My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3357: Terrible prophecy

One of the three girls will fall!

Su Jin was stunned, watched Xiao Shenxiu turn around and left, and began to think, this one-third probability is too high for the three daughters of Xiaosu Fairy.

"I can't believe everything this weird Buddha can say." Xiao Suxian said uncomfortably.

"What samadhi, what Golden Avenue, he said he has seen you, how could it be-" Yuan Zhenzhen shook his head and said in panic, "I don't believe it."

"Speaking out may scare you..." Su Jin said with a wry smile: "My Buddhism is at the realm of Samadhi, and I will also be at the Golden Avenue. If you don't believe me, look up."

Immediately, Su Jin raised his hand, and a piece of the Golden Avenue began to manifest, but he finally knew how powerful it is. He exhibited the Golden Avenue here, and he could only exhibit the length of a few miles!

The gap, Su Jin can't laugh or cry.

And just when Su Jin was helpless, he saw the three women become dull on the spot——

"So, what Xiao Shenxiu said is most likely true?" The Heavenly Princess said blankly.

"One of the three girls...will die..." Xiao Suxian's heart was filled with fear. That Xiao Shenxiu's prophecy was simply not too scary, especially since she was one of the parties, that terrible feeling lingered in her heart. .

"What he reminded is very clear. You are an ancient fairy country girl, a heavenly princess, or even a martial emperor from the first kingdom, don't you even know the reason?" Su Jin said coldly.

"Where did you remind me?" Xiao Suxian asked.

I can’t figure it out, but I really can’t figure it out, this is a matter of death, Yuan Zhenzhen and the Princess of Heaven both stared at Su Jin's face——

Su Jin sneered: "I ask you, there is a small **** show guarding the Palace of the Heavenly King, and the evil spirits in the hall have not dared to go out for so many years. Why is this?"

"Of course Xiao Shenxiu is too strong..." Xiao Suxian said.

"There are two doors in the Palace of Heavenly Kings. One of the doors couldn't be opened after we entered. When we searched for them, there was no trace of the evil spirits." Su Jin said, "When Yuan Zhenzhen went out, he could not open it That door, according to Xiaoshenxiu's meaning, the evil spirits were still—"

The heavenly princess trembled, and her voice was trembling: "The four of us finally walked out of the temple. I finally opened the door in order to confirm the words of Xiao Shenxiu. Will it be me who died?"

"Stupid!" Su Jin glanced sharply at the three women.

"Then you said where did the evil spirit go? Why did the three of us die!" Yuan Zhenzhen asked.

"The four of us walked out and the evil spirits were gone. The evil spirits must have left the Palace of Heavenly Kings with us." Su Jin said calmly, "So, there is only one possibility."

"What's possible?" Xiao Suxian asked nervously.

"The evil spirit has a hiding place." Su Jin nodded.




The three women were frightened and yelled directly.

Xiao Suxian swallowed, her horrified face was visibly terrified, and said: "That terrible evil spirit should exist in the Buddha artifacts that our three girls were looking for--"

Both the Heavenly Princess and Yuan Zhenzhen were shocked!

The Buddhist artifacts that the three women were looking for were wooden fish, Buddhist altars, and net bottles! They were careless, they didn't understand all the Buddhist artifacts, and now after guessing the situation, Yuan Zhenzhen almost threw the clean bottle in his arms!

"Can we throw away all the Buddhist artifacts?" The Heavenly Princess asked with difficulty.

"It's too difficult to find a Buddhist artifact that protects the body. There may be evil spirits hiding! You know the way of Buddhism, give me a check—" Xiao Suxian was really crying, she took off the wooden fish on her back and went straight Give it to Su Jin.

The heavenly princess also raised her hand and photographed the Buddhist niche, looking at Su Jin pitifully, fearing the evil spirits.

Yuan Zhenzhen wanted to say something but stopped, she hadn't been so shameless...

"Little Shenxiu has guarded the evil spirits for countless years, do you think I have the ability to find out? In my opinion, these three Buddhist artifacts have problems." Su Jin said with cold eyes.

"What to do then?" Xiao Suxian asked.

"If you throw it away, will you offend the evil spirits?" The Heavenly Princess thought of a terrible question.

"I can only promise you that if the evil spirits show up in the first place, I will take action. Since Xiao Shenxiu said that, the cause and effect of one of you is destined to be difficult to get rid of, I will try my best!" Su Jin said.

