My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3380: The arrow is already at the string!

Su Jin stands firm on the eighth star!

This step is amazing! One step seemed to set off a shocking storm--

The originally calm Tianjing Sea, the big waves rolled back, and countless mountain Buddhas were crumbling in the Buddha land!

At this moment, in a round quadrangular mountain ravine, there was a team of five people, ignoring the fierce and mighty night emperor, they were standing at the bottom of the ravine with their noses, frowning.

The disgusting stench made these five people unbearable. Unless there was always a special voice to guide them, they would never come to such a ghost place!

"Senior, where are you?" Tianyangzong Song Yang asked directly, looking at the thousand-square stinking pool at the bottom of the valley.

"Hey, I'm in the pool. Don't be dirty. After holding me out, as long as you throw me into the clear sea, I will give you a chance." This is the voice of the little **** show!

"Dunghole, senior, who did such a great job?" Xu Qing pinched his nose and breathed slightly, obviously not wanting to stay here for a moment—

"You guys, do it quickly." Xiao Shenxiu's voice changed a little.

"We said yes, let's fish you out, and you give us a great opportunity!" Song Yang glanced at the other four brothers, as if made up his mind.

"Naturally!" Xiao Shenxiu said.

"You take an oath, otherwise we will never believe you—"

"I swear by my own life, as long as you complete your entrustment, I will bestow you five great opportunities!" Xiao Shenxiu said in a calm voice, and then he continued: "This pond is a holy thing. It’s difficult to form an arm in the pool."

"Ah!" Song Yang's eyes were hot, and he urged: "Junior Brother Xu Qing, you quickly go down to the holy pond and fish out Senior..."

"Why me?" Xu Qing retreated, staring at Song Yang and asked.

"It's not long for you to enter the teacher's gate. I'm all your seniors. This is a great opportunity for you to experience." Song Yang said, giving another person a look.


Xu Qing was caught off guard and kicked from behind into the "Holy Pool"!

A circle of ripples appeared in the eyes of the four of Song Yang. They were fortunate that it was not themselves that went on. According to common sense, Xu Qing should directly use strength to form a circle of shields all over his body, and it was just in time. But the truth is that he couldn't even show his strength before falling into the water.

"It's really a holy pond, although it's a bit smelly--" a junior said to Song Yang.

After more than twenty breaths, Xu Qing rushed to the surface of the holy pond, "It's too deep below, I can't find it at all! Come down and look for it together!"

The four of Song Yang:...


Among the Jinwu stars, people are in panic!

This Jinwu star is not far from Su Jin's location! And just now when Su Jin stood firmly on the eighth star, endless pressure seemed to appear on the surface of Jinwu star——

The entire Jinwu Star has many cracks on the surface, and some places have been shaved thickly!

Seeing this situation, the monks of the Ding Sect, the Profound Sect of the early days and other forces changed their faces!

In a distant place, the Golden Armor Zhan Zun stood quietly behind one person. The woman wearing a golden crown rarely showed her face. This female heavenly fragrance and national color, the noble temperament can only be met by the Supreme Divine Realm, and there is a figure on the eyebrow. The pure blue eyes of tourmaline!

In terms of nobility, Yuan Zhenzhen was still the No. 1 Divine Kingdom in the Abyss, and she was noble enough when she was the female martial emperor of the Divine Martial Kingdom.

"You think, how does this night emperor compare with the first day of our empire?" The woman asked.

The Golden Armor Zhan Zun hesitated slightly, "It is difficult to compare. He just relies on the resonance of the Buddha's land. If the Buddha's land is not there, his combat power will definitely decline. I think he is not as good as the way to the dust."

"Is it just because the Buddha and the land resonate?" The woman thought for a while, "It's right to think about it, this doesn't belong to his combat power. In addition, has the Dao returned to the dust--"

"Please can't come out." Jin Jia Zhan Zun shook his head.

"You go to arrange it, and you will say that there is a talented arrogant far better than him. According to his arrogant character, he will definitely come."

"But, if he had an accident here, his family..."

