My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3382: Darkness is here

The young girl has already said very clearly--

The Star Sky Divine Bow, after all, is composed of the power of Jinwu Stars, and it is blessed by dozens of great sages, which is naturally not a child's play!

Now both sides have a pinpoint feel to the wheat mang! And there must be one defeat in this battle!

At present, both the Abyssal World and the various cultivators in the Divine Realm Continent know that Ye Di is very passive... at a great disadvantage!

"Emperor Ye is about to lose. Although his identity as an envoy of God is not known whether it is true or false, but fortunately the Yongling Yushu is still there, we Daxian will definitely be able to find the way to unlock the slave seal. Without him, there should be no problem. "There is a cultivator of God's Domain comforting himself like this.

"This is the enemy, so don't expect him to help God's Domain unlock the seal of the heavenly slaves--"

"I just captured and killed an ancient survivor in the abyss world, this night the emperor actually agreed, as long as the Yongling Yushu is in his hand, he will instantly unlock the soul slave mark in the abyss world!"

"Emperor Ye is a big disaster after all! Now he is about to lose. The strength of those dozens of great sages is not a joke. It is a question whether Ye Emperor can retreat on the ancient road of stars now. ."

"It's about to begin, the Star Sky Divine Bow is emitting a dazzling light! Yun Haofeng has become the dominant player of this bow! The soul has been combined with this bow!"


It was too shocking--

No matter how far away, you can see the indestructible edge of the "Star Sky Divine Bow". The light illuminates the deep space and has a faint feeling of suppressing the Buddha's light!

Yun Haofeng suddenly opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, he even had the illusion of a world away. He felt like a scimitar-shaped star dome bow, as if he had blood connections!

"Ye Di!!" Yun Haofeng suddenly roared, "Killing his father's revenge! Now I want you to pay the debt!"

Su Jin felt the extremely dangerous aura, he glanced at the Star Sky Divine Bow, and it felt like an arc bow condensed from the orbit of the stars!

"I can only try--" Su Jin said silently in his heart.

Without further ado, Su Jin raised the star giant's right arm, directly in the deep sky, pointing to Galaxy! Under the blessing of the "Aotian Divine Will", these galaxies quickly gathered the power of the stars on the giant star!

not enough!

After all, this is not Su Jin’s original avenue, the power of stars can only add to the cake!

Boom boom boom, there are hundreds of galaxies across the deep space, and the power is rolled over, blessing Su Jin's star giant body, he is calm and calm, facing the direction of Jinwu stars, pointing up !



Just now Su Jin blessed with the Great Buddha Land, which has the power to kill the Great Sage in a second! Although the opponent now has dozens of great sages, he hasn't started to make trouble. With his current overall strength, his ability to calm the gods has a miraculous effect!

Yun Haofeng only feels that his body has turned into a stubborn stone and dead wood, and only his thoughts can work!

"Eternal magic!" The mysterious woman wearing a crown in the distance was extremely surprised, "It is getting better and better, the opponent of the road to the dust, hope not to fall so quickly."

It's an eternal trick!

The entire Jinwu stars seemed to be silent for a moment, being held down by the ‘concentration technique’. This is simply impossible to change to the usual, but you must know that Su Jin is still blessed by the Great Buddha, and his own Buddhism and Buddhism still resonate!

Su Jin knows that it won’t take much time, at most ten breaths——

Therefore, he has to complete the last step in ten breaths! He is going to finish the ancient starry sky formed by ten stars!

He firmly took that dangerous and dangerous step, as if as everyone expected, the star giant he drove was almost about to be lifted off, to be shaken away by the force of the counter shock!

But Su Jin is also prepared! At that moment, the world became quiet!

A hall of fiction and reality appeared directly above the head of the star giant!

Since you know you can't stand firmly, then forcefully suppress it!

Yes! Su Jin used the "Eternal Life Palace" to directly suppress himself!

Boom boom——

The whole ancient starry sky road formed by ten stars in a row seemed to begin to sway, swinging like a dragon, with a trace of dying breath, as if bursting out of a mustard seed at Su Jin's feet!

