My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3372: Turmoil will start!

Yun Haofeng made more than a dozen sounds in a row, all meant to force the martial arts spirit, but the best-quality Tiangu who has always been obedient, did not react at all at this moment——

Abnormal, too abnormal!

Because for Yun Haofeng, this kind of weird situation has appeared for the first time, since he merged with the "Martial Dao Sky Bone" to the present, every time he uses the martial art divine will, he has tried repeatedly!

Now he is really upset!


A cold wind seemed to blow across his face, and the surrounding people including the God of Yunzong who was against the chaos, the more than twenty Daxian, Xiao Suxian, Qingguang Kunpeng and others in the abyss world, all had silly expressions.

what's going on? Doesn't it work?

Su Jin was full of innocence, his eyes looked at Yun Haofeng, but he was pretending to be extremely surprised and strange, "Young Master Yun, exhibit your best celestial bones, let us all open our eyes——"

Yun Haofeng's face blushed, he didn't expect such a strange thing to happen, only if it was a problem with his martial arts celestial bone, he did not suspect Su Jin at all!

This is no wonder, who can guess that there is a king-grade celestial bone in the sea of ​​Qi in Su Jin's body!

That day, Su Jin fought against the danger of falling, and forcibly swallowed the Wang Pin Tian Bone. Although he hadn't really conquered it, he still existed in him. Just now, Yun Haofeng relied on the'Martial Dao Tian Bone' to offend Wang Pin. If this martial arts **** can It's strange to show it!

Others don’t know, but Su Jin knows the power of the ‘king-pin sky bone’ in his body. When he first appeared in the tomb of all beings, this bone prevented Princess Wuyou and his own Aotian divine intent from being able to display——

"Strange things." Yun Haofeng was secretly anxious, feeling that his face was so hot! He knew that if he couldn't display his divine will, he would be embarrassed and would always be spread out by other people of the Yun Shenzong.

"Little Sect Master, please retire, let me teach him on behalf of the Young Master!" A great sage of the Yun Shenzong walked out.

Yun Haofeng's face began to turn green!

"This young master's martial arts bones, there are some problems, but I have a means to torture you!" Yun Haofeng refused to retreat, he couldn't bear it!

"You rebel against Chaos Tianyu, put yourself in a high-level appearance, are you really capable, do you all rely on one mouth to scare people?" Su Jin sneered: "It seems that your God Yunzong is not a powerful sect. You, Young Sect Master, merged a piece of defective product and claimed to the outside world that it was a top-grade celestial bone. Is it shameful?"

Defective products--

Just now Yun Haofeng said that there was something wrong with the martial art Tiangu, and he was immediately caught by Ye Di.

In this scene, the great sage of the abyss world is so happy!

Even the daughters of Xiao Suxian and the princess of heaven are all an expression of worship at this moment!

"It's necrotic--" Xiao Suxian secretly commented on Su Jin, but since this guy appeared in the abyss world, he has been miraculous all the way. Before, he made Qingguang Kunpeng surrender without fighting, and now it has made Niluantianyu lose face. , To be honest, go back happily, if the other party's Tiangu divine intent cannot be used, it has nothing to do with Yedi, and she will kill her, she will not believe it!

Yun Haofeng felt that he was about to be blown up.

His own martial art bone is absolutely flawless ‘extreme bone’! none of them! However? Now Ye Disheng broke into a defective product, but he couldn't explain it clearly!

Angry, this is really going to be mad!

"It's not the remnant bone!" Yun Haofeng yelled at Su Jin. Now he felt that the people of the Shenzong Sect behind him were all watching his jokes. It was really uncomfortable!

"Is it angry? Get out of your house, let your sect give you a better one—" Su Jin waved his hand and made a rushing gesture.

"Let me say one more thing, my celestial bones are flawless!" Yun Haofeng lost his mind a bit, his eyes flushed crazily.

"Then Shao Yun, please use the Heavenly Bone Divine Will to kill me! Now the big guys are waiting to see..." Su Jin said again.


Yun Haofeng is a bit resentful now, how much he even hopes that he doesn't have that ‘Martial Dao Bone’! This face is so embarrassing, it shouldn't be absolutely wrong, Tiangu Divine Will shouldn't have a problem at this time!

