My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3397: Try it!

As the best of the two supreme gods, the lord of Niluanyu and Feng Guyi, naturally they are not waiting to be idle!

Especially the Lord of Niluan Territory, who has a profound skill, towering fortune, and has never had a difference in dominating the entire Niluan Territory. Even when he was promoted to the High God Territory that year, he did it with one hand--

The enormous pressure swept away towards Su Jin.


Seeing Feng Guyi wanted to kill him so, Su Jin immediately did not leave his hand, raised his right hand, condensed the dragon arm, used six fingers to cover the sky with the mysterious power, directly used the dragon claw to slap around Feng Guyi. Above the barrier!

Experts compete, the subtleties can determine life and death——

There is not much fault tolerance in Tianjing Seabed!

Feng Guyi's exotic face suddenly changed color, and the strong and unmatched defensive barrier all over his body was directly hit by the dragon's claw, and it started to crack!

Can not be repaired!

Feng Gu was nervous--

Even if the Golden Armored Warlord expands a circle of enchantment, relying on the connection of the "revolving different door", the surviving general Feng Guyi is received into his enchantment. This situation is dangerous and dangerous!

The Lord of Niluan Domain seemed to have set off a stormy sea in his heart, and Ye Di just pointed a finger, and he almost killed Feng Guyi!

"That's what you can do in Different Time and Space?" When the Lord of Ni Chaos frowned, there was a trail of sword-like scars in the'Chaotic Space' around his body!

One, five, ten--

Looking at it with the naked eye, circles of chaotic force fields, like black holes, are emitting strange brilliance, constantly appearing around Su Jin.




The mottled Dao Marks cut golden marks on Su Jin's Wang Fojin, and his eyes showed a different color! He walked all the way, as his cultivation level rose, the defense of the Buddha Dao golden body under the common blessing was definitely not something that could be shaken by leisure, but only some Dao marks that swam out of the chaotic field could almost cut his golden gold. body--

"Lord Niluan, I think you want to die!" Su Jin's tone appeared murderous. When he was rarely annoyed by others, the former Yunshen Sect Master was one person, and now the Lord Niluan is the second!

"Ye Di Xiaoer, now under the Tian Jing Sea, everyone will kill you. Now you have to fight to the death. I tell you, you can't threaten me!" The Lord of Niluan Territory showed complacency, feeling that Su Jin did not The rumor is so powerful, I really don’t know how the idiot of God Yunzong lost...

"Okay! Today, I will cut you off against the chaos domain master and let your domain be in chaos!"

Su Jin drank heavily, and a dazzling golden light spread out——

The endless Buddhist Sanskrit singing seemed to resound through human ears. The Lord Niluanyu was startled. He saw many huge Buddhist scriptures rising in the sea, as if swimming in the sky and the earth.

At the same time, Su Jin suddenly threw a Buddhist scripture at him——

The Lord of Niluanyu was puzzled, but he saw Su Jin constantly rummaging through a sutra box, and then he kept smashing at him like sutras!

Every scripture seems to have a mysterious power, and it stops directly in the body of the Lord of Niluan Domain!

The Lord Niluanyu swears that he has never hated gold so much. The golden light from these Buddhist scriptures seems to only shine on the soul, making him feel very uncomfortable!

"It's all in vain, break it for me!" The body of the Niluan domain master burst out of divine power from the inside out, shattering all those scriptures!

Su Jin suddenly put his hands together in this gap!

A huge ‘卍’ Buddha seal, slowly rotating from in front of him, was condensed!

The lord of Nichaos realm sensed a slight crisis and decided not to keep his hand anymore. He palmed his hand, and a little bit of destruction of the origin, gathered on the index finger. At this moment, the surrounding seas were surging, and even the marks of suppression around him were Shattered a lot!

Feng Guyi's face was solemn and indifferent, and he said to the Golden Armored War Venerable: "Go help him--"

"Yes." A glimmer of cold light flashed in the eyes of the Golden Armored Zhan Venerable. After watching Feng Gu's whole body re-cover a layer of barrier, he strode over.

"You don't need your help!" The Lord Niluan laughed wildly: "This waste material, I can destroy it!"

At present, almost everyone is watching Su Jin——

Su Jin's lips seemed to be moving silently, and he seemed to be chanting silently. The golden ‘卍’ Buddha seal in front of him was constantly expanding and showing his power!




The Buddha of Samadhi illuminates everything! Everywhere under the sea, golden light Buddha powers come from nothingness, and each Buddha power walks towards the ‘swastika’ Buddha seal, walks into it, and integrates its own Buddha power into the Buddha seal!

"Su Jin Guanyin, appeared again--" Feng Guyi didn't know what Su Jin's method was. At that time, when Su Jin wiped out Jin Wu star, Gong Sheng Guanyin was also manifested.


The destructive power on the fingertips of the Lord of Niluan Territory pressed against the Buddha seal with the word ‘卍’ fiercely!

Boom boom boom!

A scene that surprised the Lord of Inverse Chaos and others appeared!

"It's the ten thousand laws that do not invade! This Buddhist character'swastika' is really mysterious! Even the landlord's destruction of heaven can't be shattered!" Among the five hundred great sages, the great sage said in shock.

"Is the law not invaded? In this way, he won't be able to hold on for long?"

"The domain master hasn't done his best yet. This Yedi is backed by the immeasurable **** and Buddha. Fortunately, this Buddha died early. Otherwise, if he blessed the Yedi, this Yedi would be really invincible--"

"A mere junior, just relying on the blessings of the Buddha, put it anywhere outside, you and I can easily get rid of it."


There was a vague green vein violent on the forehead of the Lord of Niluanyu. He realized something was wrong. The power of destroying the heavens in his hand continued to increase layer by layer, but the revolving Buddha seal of the word'卍' was not broken at all. the meaning of!

"Dead!" When the master of Niluanyu turned his hand, he took out a green banner. When he shook it, the **** Buddhist seal disappeared out of thin air and was swept into another space by the green banner!

Su Jin's heart sank. With such a reaction, it was already too late!

The speed of Inverse Chaos Domain Master is many times more terrifying than imagined! Almost in an instant, his fingers were about to press on Su Jin's brows!


In the golden pupil of the years, a sword embryo, as if stressed, cut out a sword light in an instant!

The body of the master of the chaos!

"Damn you!" Su Jin knew that he was only a few millimeters away from Fly Ash Annihilation! The Lord of Inverse Chaos, he wants to cut it off at all costs!


Suddenly, Su Jin, who the master of Niluanyu saw, seemed infinitely distant in his vision——

Around, the master of Niluanyu couldn't tell whether he was in Tianjinghai or a starry sky!

The world has changed, as if forming a very unique space, not a vision, as if in a certain layer of time and space in the depths of the Tianjing Sea. This kind of change caught Feng Gu's first class completely by surprise!

"Wang Pintian Bone?" Xiao Shenxiu seemed to be muttering to herself.

That's right!

It is Su Jin’s Ootian King bone, and now, he wants to try this bone for the first time! If it doesn't help, look for other strategies!

Around the folds of starlight, a person is standing in the sky! It is Su Jin!

There are stars in the starry sky, as if they are connected into a weird star symbol, like a pattern, blending into a stone axe!

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