My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3373: Have the guts to get it!

In different time and space, the golden soldiers will come to heaven!

Against chaos universe, Jinwu stars!

The abyssal world belongs to the Instant God Realm, but the Instant God Realm is a slave realm, even if it is added together, it is not an enemy of the other side!

"In the depths of the Tianjing Sea, is there really a Venerable Heaven and Earth who was suppressed by the Immeasurable God and Buddha?" Xiao Suxian muttered.

"Yes--" the young girl said: "Moreover, taking advantage of Yongling Yushu's appearance, they want to move Immeasurable Gods and Buddhas, but I wonder if they can succeed."

"Can you stop it?" Xiao Suxian tremblingly asked.

"How to stop?"

"Yeah, God's Domain itself is hard to protect for an instant, no matter where there is still the ability to manage this matter, when the Yongling Yushu appears, it is still two to say whether it can be grabbed." The Princess of Heaven was deeply sad.

"Lord, when will we cross the sea?" Dadi asked with a solemn expression.

"About Xiaoshenxiu, what good do you have?"

Su Jin knows that Xiao Shenxiu is a trouble, but Yuan Zhenzhen is now being used by the other party. If he can't handle it properly, I am afraid that the female martial emperor's life will be lost.

"Leave it to me--" Qingguang Kunpeng took a deep breath, "study it with the brothers and sisters, and I will do it well."

"It's okay." Su Jin made a move towards Yuan Zhenzhen, and the clean bottle floated and fell on the green girl's hand, and then he said lightly: "You remember, if Yuan Zhenzhen falls to your hand, I A bright red altar will be opened for you directly, don't doubt my determination."

The net bottle trembled violently in the green girl's hand, and the black demon face became savage on the net bottle.

"Although I can't help you kill the people who rebel against the chaotic universe, you only need to sink me into the sea, and I can find the Yongling Yushu for you, you are willing!" Xiao Shenxiu was making her last insistence.

"There are people from the entire Instant God Realm to help me find it. Yongling Yushu will still fall into my hand in the end. Go ahead, don't come out to be a demon--" Su Jin shook his head.

"Without you, I will be able to get out of the forbidden place, when the time comes! I will break the statues of the immeasurable gods and Buddhas and topple this pure sea of ​​heaven!"

Little Shenxiu’s frantic voice gradually faded into the void as the young girl turned into a ray of blue shadow...

"Thank you--"

Yuan Zhen was really ashamed, Xiao Shenxiu didn't dare to kill him now, it must be because of Su Jin's threat. If she changed to a backer other than Ye Di, she might not even have a trace of hope of survival.

Su Jin shook his head, "He will definitely be unwilling to be lonely, Yongling Yushu needs to find it soon."

"Well, before he sinks into the sea—" Xiao Suxian's pressure is also not small. She feels the same as Su Jin. Xiao Shenxiu will never give up Shen Hai's opportunity. As for why Xiao Shenxiu did this, I am afraid Respect related.

"How does this sea live?" Su Jin looked at Dadiman, who is a giant of the ancient survivors of the Buddha's Land. Although he just woke up not long ago, he shouldn't know how to get through it.

"During the ancient war of gods, this place needs to be attracted by the Buddha's energy——" Dadimin thought carefully, and then said: "There were still many holy beasts here. After getting permission, you can ride holy beasts quickly. Ever."

"Speaking of the point..." Su Jin said impatiently.

"For others, it may be a little difficult, but for the Lord, it is definitely easy to get through." Dadiman quickly said: "Tianjinghai is also called the Buddha Sea, which is rich in the endless Buddha rhyme. You use the Dharma. See if you can take us across this sea!"

"Can we use Buddhist artifacts?" Xiao Suxian asked, pointing to the wooden fish on his back.

"Buddha cultivators need to activate Buddhist artifacts to restore Buddha rhyme——" Da Diman reminded.

"It's easy."

After Su Jin finished speaking, he gently swept the wooden fish of Xiao Suxian and the altar of the princess of heaven with his hand, and finally looked at Yuan Zhenzhen——

"I don't want to cross the sea." Yuan Zhenzhen said.


Yuan Zhen's slender willow waist was swept by a big hand, Su Jin raised his finger, a box of golden light was released, and a scripture glowed with Buddha light, and flew directly to the earth!

The wooden fish, the Buddhist altars, and the scriptures seem to embellish the Su Jin and the sacred people!

"Attention, don't fall into the sea!" The earth shouted in a deep voice: "The immeasurable gods and Buddhas suppress the heaven and earth, this sea contains the suppressing Buddha rhyme of the immeasurable gods and Buddhas, and you will never escape after being sucked in!"

