My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3398: King bone means!

This axe is called "Aotian"!

The sky above the sea, a magical scene, also appeared over the entire Buddha land——

Immediately after the first star appeared, countless stars began to shine.

There has never been such a beautiful sight in the abyss world!

At this time, the young girl and others who were at the foot of the Buddha were all attracted by this scene!

"There are so many stars, this doesn't look like a vision--" the young girl said in surprise.

"Taste carefully and carefully." The princess of Heaven closed her eyes. Although she can't wander too vainly at the feet of the Big Buddha, there seems to be another kind of Taoist rhyme in the traces of the suppression of Taoism around it.

"It's the divine will, the starry sky divine will." Dadi faintly worried.

"Altered Time and Space and Ni Chao Tian Territory are all relatively proficient in Time and Space Avenue. Which party does this summoning the stars come from? The methods are too scary to avoid—" Xiao Suxian frowned.

Yuan Zhenzhen said: "No one doubts that it is the little **** show? The little **** show is at the bottom of the sky. He is definitely a super strong, no one can beat him."

"Hope Ye Di can take care." The Heavenly Princess sighed.


The sky is full of stars.

A series of star symbols, connecting some stars into a pattern, continue to breed terrible Taoist rhymes, this scene of wonder can be seen everywhere inside and outside the entire Buddha!

In the Buddha Land, the monks in the Abyss World and the Instant God Realm all looked up--

In the starry sky with dense stars, a faint trace of blue ink brilliance opened a streamer vortex, and the scene in the space under the seabed, when even being reflected, was seen by everyone!

" could it be Ye Di——" Yuan Zhenzhen, Qing Girl and the others all had incredible expressions on their faces.

"Such an exquisite starry sky technique, it is unlikely that Ye Di can have it!" Not to mention Xiao Suxian and the others do not believe, even the monks in the Buddha's land are completely in a state of ignorance.

"Emperor Ye built the Nine Paths, which is already against the sky. This starry sky method is more like a divine art, but why can it draw the energy of the starry sky?"

"Could it be his means of being the messenger of God?"


Nalan Moxue’s current mood is the most complicated among the shocking words——

"It's the bones of heaven." Nalanmoxue's tone was bitter and sent a message to the outside. Yedi's methods were unbelievable, but for a kind of person, it was obvious what Yedi did--

This kind of person is a monk with a celestial bone!

Unfortunately, Nalan Moxue belongs to this category of people!

In Nalanmoxue's left forearm, there was a crystal clear celestial bone, which was of high quality, but it was far from the ultimate. It was such a celestial bone that was already a rare existence.

"Sect Master Nalan, how did you know that this was a celestial bone method?" A great sage from the Scavenging Alliance asked quickly.

"Because my celestial bone was suppressed by the mighty divine will, it was impossible to display it at all. Yedi's celestial bone should be Wangpin's celestial bone." Nalan Moxue said.

When many people heard this, they couldn't help but chuckle...

Wangpin Tiangu!

Even Nalan Moxue felt that what she said was a little absurd, the Wang Pintian bones were just a legendary existence. Who in the world has seen it? But if it weren't for Wang Pin Tian Bone, why couldn't her Tian Bone divine intent be displayed? You have to know that even the top grade bones can't do this.



The news of Wang Pintiangu flew everywhere as if it had grown wings!

As Qingguang Kunpeng, the young girl flew away from the foot of the Buddha with Xiao Suxian and others. When she flew over the coast of the Buddha, she was shocked by this terrifying news.

This news almost made Qingguang Kunpeng go down!

"Wang Pintian Bone? When Ye Di confessed it personally when he was competing with Yun Haofeng not long ago, but we didn't believe it at the time. Now this... does this mean that he really has it?" The Princess of Heaven was shocked.

"Just kidding, did Wang Pintian Bone appear casually? No, absolutely not." The young girl was shocked, her first instinct was to disbelieve.

Xiao Suxian's face flushed, and slowly said, "His sky bone is indeed Wang Pin——"

Qingguang Kunpeng: "..."


No matter how great the shock outside is, Su Jin has no other intentions now, he has a very wonderful feeling.

"I have just been promoted to Wang Bone, and I am so terrifying." Su Jin was inexplicably moved in his heart——

If Su Jin's guess is right, they are still on the bottom of the sky, but their own Aotian King bones are too strong, and they have formed an'Aotian' just after being promoted!

Regarding the definition of Aotian, Su Jin didn't know whether it was a space or a plane. He always felt that the future of Aotian would be limitless!

The lord of Niluanyu has a pale face, "It really is a king bone, the king bone that makes God Yunzong greedy!"

After Feng Gu glanced around, she carefully observed that the golden enchantment around her body was still there, which meant that the blessing of the'Lin Zhuan Different Sect' had not broken off, but the surrounding scene was too wonderful. Obviously under the clear sky, but now it seems to be in the stars.

"He even has a king grade bone--" Feng Guyi couldn't help but feel annoyed, and from what she saw, the king grade bone on Su Jin had the blessing of Shenwu.

That stone axe is the divine martial art condensed by this bone divine will!

"Domain master, don't be careless!" There is a great sage of Niluantianyu, quietly transmitting to Niluanyuyu.

"Naturally I know that I can't be careless, but the divine martial arts of the King Grade Sky Bone are still absorbing the power of the starry sky. The longer it takes, the more happier Ye Di will be!" The Lord Niluan Domain responded.

"We five hundred great sages, bless the domain master together! In this way, the domain master can directly use his strength to crush the night emperor to death. This blow, not to mention him, even the little godxiu has to weigh it, and it is impossible to hold it. ."

"Yes! Before the Heavenly Bone Shenwu has gained too much power, let's—"

"Okay!" The master of Niluanyu knew that he could no longer care about Su Jin. For such a wonderful existence as Wang Pintiangu, even a great sage would be extremely difficult to contend, and now is not the time to lose face.

Five hundred great sages, everyone began to spread the ultimate great sage divine will!

Seeing this scene, Feng Guyi's face finally revealed a touch of joy——

Inverse chaos domain master and five hundred great sages join forces to be invincible! This Yedi is finally going to be planted!

"A dignified master of the Supreme God's Domain, is he beginning to be shameless?" Su Jin stood with his hands behind and asked, looking at the Lord of Niluan Domain.

"Emperor Ye, with his bare hands, beheaded me dozens of great sages, so naturally you have to be more cautious." When the Lord of the Chaos Domain spoke, the corners of his mouth couldn't help showing cruelty.

"This bone, named Aotian, is the second king-grade celestial bone I obtained."

Su Jin's face was calm, and continued: "Five hundred great sages, Lord of Inverse Chaos, you can indeed use the axe to try--"

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