My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3379: Buddha in the palm

Buddha in the palm of your hand!

Countless people stared at their gazes, raised their heads high, and watched that the Nine Hell Realm was held by Su Jin with a star hand. The huge star fingers, like a mountain of five fingers, shuttled out a Buddhist scripture——


Sect Master Yunshen, Hong Tian, ​​and Elder Haichen stared blankly at the five mountains of fingers that appeared in the faint, and the giant gesture of stars was like a broken bamboo, and they shook it fiercely!




With three screams in a row, the world of nine prisons was deeply squeezed and exploded. Among them, three figures unfolded the real body of Daxian. It was obvious that the three people of Yunshen Sect Master wanted to escape!

"Death--" Xingchen closed his palms, and the three great sages were drowned in their palms!

When Su Jin released his hand, a strand of ashes fell into the deep air!

Lord Yunchuan, Hong Tian, ​​and Elder Haichen have fallen!

And the Jinwu stars in the distance, God Yunzong!

The heartbreak that the young master Yun Haofeng saw, he couldn't believe it happened. The three sages were destroyed with one palm. This palm could threaten the great sage!

"Father..." Yun Haofeng looked at it with a distraught, as if scared stupidly, and said to himself: "Impossible! This is impossible!"

no way! Yun Haofeng can't accept it! Thinking about it, Yun Shenzong, trying to plot the king's level of bones failed, the sovereign Yun Chuan, his father fell on the spot! And also caught up with two elders!

"Shenzhen Yunzong has caused trouble, what do we do with the dead Sect Master? Don't affect us!" The monk Wendingzong changed his previous tone, looked at the giant star giant with anxiety, and said on the Jinwu stars.

"There is no way to spread it! We control the stars and rushed here. There are dozens of forces on this star. Even if the emperor of the night is powerful, can it be against us?" Someone in the profound door of the early days said. But the tone was completely lost.

"Trash Cloud Divine Sect, even a night emperor can't deal with it!"

"When did Xiayu appear such a character?"

"This person must be killed no matter what, otherwise I will rebel against the highest heaven, and the people from different time and space will read the joke for nothing -"


The vast star giant, after cutting off the three great sages of the God of Clouds, became even more mysterious and terrifying in the deep sky!

At this moment, Su Jin controls the starry sky giant and is standing on the sixth star of the ten-star chain! If this ancient road to the starry sky is finished, with the blessing of the "Landing Buddha Land" on him, what power will it show!

"Young Sect Master, the old Sect Master is dead, please...Sorry!" All the people of the Yun Shenzong stopped in front of Yun Haofeng, lest he make irrational actions.

Now Yun Haofeng naturally reacted--

Everything in the past has become a cloud of smoke, and Yunchuan's kindness to him has turned into a monstrous killing intent at this moment, directly flocking to the night emperor who is on the ten stars!

"Don't stop me!" Yun Haofeng's eyes were blood-red, and he kicked several people back and forth!

"The old sect master is dead and nothing can be undone! You are now the new head of the Yun Shenzong! I think if the old sect master is alive, I don't want you to have trouble!"

"That's right! Now that little thief is in full force, he can kill even three great sages, you must not go! Everything needs to be considered in the long term—"

"Father!!" Yun Haofeng yelled up to the sky, and he suddenly squirted blood out in a hurry. He must repay this grudge anyway. He will slam the head of the Ye Emperor under his feet. He must be right. Yedi hates all the cruel and inhumane death penalty on earth!

In the deep deep sky, Su Jin slightly raised the head of the star giant. On the ancient road of starry sky formed by ten stars, the next step is the seventh star. This step is not small for him.

Even with the blessings of the Buddha, Su Jin even felt that he could not go to the end——

This road is the method used by the ancient invincible **** to create the great world. No one knows what the consequences will be after he leaves!


Su Jin felt that when he opened his legs, there was a lot of resistance, but this resistance was still within his tolerance. This was the seventh star on the ancient road of stars!

And this foot directly stepped on a brilliant wave of power!


Jin Wu Xingchen unexpectedly began to tremble, the huge stars were shaken after this step, and dozens of forces such as the Yun Shenzong, Wendingzong, etc., directly changed their colors!