Just now Shao Yun boasted that he was going to Haikou and wanted to kill the emperor with the martial arts bones. No matter what, Shao Yun had to recite--


In the sky on the west side of the Big Buddha, on that remote Tianjing coast, a strange scene of clouds steaming and Xia Wei appeared!

The other six great sages of the Yun Shenzong, including Yun Haofeng, calmed down instantly!

"Different Time and Space! Young Master, please go back to Jinwu Xingchen--" The six great sage elders of God Yunzong all shouted in unison.

"Damn, damn! You wait for me. When I find out where the problem lies, I will use my heavenly bones and divine intent to chop you into fleshy flesh. You'd better not die during this period..." Yun Haofeng was obviously flustered. But he still let out cruel words, and was directly surrounded by the other six great sage elders, and was quickly engulfed by a Dao pattern, soaring into the sky.

It seemed that Yun Haofeng had offended someone from another time and space, otherwise, how could he have such a panic reaction?

Even if I want to come, I want to rob his woman on the spot, it is only strange that Yun Haofeng does not cause trouble to his upper body——

Su Jin turned around and returned to Xiao Suxian.

"Dare to ask Master Envoy, when will you cross the sea?" The twenty-odd great sages walked directly over. Feng Lie was now very embarrassed. He had just crawled out of the cavern that had been smashed out, and suffered serious injuries.

"Different road." Xiao Suxian frowned: "The army of the gods will come soon, and the envoy means to cross the sea separately."

I definitely can't be with the Great Sage of Abyss World, Xiao Suxian can know his plan without Su Jin's reminder, not to mention there is an uncertain factor...Little God Show!

"Then I will cross the sea separately and look for Yongling Yushu together!" Daxian said respectfully.


The situation brooks no delay!

In Niluantian and Alien time and space, there are strong people coming, and the gods have no advantage at all. Su Jin has to properly handle the affairs of the little god, so risky crossing the sea, in case something goes wrong, the consequences are unpredictable!

Feng Lie calmly looked at Yuan Zhenzhen, and quickly walked among the great sages——

Su Jin glanced at everyone silently, as innocent as before, pretending to not know.

"Just now Master Feng Lie took action, Yun Haofeng's Tian Bone Spiritual Will still reacted and blocked a blow for him." The heavenly princess looked at Su Jin as if there was a profound expression in her eyes.

"Why is this?" The green girl asked in front of Su Jin, holding the girl's willow on her waist.

"Didn't you say it? Yun Haofeng merged with the remnant bones..." Su Jin smiled.

The young girl looked around, feeling that Su Jin's performance and tone were flawless. Could it be that at a critical moment, Yun Haofeng's bones had a problem?

Xiao Suxian didn't reveal it. After all, this coincidence seemed to her to be minimal. She asked via voice transmission: "Will you tell me--"

Su Jin said in a voice transmission: "I have never seen the best celestial bones, I don't understand at all, I deserve to be unlucky..."

"You don't even believe me." Xiao Suxian turned around, her ink hair reaching her waist, obviously a little unhappy.

"Well, I also have the best celestial bone, which is stronger than his celestial bone." Su Jin continued to communicate to Xiao Suxian and said truthfully.

Xiao Suxian's heart slammed hard--

The value of a piece of top-grade celestial bone is simply incalculable, and Ye Di has it! Xiao Suxian couldn't believe it, but it didn't make sense. Even if the Yedi's Sky Bone was stronger than Yun Haofeng's, it wouldn't make the opponent's Sky Bone Divine Intent completely invalid!

"Lying on the side of the Big Buddha, turmoil is about to be ushered in..." Su Jin opened the eyes of Maha Prison and gently waved his hand to show the movement of Alien Time and Space and Inverse Chaos.

On the west bank of the Tianjing Sea, there are tens of thousands of golden soldiers descending from the sky! That is a powerful comer from another time and space!

In the depths of the Buddha's land, the nebula swirls around, and dense golden chains hang down like a mountain. In the depths of the sky, there is a faintly whirling ‘Golden Martial Star’, which is the true power of Anti-Chaos Heaven!

Qingguang Kunpeng, Dadiman, and silently watched the scene that Su Jin condensed. The power of these two supreme gods was too strong, and the slaves who came from the gods in an instant were not worth mentioning!

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