Heavenly Princess, Xiao Suxian, and Yuan Zhenzhen are all emotionally unstable now, and even a bit agitated. In short, this is not a good thing—

"Will it be my clean bottle..." Yuan Zhen said bitterly: "My clean bottle is a flawless complete device."

"Sister Yuan, not necessarily." Xiao Suxian could not help feeling sympathy when he saw Yuan Zhen's really desolate appearance, "My wooden fish is also a complete weapon."

In short, now that evil spirits exist either in Muyu, Jingping, or in the Buddhist altar, the probability is the same!

The heavenly princess secretly delighted, among the three daughters, only her Buddhist niche, which does not enshrine the gods and Buddhas, felt that the hiding place of the evil spirits must be one of Xiao Suxian and Yuan Zhenzhen.

The dark surroundings--

Su Jin took the three daughters and walked directly north.

Soon, the four of them came to a big rift valley. There was a narrow part in this big rift valley. Su Jin walked around for several miles before finding a place where he could see the opposite shore.

"This rift valley should have been formed during the Pure Land disaster, shall we pass from here?" Xiao Suxian calmed down his emotions along the way, but didn't care much. Whether it was a blessing or a curse, it was a curse that could not be avoided. Su Jin is here, there should be no problem.

Su Jin's face is extremely solemn--

This kind of heaviness from the heart only appeared when he had just entered the banned place.

"On the other side, the sky is full of black snow." Su Jin hesitated: "Don't you feel strange?"

"A gorge and two astronomical phenomena indicate a catastrophe." The Princess of Heaven warned.

"According to the location here, this should be the'Forgotten Disaster Valley', and you can't go to the west. You will encounter the'Chaotic Li River' there, and it is easy to get lost in it." Xiao Suxian said.

"Count the time, when will those idiots enter the Great Buddha's Land?" Su Jin said.

"Half a day." The heavenly princess hesitated: "The Abyss World will not resist for too long, because opening the ban on the side-lying Buddha land was originally prepared for the enemy from the upper domain—"

"Don't your people fight for Yongling Yushu?" Su Jin asked rhetorically.

"Of course we must fight!" The heavenly princess shook her head, "We are also outside the forbidden area. If we go deeper, we may cause disaster at any time. It is better to wait for someone to go."

Su Jin thought for a while, "Then wait—"

"There is a mud river more than 500 miles to the east. Are you sure that the influx of monks can make it through?" Xiao Suxian asked.

"Yes, even if they can't cross the river, they won't be able to bypass this grand canyon. I can see the movement by then, and naturally I can occupy a favorable position." Su Jin said.

"Then stationed?" The heavenly princess smiled: "I have a few tents for star-gazing at night. I prepared them when I sneaked into the upper domain a few years ago, and they can be used now."

Su Jin nodded and motioned for her to take it out—

The heavenly princess took out the tent from the bracelet, and smiled again: "How many roofs should you use?"

"Four tops." Su Jin responded.

The princess of Heaven placed four tents, then clapped her hands, and finally lit four small piles of burning spar in it. This spar is not too bright, but the temperature is excellent.

Not long after all this was done, the princess of Heaven felt piercing wind and chills. She looked at the sky and felt that there might be black snow here soon.

Su Jin walked into the tent alone and put the scripture box in front of him. After trying for a while, he opened the "Scripture Box", took out a yellow scripture scroll, and looked at it carefully...

This Buddha scroll was jerky and unclear. Su Jin didn't know the words in the scriptures, but he could feel the Buddha's rhyme of the deepest principles. Upon closer inspection, he couldn't help but roll it up.

Outside, the heavenly princess has entered her own tent——

Yuan Zhenzhen was holding Xiao Suxian's fragrant shoulders, sobbing in a low voice, and Xiao Suxian's comforting sound faintly...

"Here, you still have him to rely on. I don't have anything. It's annoying." Yuan Zhenzhen collapsed.

"Anyone who is not a sage can do nothing, Sister Yuan, don't cry. He didn't treat you like anything. By the way, what about your clean bottle?"

"It's in the tent."

"Do you feel that my wooden fish is also in the tent, but I dare not enter the tent."


"Let's go into his tent, it feels safer."

"No, he's still angry with me..."

"Oh, you apologize seriously to him, and he will forgive you, otherwise he won't take you into this great Buddha land."


After pulling and pulling, Xiao Suxian finally opened Su Jin's tent and brought Yuan Zhenzhen with teardrops in his eyes...

Xiao Suxian stared at Su Jin, who was looking at the scroll, and asked, "You already knew that one of the three of us would die, right?"

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