My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3356: Little God Show

Yuan Zhenzhen’s current inner shock is simply unquenchable, she is too scared, she dare not speak big anymore, and put herself to death——

"Let's go out and meet--" Su Jin glanced at Yuan Zhenzhen's look of loss, and said to the other two women.

"Yeah." Xiao Suxian nodded, anyway, they all found their own bodyguards. If they walked out like this, there should be no problem. Besides, Yuan Zhenzhen had just walked out of the palace gate, and he should have seen some terrifying sights, they were so. I can definitely see it when I walk out.

Anxiety, panic, and a series of emotions breed in the hearts of the heavenly princess and Xiao Suxian. They have never been to such a dangerous place, but they know the legend of the side lying Buddha!

At the gate of the palace, Su Jin took the three women across...

Yuan Zhenzhen has never had such a strong sense of security. This feeling actually came from a man she wanted to murder, but the estrangement was naturally caused by that wrong thing. Now Dao regrets it and it doesn't make any sense.

Outside the Palace of Heavenly Kings.

Xiao Suxian and the Princess of Heaven both covered their small mouths, their faces full of disbelief!

呲... 呲... 呲...

A dozen meters away, a figure in a monk's robe stained with blood, holding a broom in his hand, was silently sweeping the ground. Originally, a person wearing a monk's robe was not scary, but the scary thing was that he was a headless person!

"The ground is clean, why do seniors sweep the floor?" Su Jin raised his hand and asked the three girls to stop.

"The pure land is no longer a pure land, there are filthy existences that you can't see--" the headless monk said, his neck is flat and healed long ago. On the flat neck, there is a faint golden'卍' 'The word, although he has no head, he can speak his heart, his voice is no different from ordinary people.

"Dare to ask senior's law number?" Su Jin was a little puzzled. If this person is an enemy, he and the other three women can directly shoot when he and the other three women come to the Palace of Heavenly Kings. This is the strangest thing.

"Can not remember."

The headless monk paused, "But I seem to be familiar with you, as if I have seen you."

"Senior remembered wrong--" Su Jin shook his head directly.

"No, there used to be an invincible Buddha, just like you, in the state of'Samadhi', came to the big Buddha to see the'Guan Yin'." The headless monk seemed to be thinking carefully, "I remember. That year, I was still a boy under the seat of the Goddess of Mercy. When that senior came to see the Goddess of Mercy, he gave me the name "Little God Show"."

Little God Show——

Su Jin was speechless, no matter how he showed up, the headless monk in his eyes was the real show!

"What year was that?" Su Jin felt that his memory should be confused, and asked immediately.

"There are no years, no years, no vicissitudes." Xiao Shenxiu said.

Su Jin was speechless, thinking you might as well just say that you can’t remember--

"Senior, I'm waiting for the four to go to the feet of the Big Buddha." Su Jin said tentatively.

"The road is difficult and dangerous, I can **** you for two thousand miles..." Xiao Shenxiu said.

It turned out to be a friendly army!

Su Jin naturally put down his guard. First of all, if this person really wants to do it, it seems that the strength of the four of them alone is not enough. This person is too mysterious.

"Senior, Heavenly King Palace, why can't a door be opened?" Su Jin asked again.

"There are existences that shouldn't exist, but I have blocked them in the temple, but it is no longer in the temple. If you don't believe it, try again--" Xiao Shenxiu said.

The Princess of Heaven was still a little unbelievable, turned her head and pushed to the door that could not be opened before, and she pushed it open easily!

What's happening here--

Su Jin's face changed suddenly.

Including Su Jin, the four of them all thought of a small detail. When Su Jin pushed open the gate of the Heavenly King Palace for the first time before, a very cold force burst out. Could it be that the evil spirits had transformed when they escaped. Vision?


Yuan Zhenzhen had just gotten angry, but still didn't open the door, which proved that the other party hadn't left at the time, and now Xiao Shenxiu said that the other party no longer exists in the Heavenly King Palace, and that door can already be opened, which is very strange.


Little Shenxiu lifted the broom, and a golden avenue directly manifested on the Palace of Heavenly Kings!

Su Jin's face was even more shocked! This... isn't this Golden Road his method?

"This technique?" The shock on Su Jin's face gradually disappeared, calmly asking Xiao Shenxiu.

