My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3381: Star Sky Bow

The situation drew up in a flash--

The great sage on the Jinwu stars no longer chooses to remain silent, but must gather strength to counter the Yedi blessed by the Buddha! This scene has never been seen before!

Dozens of great sages take one person so seriously!

"Do you know why I gave up?" The young girl said to Xiao Suxian with a wry smile.

Xiao Suxian glanced at the nine-colored Kunpeng that appeared above the head of the giant star, nodded hard...

The guys that can be valued by dozens of great sages, even the nine colors Kunpeng can be displayed, what's the surprise! Before, as Qingguang Kunpeng, the young girl was suppressed by Su Jin's nine-color Kunpeng. They still felt inexplicable. They never thought it was the reason!

"Once the other party gets serious, power can definitely destroy the heavens and the earth--" The earth was very worried, somewhat worried about the Lord's safety.

Even he can see that Su Jin has reached the limit, not to mention the great sage on the Jinwu star!

"The people in Different Time and Space haven't moved yet, they seem to be sitting in the mountains watching tigers fighting, and no one has lost yet, and I don't know if it is good or bad," said the young girl.

Boom boom boom -

Tiantian, thousands of golden soldiers, suddenly began to retreat!

"Why do you want to retreat? Are people from different time and space optimistic about the emperor?" The princess of the kingdom of heaven was very puzzled. The movement of thousands of golden soldiers retreating was naturally not small, and it was normal to attract attention.

"Anyway, if Ye Di can take the last step, he will have a chance." Xiao Suxian said suddenly.

"I'm afraid to take the last step, he himself can't bear the crush of that terrible force -" said the young girl.

"Tian Mi and Kun Peng body are all used, if he has no means, he will stop on the ninth star, unable to reach the Jinwu star, and will be devastated by dozens of great sages from the other party." Yuan Zhenzhen said. , His face is solemn.

"He has." Xiao Suxian looked at Yuan Zhenzhen, "You should have a profound influence."

"What?" Yuan Zhenzhen was reminded by Xiao Suxian, the expression on his face suddenly changed, and even the heavenly princess was like her face!

"Dead Man Sutra?" The Princess of Heaven took a breath, "Does it work?"

Xiao Suxian frowned and said, "Does the world only know the "Dead Man Sutra"?"

Yuan Zhenzhen and the princess of the heavens all had a sigh in their hearts, they forgot that the "Dead Man" has a terrible name!

Nine deadly power!

Before the women had finished their exchanges, in the deep sky under the vicissitudes of life, the star giants began to gush out black dragons! The black dragon made up of dead characters!

Nine deadly heavenly powers, a total of nine turns, Su Jin, with the blessing of the great Buddha power, quickly circulated in the body——

One turn.

Three turns.

In just a few breaths, it reached the point of five revolutions! Even if he is now blessed by the side-lying Buddha, it is extremely difficult to reach the fifth turn.


Su Jin only felt that his body began to roar, and the Nine Deadly Heavenly Skill was in his body, reaching his unprecedented sixth turn! The body of his celestial giant seemed to be rejuvenated in an instant, but this last step, although only one step away, only relied on the blessing of the six-turn nine-dead heavenly power to only raise his leg!


The golden thunder and lightning swayed away from the Buddha cloud under her feet, and this golden thunder and lightning was completely covered by another kind of momentum!

"Ten stars in a row, it just oppresses me and prevents me from reaching the limit! If I step on the tenth star, I can wipe out the stars with just one hand! Control the life and death of that Jinwu star!" Su Jin felt too difficult, although he He didn't fully exhibit all the methods, but he couldn't expose some methods!

Such as not the Lord!

The great divine ways of the world-honored people will be known directly when they are used in front of the people of the world! This is something Su Jin is extremely reluctant to do. He doesn't want to have anything to do with the Instant God Realm. He just wants someone to find Mo Hongyu and leave here——



A red and blue whirlpool, converging in the deep sky! Su Jin felt that the step in front of him was like an unbreakable mountain in front of him, and he couldn't step through it just by lifting his steps!

"Aotian Divine Will! With my Heavenly Arms, open a road that belongs to my Night Emperor!" Su Jin unfolded Aotian Divine Will, and the blue and ink-colored black hole manifested high in the sky, and it connected the ‘Senluo Plane’! It is Ootian Divine Will!

