had gotten the plague, piece by piece withered and changed. She knew that there was no regret medicine in the world.

"Dead Man..." Yuan Zhenzhen smiled bitterly, and her heart was extremely bitter. She was defeated, and the emperor's calculations obviously missed the opponent by more than one thing.

The black dragons composed of the Dead Man's Sutra are taking away a series of creatures in the cities. Yuan Zhenzhen has never seen such a terrifying method. Even the speed of the Great Xian's killing cannot be compared with the "Dead Man's Sutra"!

In a short time, the Shenwu Kingdom suffered heavy losses!

Yuan Zhenzhen knew that even if she died now, everything would be difficult to restore. The first kingdom of God seemed to have become a joke in the abyss world!

At present, Shenwu Kingdom’s imperial city and dozens of main cities are all closely watching the movements of the Wuwu Emperor Yuan Zhenzhen!

"The emperor and goddess is bestowed by God. If you provoke the emissaries of God, then she will no longer be the Emperor of God of our Kingdom!" A monk in the Imperial City of God Kingdom shouted and cursed.

"How powerful is the ancient instant **** domain, delusionally against the sky, and finally was impressed by the gods, the shame has continued to the present! The queen is confused—"

"The old king of the Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom cannot bow down to the angel of heaven! Our female martial emperor will not be able to redeem himself in death! This disaster originated because of her, and we need the mercy of the envoy to stop this devastating natural disaster!"

"The dead are in this world, and only the envoy of God can use such terrible methods. There is news from the Beast King Mountain that this adult still has the curse of God and has not cast this curse on our Shenwu Kingdom. Erase the world and become a place of eternal life and loneliness!"

"The queen needs to die!"

"No! From now on, she is not worthy to be the emperor of Shenwu Kingdom, she is the guilty Haotian emperor——"


At this moment, Yuan Zhenzhen was expressionless, she knew that Su Jin was not the messenger of God, and all the things investigated were true, but who would believe her! As for why Su Jin was able to lift the slave mark of God, she didn't know, so she couldn't explain it!

Soon after, Yuan Zhenzhen still walked to Su Jin, without saying a word, holding a short knife in his crossarm, and handing the knife in his hand...

"Bold sin, Emperor Yuan is true, don't hurry to kneel to the messenger!" Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom's old king shuddered and shouted.

"I don't kneel." Yuan Zhenzhen stared at Su Jin stubbornly, "Now you can do it--"

Su Jin looked at Yuan Zhenzhen, tested the blade of the short knife with his fingers, and said quietly: "Originally, you didn't have to go this far, but you were too covetous and died on the word'greedy'..."

"Stop your methods, you can kill me any way..." Yuan Zhenzhen closed his eyes.

"Yuan Zhenzhen!" Su Jin suddenly exclaimed.


When Yuan Zhenzhen responded, he suddenly felt as if he was being pulled by a wind. When he opened his eyes, he saw an extra purple-gold gourd in Su Jin's hand!

Before Yuan Zhenzhen could respond, the whole person was taken in...

"Heavenly Princess!"

"I'm here."


Su Jin looked at the destiny gourd in front of him, and he finally began to calmly say: "You are not waiting to offend me, but God. Life and death will have to wait until after the Yongling Yushu is found. At that time, your country will determine your life and death. ——"

Xiao Suxian felt something wrong when she heard it, and quietly asked, "Can't bear it?"

"Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom, old king!" Su Jin ignored Xiao Suxian first, and continued: "You are old, why not make way for the juniors—"

"I'll abdicate immediately when I go back!" The old king flushed, and kept kowtow.

Su Jin snorted coldly, glanced at Xiao Suxian, and then transmitted the sound to her, "Why don't you talk too much if you want to leave?"

Xiao Suxian turned her face away and didn't even mean to leave...

"My Envoy!"

Beast King Mountain Lord Gusi, went back and forth, and came to report: "The people of the upper domain have been beaten down, and the side of the Buddha is about to open the seal. Do you think you should go now... or choose a good time?"

"Naturally now!" Su Jin's eyes lit up, "Do you have the ability to unlock the ban?"

"No! It takes all the great sages who have placed restrictions to join forces to open the Buddha Land, but we can go ahead and wait--" Gus said immediately.

Su Jin shook his head, "I can't wait that long, since you can't turn it on, go back to Beast King Mountain first..."

"What about you?" Gus asked.

"I have my own plan after cleaning up the mess." Su Jin waved his hand. Now he is safe. Yuan Zhenzhen and the Princess of Heaven are in his own hands. Naturally, the first and second kingdoms dare not attack him.

A dozen great sages, you look at me, I look at you, and finally nodded. Naturally, the Beast King Mountain they led the crowd can't wait here—

Soon, as the old king of Shiheng Heavenly Kingdom retired in cold sweat, Xiao Suxian was the only one on the scene.

Su Jin scattered the Dead Man's Sutra and said to Xiao Suxian, "Let's go."

"where to?"

"Lying on the side of the Big Buddha."

"Do you have a way to open the ban?"

"As a messenger of God, I can't even open a restriction. Wouldn't it cause people to question?"


Xiao Suxian was speechless, she naturally trusted Su Jin very much now, and her words were rough and not rough, who could guess the means of the messenger of God!

There is no way for Su Jin to do this--

The people in the realm of the gods have already hit the abyss world. If he is seen by those people, he will naturally be recognized. At that time, the identity of God’s messenger will probably be unwieldy. Everything still has to wait for the Yongling Yushu to be seen. Let's talk about Mo Hongyu.

Su Jin grabbed Xiao Suxian and let her sit next to him, and a glowing glow erupted from the godless **** seat, and rushed in the direction of the'Side-Lying Big Buddha Land' in the thunder!

This day, for the abyss world, is definitely a day of great shock!

The messenger of God punished two decisive existences in the abyss world, one of whom was the martial emperor of Shenwu Kingdom.

On the same day, many terrifying great sages arrived in the upper domain, killing countless abyssal powerhouses, and pressing against the side lying Buddha with an unstoppable force!

Scavenger League...

Daxian Sun, received a terrible news——

The surrounding hundreds of families have gathered for more than fifty. Among them, the Tang family, who is familiar with Su Jin, is now in the abyss, striding towards the Great Buddha.

"I heard that God's messenger appeared in the abyss world not long ago -" Sun Jia Daxian announced the news, and they are still facing those terrifying iron armor beasts.


With a battle knife, a small mountain-like iron-clad beast was cut in half. Daxian asked, "God's messenger? Why didn't he come to our instantaneous God's Realm? He would come to the abyss below the realm?"

"The reason for the Yongling Yushu--" Daxian Sun said: "The messenger of God, sure to help the souls to remove the imprint of the heaven slave, the method is outrageous!"

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