My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3352: Side Buddha

"Is the news true or false?"

"It must be true that the messenger of God has already helped the two women under the domain to remove the slave mark, but he still needs the eternal spirit Yushu to unlock the imprint of the entire abyss world in an instant——"

Daxian Sun’s words are inspiring.

"Great! The entire dark age of God's Domain is over! God hasn't abandoned its people. At such a critical moment, God's Messenger and Yongling Yushu appeared at the same time!"


The news is exciting.

But they don’t know at all that the so-called ‘Emissary of God’ is precisely the Yedi they want to chase and kill with the power of the entire God’s Domain.

"Miss." Xiao Tang blinked, and now she has changed into a pink shirt, and she looks a little more playful and cute. She is now looking at Bo Lan and said.

"Huh?" Bolan returned to his senses.

"Have you heard? God's messenger -" Xiao Tang wrinkled his nose and said: "You have been distracted recently, there is someone in your heart?"

"No." Bo Lan blamed, but his face flushed to the jade neck.

of course.

Su Jin didn't know the idea of ​​the Scavenging Alliance, he was guided by Xiao Suxian before Ban Zhuxiang, and saw an incredible scene.

Xiao Suxian's face is very hot now, this person is very domineering and irregular!

"It's here?" Su Jin stared blankly at——

"Yes, lying on the outside of the Buddha's ground." Xiao Suxian said affirmatively.

The dim black space, the void of the sky, and some bright spots, Su Jin judged that it was a star, but the light was blocked by the endless dark sky.

It was very lonely and lonely here. Su Jin and Xiao Suxian walked down the ‘no god’s seat’ and fell outside of the erratic black mist. He pondered for a while and raised his hand.

Xiao Suxian hurriedly hugged his arm, shook his head and said, "How can you touch the ban set up by Daxian together!"

"What are you thinking about?" Su Jin said with a weird expression: "The world's bans can't be broken without me."

"I don't believe it." Xiao Suxian still felt a little adventurous.

But this time, Xiao Suxian didn't stop Su Jin anymore, just silently watched him lift up his other hand, and a giant palm of divine power appeared suddenly!

The palm of his hand was extremely terrifying, Xiao Suxian opened his eyes wide, and felt like a six-finger mountain range, shooting directly ahead!

Five fingers are missing, six fingers can cover the sky!

Chi Chi -

A 100-meter-long and wide restriction gap was torn open suddenly! Su Jin stepped forward and directly took Xiao Suxian and walked in. The forbidden place at the back was broken, and it was restored instantly!

"You are amazing." Xiao Suxian didn't know what this was, but she was frightened!

Su Jin's expression began to gradually become serious--

Just as soon as he flashed in, Su Jin felt a strong sense of oppression, he knew that this would be the most difficult level in his history! To him, this fierce land would be unimaginable!

When he sneered, Su Jin took out the Zijin gourd again, releasing Yuan Zhenzhen and the Princess of Heaven.

"Where is this?" The Princess of Heaven was still in a daze. When she saw Su Jin, "Jedi? The place lying on the side of the Buddha?"

"It's in the forbidden place." Xiao Suxian glanced at Yuan Zhenzhen with his head down, and responded to the Princess of Heaven.

"Many great sages have joined forces and don't know the big ban, Lord Envoy..." The Princess of the Heavenly Kingdom was terrified, and Lord Envoy was able to come in directly.

"It broke with one palm." Xiao Suxian said truthfully.

Heavenly Princess:...

Even Yuan Zhenzhen was shocked now, looking up at Su Jin, unable to believe it.

"Who on earth are you?" Yuan Zhenzhen asked in an extremely cold voice.

"Actually, the information you checked is correct. I have indeed compared swords with the people at the Nine Heavens Sword Tomb, and I have also appeared in the Realm of Instant God——" Su Jin smiled and said, "But if you are more careful, you will know that I have said that. , I come from the Heavenly Sword Pavilion."

"Are you admitting that it's not the messenger of God?" Yuan Zhenzhen's eyes flickered with cold light.

"Of course I don't admit it. The idiots in the instant gods domain don't know the identity of my alien envoy——" Su Jin said seriously: "If you check carefully, you will know Yongling Yushu, where the first stop appeared, is Linji City in the upper domain,'Taiji Sea'."

Yuan Zhenzhen never believed in Su Jin's nonsense, and the things she identified had never changed!

"Why didn't you kill me." Yuan Zhenzhen felt humiliated all the time.

Su Jin motioned to Xiao Suxian and said, "Tell her the first sentence you just came in."

Xiao Suxian was stunned, thinking about it carefully, and said uncertainly: "Are you really good?"

Yuan Zhenzhen’s cheeks were immediately like ripe peaches, and he looked at Su Jin angrily, "Your lie will eventually be exposed here. The land of the Buddha lying on the side is a unique place, and the depths are big. Where Xiandu's discoloration has changed, do you think you can still live?"

"Then let's go and see--" Su Jin smiled, "You can run away by yourself, but I remind you that after leaving, life and death will have nothing to do with me."

"I swear to follow Master Envoy!" The Princess of Heaven hurriedly walked two steps closer.

Yuan Zhen didn't answer, and was biting his lip, angrily not wanting to talk to him again.

In the abyss world, who knows how dangerous the place of the side-lying Buddha is! Here, even in the periphery, it is possible to die at any time, instead of knowing that it is deep here, it is better to let Su Jin kill her outside!

Su Jin ignored the surroundings, the dark surroundings, and the ground under his feet, but it was as if it had rained, muddy.

"About the side-lying Buddha site, I do know some misin." In order to please Su Jin, the princess of the heaven took the initiative to speak again: "If you are in the area of ​​the Buddha site, you must find the temple as soon as possible, even if it is broken, Buddha There are many temples here, and it's not hard to find."

"What else?" Su Jin asked.

"If you don't find the temple and look for the Buddhist artifacts, you will encounter unknown evil outside. Some people say it is a curse, and some people say it is an unpredictable disaster. In short, if you don't find the Buddhist temple here for the protection of the Buddhist artifacts, it will be difficult to move here. "The heavenly princess said.

"Five hundred miles to the west, there is one." Su Jin said lightly.

"That's great!" The Heavenly Princess was inexplicably surprised, and she didn't know how Su Jin discovered it.

Here, even Daxian can't perceive a place too far, the soul will be oppressed so that he can't get out of his body, so that he can't wander too far away. If he only depends on his eyesight, Daxian is only a few hundred meters away.

"We are going to the Buddhist temple, how about you?" Su Jin squinted and asked Yuan Zhenzhen--

Just leave, Su Jin, Xiao Suxian, and the Princess of Heaven, straight ahead, walked five hundred miles to the west. You know, if you don't find the blessing Buddha here, you will definitely die!

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