"Even if there is an accident, the strength is not good. No wonder who, through the ages, has been the king and the loser. If he is the chosen person, I don't mind the icing on the cake. If he dies here, he will suppress his family arrogance. Not bad."

"Yes -" Jin Jia Zhan Zun lowered his head, stepped back, then turned around and disappeared in one step.

The mysterious woman with the crown was very interested, looking at the star giants on the ancient road of the starry sky, silently whispering: "Ye Di..."

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Jin has been slow to take a step, I am afraid he has reached the limit! Although the implementation situation is not in line with other people's guesses, it is not much different.


Above the star giant, there is a faintly nine-colored Kunpeng, covering the sky and the sun, shattering the endless deep sky, and bursting out! At the same time, behind the star giant, a world-shattering wheel of the secret of heaven appeared in an unparalleled shocking posture!

Then, Su Jin stepped forward fiercely--

The bursting sound of deep space seemed to appear at Su Jin's feet!

not enough! Far from enough!

Su Jin’s star giant’s eye sockets quickly gathered the three-color heaven secrets, these three types of heaven secrets were directly superimposed, and his body of the star giant suddenly landed on the ninth star!

This world-fascinating sight, the sound produced, caused countless people's eardrums to roar, and for some unhelpful people, eye-catching blood shed from both ears! Look at the Jinwu stars. On the surface of the huge stars, magma jumps and the earth opens. With the step of the giant of the stars, Su Jin actually cracked a series of terrible cracks! The widest place even reaches thousands of miles!

"Not good!" Asking Ding Zong Daxian, he suddenly drank.

"If this continues, the stars will be broken, and we will all be obliterated here!"

"There is one more step. We can't bet on this step! If he can really set foot on the tenth star, it is still two to say whether Jinwu Star can keep it!"

"Shen Sect of Yun! Yun Haofeng! Look at the good things you have done—"

"What should I do now? Abandon this star? Do you want to ask Tianyu for help? If this continues, we will all die here, no one is spared!"

"He has no more energy left. This is probably his limit!"

"Damn, Yun Haofeng, aren't you capable? Now we allow you to go and kill this person! The horror that your God Yunzong provoked, even if you return to the heavens, you will be condemned by the domain master. Atone for his sins, cut him off, take all the gods from him!"


Yun Haofeng's pupils felt a touch of fear. Although he resented Ye Di, he was not stupid! Just now, Yedi was only on the fourth star, and he was able to use "Buddha in the Palm" to kill three great sages including his father!

Yun Haofeng thinks that he can't compare with his father, and now that Ye Di is standing on the ninth star, the ancient road of ten stars is about to finish, if he steps out to meet this person at this moment, there will be no life!

"Our thirty-nine front-line forces in the universe, all the great sages join hands, can't we kill him and a night emperor?" Yun Haofeng said coldly: "In my opinion, now is a good time to take advantage of him. I didn’t stand firm on the ninth star, so I’ll wait for a shot together and send him on the road!"

"This statement... makes sense—"

"This bet, the cost of losing the bet will be very high! If I wait to kill him and he is standing on the last star, we may not be able to bear the consequences!"

"Listen to me! Daxian all walked out, killing him is not a problem!" Yun Haofeng shouted in a low voice.

"Your God Cloud Sect is shameful enough, why should we let us listen to you? You haven't got any benefit from this person until now!" Someone said unhappy.

"In your words, I have nothing to do with God Yunzong?" Yun Haofeng gritted his teeth and said: "It was the Heavenly Bone of King Grade discovered by God Yunzong, and because of this, I lost three great sages, but what about you? No help, let alone. , And still arguing!"

"Stop arguing, I think it's time to gamble--" Finally the prestigious Daxian stood up.

Yun Haofeng's eyes rose and fell murderously. He took the lead and stood in front of a clearing, followed by the second, fifth, and fifteenth...

In the end, more than forty great sages stood out!

This blow, for Yun Haofeng's party, is unsuccessful!

This blow, for Ye Di, was the time to vent all his dissatisfaction and prove himself!

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