"The great Samadhi who gave me the name of'Little God Show' came from driving the Golden Avenue at that time. I was ignorant at that time and took the liberty to ask for the law. He gave me the Buddha's rhyme on the Golden Avenue. Now, I can't understand the point--" Little Shenxiu said while inviting Su Jin.

Su Jin has no doubt about it, this little **** show is definitely a kind of kind, and the full Buddha power contained in this golden road will not be fake!

When the four of them walked up the Cotai Strip and walked up and down, Su Jin asked, "Dare to ask how far is the Buddha?"

"By chance." Xiaoshenxiu said: "If the chance comes, but in an instant, the chance is not close, the end of the world is close, and the eternity is difficult—"

"Soon, there will be great upheavals in the Buddha Land." Su Jin said to Xiao Shenxiu again.

"This place shouldn't exist here. I hope that in this great turmoil, this pure land will eternally fall into nothingness."

Little Shenxiu said, "You are in the place of the big Buddha, no matter who you have seen, don't trust each other—"

"Including you?" Xiao Suxian asked.

"Including me." Xiao Shenxiu responded.

"Five hundred miles east of this, there is an old man ferrying Nihe, who is holding the lamp, and his Buddha relic is imprisoned in the lantern, and he has a good relationship with me." Su Jin deliberately said what happened before, after all, here and that The Nihe River is only five hundred miles away, and Xiaoshenxiu lives here, and he will not know it.

"There has never been an old man ferrying there. There was indeed a lamp-carrying Buddha in the Great Buddha Holy Land. But in that battle, the lamp-caring Buddha passed away and was finally shaken into powder.” The little **** said.

Yuan Zhenzhen:...

The three women all had shocked expressions, this is impossible! That mud river wooden boat, the old man with a lamp clearly appeared in their eyes at that time, how could it be fake!

"No, the Buddha Wang clearly exists--" Xiao Suxian said.

"I said just now that no one should be trusted. Now that the evil spirits are resurrecting, including me... I don't know whether I am alive or dead, so I was asked not to believe me."

Little Shenxiu's voice was a little heavy, and she continued: "Don't believe me, look at your feet!"

Su Jin and the three girls looked intently.

This is far away from the Palace of the Heavenly Kings. Although the Golden Avenue at your feet is bright, there seems to be a gray-black cloud at the bottom of the Avenue. If there is no small **** show, anyone who crosses this void will suffer. Difficult!

"What's going on?" The Princess of Heaven took a breath.

"I could take you to the feet of the Big Buddha, at least not to take you two thousand miles, but as long as I get farther away from the Temple of Heavenly Kings, the Buddha's heart will become more and more manic. I think I might be imprisoned in two thousand miles. Within the radius of the year.” Xiao Shenxiu said again an extremely terrifying situation.

Such Buddha energy, but was forbidden within two thousand miles of the Heavenly King Palace——

Who can have such a terrible means!

"Could it be that seniors can't get away?" Xiao Suxian said.

"I have seen an unclean light recently." Xiao Shenxiu said seriously: "Although I have no eyes and no head, the picture is very clear in my heart, and we may see it in the future."

Chatted all the way-

The safe journey of two thousand miles will arrive in just a moment.

The deep boundless world ahead seemed to be waiting for Su Jin and his group.

The Cotai Strip is dissipating.

All four of Su Jin fell silent, and they had to say goodbye to the king for thousands of miles. This was the place of 2,000 miles.

"Let you see what I looked like when I crossed the forbidden place." Xiao Shenxiu's tone was calm.

At that moment, he took a step, and the whole person seemed to suffer a lot. The chains of golden glaze began to manifest on his headless body, and the blood-stained area on his monk's robe began to ignite. He was in pain, roaring again and again, and the flat part of his neck, the word'swastika' dazzled, and finally he could only go back and return to peace.

"Thank you, senior, for sending you away——" Su Jinqiang was surprised, put his hands together calmly, and said goodbye to Xiao Shenxiu.

"When you see you again, you don't know if it is a friend or an enemy, you need to take care." Xiao Shenxiu said.

"I think we will be friends." Su Jin responded.

"These three female donors may fall one." Xiao Shenxiu said, "Be careful."

The expressions of Heavenly Princess, Yuan Zhenzhen, and Xiao Suxian pale instantly!

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