Just ten breaths, to Yun Haofeng's party, seemed extremely long! !

The world is quiet, but the crisp sound of crumbling under Su Jin's feet seems to exist in every monk's heart, no matter how far away, whether it is in the Buddha's place or the farthest place in the abyss world!

"Use the Star Sky Divine Bow!" Just after the eleven breaths, Daxian roared directly after feeling the terrible breath.

Yun Haofeng, can move!

All the great sages began to desperately burn the great sage's divine will, regardless of whether Yun Haofeng could bear it, in order to survive, the divine will of dozens of great sages was burnt together to infuse him!

"You..." Yun Haofeng screamed, he felt like he was being used as a gun! With such a huge force, directly pouring in, the meridians, sea of ​​qi, big and small weeks and days in his body were all destroyed!

Meridian breaks instantly! The sea of ​​qi almost turned into a blazing sun, burning blazingly, almost bursting!

Yun Haofeng couldn't take care of that much, he screamed with a grim face, and pinned all expectations on the "Star Sky Divine Bow"!

The star dome divine bow on the orbit of the Jinwu stars directly bursts with light that is difficult to look directly at!




Su Jin's thinking seemed to be sluggish. He saw Yun Haofeng urging the'Star Sky Divine Bow', but what he cared more about was as if his whole body was empty.

The stars under his feet seemed to have begun to crack. From the origin of the mustard seeds under his feet, it was no more than ten thousand years old. An inch of void fragments were not obliterated, but slowly floating upward.

Pitch black, a pitch black enough to swallow any brilliance, began to diffuse from around the star giants. The Buddha's light in the deep sky, the glow of the red sky reflected by the arms of the blue sky, and the blue ink represented by the plane of the sun are touching this darkness. After that, it was directly covered up!

"Ah—" Yun Haofeng let out an unprecedented roar, staring at the divine arch arc knife that ejected with red eyes! The arc of this knife, spanning thousands of miles, is like a great tide, cutting deep space into a terrifying space domain!

Hard to death!

Yun Haofeng screamed frantically in his heart. He knew that he didn't have many opportunities. Once other great sages put away the burning great sage's divine will, he would definitely suffer a wound that was hard to save! Killing Ye Di is now his only thought!

Even if it falls, Yun Haofeng will succeed!

Su Jin seemed to be watching a slow scene, and every piece of floating fragments seemed to be turning over and disappearing. He tried to take a step, and night seemed to have arrived!

This feeling is too strange, even if Yun Haofeng gathered the power of dozens of great sages and cut out a terrible arc knife with Jin Wuxingchen, in his current field of vision, it was just as slow as a snail!

He didn't seem to care in his heart, and even looked at a person from a distance--

The woman had an incomparably pure eye, wearing a crown, as if looking at the "Eternal Life Hall" above him in shock, this a different time and space, she must have an eternal identity!

Nearly, Su Jin saw a red pike, like a tens of thousands of miles, swept like a fiery red wave!

This is the power of the Star Sky Divine Bow, the power of the stars and the blessing of dozens of great sages!

Su Jin didn't have a trace of fear, and let the Star Sky Divine Bow swept up and down—


Yun Haofeng’s eyeballs were almost staring, and the Star Sky Divine Bow could not kill the Ye Emperor. The light seemed to flood into the darkness, as if there was a terrifying beast that could swallow the light of all things standing around Su Jin. Eliminate all means!

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" Yun Haofeng vomited divine blood violently. He had an unreversible injury in his body, and now he used his primordial spirit to urge the Star Sky Divine Bow, causing three terrifying arc knives to be blasted out again and again. !

In the deep sky, a star giant, wherever he goes, the sky is collapsing! The unknown power that swallows the light of all things is approaching the Jinwu stars following Su Jin's direction!

Quietness, this kind of quietness, even if it is a thousand times, tens of thousands of times quieter than the Buddha's land that has been silent for countless years! Countless sluggish eyes, as if thinking had stopped, watched the star giant walking to Jinwu Star——

"Give me strength! I want strength!" Yun Haofeng shook his body violently, shouting frantically to the rear.

The sky is collapsing! The star giant is here!

Who can stop him!

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