"The little Shenxiu still wants to squeeze his head down--" Su Jin was speechless.

Of course, Su Jin was just complaining about it, regardless of his little Shenxiu's plot, now he just wants to find Mo Hongyu, find Yongling Yushu, and then leave Instant God Realm!

Yuan Zhenzhen's face was hot, and when she saw Su Jin's body a ring of Buddha condensed, it enveloped her, and then a few people walked on top of the Tianjing Sea!

Ten feet below your feet is the sea! too close!

"It's really useful!" The Princess of Heaven was surprised and delighted. She had just heard Da Diman say that. She was still skeptical, but when she was wrapped in the Buddha's mang from the niche, the feeling of being pulled down was directly affected. It's gone, it's really amazing!

"Although the speed is a bit slow, it should be no problem to walk up to the side-lying Buddha within two hours --" Xiao Suxian said.

"It's hard to imagine that such a beautiful Tianjing Sea is actually a place where immeasurable gods and Buddhas suppress demons and evil spirits, and they need to be blessed by Buddhist artifacts to cross the sea." The Princess of Heaven exclaimed.


Several people walked above the Tianjing Sea for more than a quarter of an hour, and Da Diman's expression suddenly became tense.

Da Diman raised his head and said, "Look at the top--"


What can be on it...

Su Jin and the three fairy Xiaosu all looked up, high in the sky, a huge nebula vortex, exuding a strong secret cloud, was gathering slowly.

"What the **** does Niluantianyu want to do?" Xiao Suxian couldn't help but ask.

"There are Jinwu stars in the deep space. The golden chains that entangle the side-lying Buddha are the work of Niluan Tianyu, which is still far away from the side-lying Buddha. Isn't it because Niluan Tianyu is taking revenge?" The Princess of Heaven was startled. .

Yun Haofeng, what is his identity in Niluantianyu! Su Jin doesn't know what kind of existence he has offended--

"Xiayu Nuxiu, wantonly humiliating my Divine Cloud Sect, I will kill myself!" The deafening voice came down, and the eardrums were shocked.

"It's the Divine Cloud Sect!" Dadi was surprised.

Su Jin's eyes were cold...

So wanting to walk up to the side lying Buddha so quickly, Su Jin naturally expected the Yun Shenzong's means. He stayed on the shore was far more dangerous than on the Tianjing Sea, but he did not expect the opponent to retaliate so quickly.

In the nebula swirling above, the prominent voice lowered again: "Xiayu Nuxiu! If you hand over the Wangpin Tiangu, my God Cloud Sect can not pursue this matter!"


Wang Pintian bone?

The three daughters Da Di Man and Xiao Su Fairy were all suffocated. Everyone was shocked. They stared at Su Jin with indifferent expression. What's the situation? Why does the other party say that the emperor of the night has a king-grade celestial bone!

"The other party is a lie, the existence of Wang Pin Tian Bone is just a illusory legend, don't you say so——" Xiao Suxian asked Su Jin when he was sluggish.

"It's not vain..." Su Jin said.

"You mean... it's..." Xiao Suxian only felt a thump in her mind, and it turned into a blank. Then she said with great difficulty: "Do you have a king-pin celestial bone?"

"I haven't." Su Jin blinked his right eye at Xiao Suxian.

my God!

Xiao Suxian has already guessed that the ten is always the same. In her cognition, nine out of ten sentences from Su Jin's mouth are probably lying, but she has practiced it personally, and she will be deceived by him. died.

What is the concept of Wangpin Tiangu——

Unimaginable existence! No wonder Su Jin didn't look down on Yun Haofeng's ‘Martial Dao Sky Bone’ before. Under the Wang Pin’s Sky Bone, all the top-grade Sky Bone is floating clouds!

That's right, it's floating clouds!

"That's the end of the matter, don't pretend." Su Jin said: "Yun Haofeng's trash thing must have returned to Jinwu Xingchen and found that he can perform martial arts magic again. Only in this way, this king's'wangpin Tiangu' can Will be guessed by the other party."


Ye Di admits himself!

Yuan Zhenzhen and the Princess of Heaven were almost crying. They found that they were extremely stupid, what kind of existence they had been calculating before!

"The Wang Pin Tian Bone is on my body, so I have the courage to get it--" Su Jin's faint voice spread to Shenkong, "I'm afraid you are worried about your fate and you have no life to take it back!"

Is this... a declaration of war?

Only a mysterious night emperor, a man who makes people unable to see through the city, is now declaring war against God of Cloud Sect, and even facing the Niluantian Territory, he has begun to show the domineering posture he should have!

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