And the blue-red vortex appeared on the side of the black hole!

Chi Chi Chi Chi.

The endless blue ink streamer, unexpectedly began to be absorbed by the red and blue vortex!

Even Su Jin himself did not expect this to happen!

"My sky arm is going to be complete! Although it's not flawless!" Su Jin felt that the strength of the Sun Luo plane was being drawn away by the blue-red vortex. His sky arm was taking shape, and he could see it with the naked eye. There is nothing broken!


Under the shroud of panic Tianwei, countless people mistakenly think that God is coming! That mysterious sky arm, it feels so terrible, and it is absolutely unattainable by its momentum alone!

The complete sky arm is definitely Su Jin's unexpected joy!

The blue-red sky arms high in the sky were firmly grasping on the tenth star, and the eye-catching lights continued to appear in the collision! Su Jin used his sky arm to offset the pressure on the tenth starry sky, he knew it worked!

"It's still worse, why is it worse!" Su Jin couldn't believe it. He thought it was enough, but it was actually impossible. If he ventured to stand up, he would definitely be lifted out in an instant!

"Ye Di is dead!" Someone shouted excitedly on Jin Wuxing.

"Yun Haofeng! We use the power of Jinwu and the stars to condense a'Star Dome Bow'. This is because of you. You have to pay a small price to pull this bow and kill Ye Di in one fell swoop!" The other great sages discussed. After a while, Dang even shouted to Yun Haofeng.

"What's the price!" Yun Haofeng asked, clenching his fists.

"With a part of your primordial spirit, integrated into the star soul, to maximize the power of this bow, don't worry, if you don't help, I and the great sage will unite and infuse you with the great sage's divine power!"


Yun Haofeng realized that he could not refuse, but even if he wins at the price of the soul, he may only win a miserable victory. If one is not good, the broken part of the soul will cause irreparable damage. , From the light it takes a long period of restfulness, but from the heavy it is afraid of losing even one's life!

"What are you still hesitating! Yedi, he can't walk to the tenth star, before he escapes back to Tianjinghai, he will kill him directly!" A great sage rebuked Yun Haofeng.

"Okay!" What else can Yun Haofeng say, he and Ye Di have a vengeance for killing his father, so what if some souls are left behind! As long as Ye Di is killed, he is willing to make him physically disabled!

The violently trembling Jinwu stars, amidst the thousands of miles of cracked magma fire, a piece of fiery power was extracted by the great sages——

Soon, after more than ten breaths, an arc-shaped scimitar-shaped flaming divine bow appeared on the periphery of Jinwu Star! This bow is huge and unmatched, facing the ten-star chain and the ancient starry sky!

Yun Haofeng took the lead and took the initiative to walk out of the crowd...

Slowly opened his arms, Yun Haofeng closed his eyes, and strands of the power of the primordial spirit, like a dragon, began to wrap around the fiery red star arch divine bow!



Four percent!

Yun Haofeng gritted his teeth and endured the pain of the soul being burned and melted. He could only separate out 40% of the soul at most. No matter how much, the damage to him would be unimaginable!

And Yun Haofeng's performance has surprised many great sages behind him. According to their expectations, it is not bad for this person to be able to distinguish between ten and twenty percent of the soul.

Of course, this is enough to represent how much Yun Haofeng wants to kill Ye Di!

Yun Haofeng was closing his eyes and communicating with the star soul of Jin Wu Xingchen. It was an extremely mysterious experience, and even the primordial spirit needed to merge with it to achieve the effect of the star dome bow!

"Using stars as a bow, ancient sages have done it--" The young girl turned pale, "but they have dozens of great sages, and it is not surprising that they can condense this bow."

"Star Sky Divine Bow? How powerful is it?" asked the Princess of Heaven.

"I don't know the strength of Ye Di after that step, but the situation is not optimistic. I feel that even if he steps on the tenth star, he can't compete with the Star Dome Bow."

The green girl looked extremely solemn, and continued: "As long as a bow knife swept through, even if Ye Di is now turned into a star giant, she cannot avoid the fate of being cut in the middle!"

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