Everyone... in danger!

Inside and outside of the Buddha Land, the cultivation of the gods is all stunned--

That Jinwu star seemed to be a lonely boat in the ocean, and it began to fluctuate, and this situation was caused...It was because Ye Di took a step on the path of the ten-star starry sky, and stepped onto the seventh star!

"Emperor...what a monster!" The cultivator of God's Domain made an unbelievable evaluation.

In fact, most people from God's Domain have not seen the Overnight Emperor, they have only heard of the cunning of the opponent, who took refuge in the Sea Clan, and confronted the entire God's Domain. They were regarded by the mainland cultivators as a great evil, leading to enemies in the world.

"One person shakes the stars, and the other person must single-handedly challenge the entire Niluantian realm! Although the power on that star is only a trivial part of the Niluantian realm, no one has done it through the ages, even if we were also the Supreme God's realm. So far!"

"Emperor Ye is the Lord God's Envoy who saves the world from suffering. As long as our God Realm Continent bows to him and admits our mistakes, he will definitely lift the Heavenly Slave mark for us, sure!"

"As long as the Heavenly Slave Seal is lifted, it will not take many years for our God Realm to return to the highest ranks—"

"The key is he willing? Before using all the power of God's Domain, chasing and killing Ye Di, it is you...are you still willing to help?"


The quiet star giant, quietly standing on the seventh star...

It’s not that Su Jin didn’t want to take the next step, but underestimated the difficulty of the ten-star chain and the ancient road of stars. When he just stepped on the seventh star, he already felt the soles of his feet tremble——

"My dignified night emperor, is it something you can insult!" Su Jin's chilly voice appeared in the Jin Wu stars.

"Ye Di! I am going to kill you, I will smash you into ten thousand pieces!" Yun Haofeng roared again and again.

"One waste material, you asked me to stand up before, now I ask you..." Su Jin's voice echoed in all directions, "Do you dare to fight?"

Dare you?

Yun Haofeng is really going to lose his mind, the other party cut off the three great sages of God Yunzong, including his father, and now he even ridiculed him!

"Calm down, he is urging the young master to fight... If you step out, you will definitely die!" In the Yun Shenzong, someone kept stopping, lest Yun Haofeng also had an accident.

"Young Sect Master think twice! The old lady in Tianyu is still looking forward to your return. The Emperor of the Night is only gaining power for a while. He can never stay here for the rest of his life. I will not believe that he will be the enemy of our God Cloud Sect. !"

"He's calling me waste material! Didn't you hear it!" Yun Haofeng felt that these wall grass, these flattering bugs were really useless!

Yun Shenzong all repairs: "..."

In fact, it is unnecessary for Yun Haofeng to say that even the disciples of the God of Yunzong feel shameless. It was them who had humiliated in front of Yedi three times before, and now they are also the ones who have provoked great enemies to Tianyu. They are also the ones who watch the jokes in time and space--

The plot is unsuccessful, the suzerain is gone!

From now on, God of Cloud Sect, where can he raise his head in Niluantian Territory!

"Ye Di! If you dare to walk on the Jinwu stars, I will dare to let you taste the cruel punishment! I will kill you and refine it into corpse oil, seal your head, and light the sky lantern with the corpse oil I want to hear the painful cry of your soul being burned all the time at night, you have committed an unforgivable mistake!" Yun Haofeng said with flushing anger.

"You're a fart—"

Su Jin slapped him down in just a few words, and he didn't want to talk to him anymore. For such a timid person, he didn't even dare to step out, but he looked upon him highly.

It's a pity that I didn't have a chance to send this Yun Haofeng and Na Yunchuan away together, otherwise it would be great if'father and son give back home'!

Su Jin held his breath, the body of the star giant, once again a halo, his nine halo began to bless, and finally reached the eighth star with difficulty!

Now, the star giant seemed to be a lone tree in the rapids, and the huge turbulence swept across on the eighth star. Su Jin couldn't even speak, and could only hold the body of the star giant! Don't let it go backwards!

Ten stars in a row, on the ancient road of starry sky, there are the last two stars left——

Although only two steps away, these will be the two most difficult levels!

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